Nose Bleeding Causes, How to Stop it? First aid
First Aid for Nose Bleeding
Nosebleeds are a problem that many people experience at least once in their lifetime. There are many different causes that can cause this extremely annoying problem to occur. Nose bleeding is not always a sign of a serious illness, but it is among the main symptoms of some difficult-to-resolve ailments.
What are the Causes of Nose Bleeding?
- The answer to the question of what causes nosebleeds is related to internal or external reasons.
- Nosebleeds include nosebleeds. The main factors that cause nasal congestion are allergic conditions that cause itching, nasal dryness and infections.
- Strong and hard blowing may cause bleeding by creating openings in the nasal vessels.
- Certain liver conditions are also known to cause nosebleeds.
- High blood pressure, which is one of the common ailments in our country, can create pressure in the nasal capillaries, cause vascular cracks and initiate bleeding.
- Deformities such as cartilage and bone curvatures in the nose also cause bleeding.
- Nosebleeds are among the rare symptoms of tumor-related diseases. Generally, bleeding in the nose is seen in elderly or alcohol-consuming patients with brain tumors.
- There is no concrete research result that nosebleeds are related to covid. The Turkish Hemophilia Association stated in its statement that those with bleeding disorders related to bleeding and coronavirus connection do not have an obstacle in vaccination.
- Hard blows to the nose or face can trigger the onset of bleeding in the nose. Especially hard blows that can cause breakage in the nose or serious vascular cracks that cause severe nosebleeds.
- Dry air, high temperature, and sudden pressure changes are also causes of nosebleeds.
- Bleeding can be very severe or mild depending on the situation. The severity of bleeding, the force of the blow and the juiciness of the blood increase. If the person who has bleeding has a blood clotting problem or has recently used aspirin and similar drugs, the severity of bleeding will increase as the blood’s juiciness rate will increase.
- Vitamin K and vitamin C play a role in nosebleeds. The deficiency of these vitamins is also effective in nosebleeds as they play a role in bleeding and coagulation.
How to Stop Nosebleeds? Home Treatment
- When nosebleeds start suddenly, it is important to stay calm so that the severity of the bleeding does not increase. In a panic state, blood pressure rises and blood flow accelerates.
- One of the most effective ways to stop nosebleeds is to apply cold compresses. Since cooling the nose area will allow the blood to clot faster, blood flow should be stopped with water, ice or similar materials for cooling.
- Nosebleeds are usually relieved by applying ice because the cold causes the veins to constrict.
- Tilting the head slightly forward and downward during bleeding will prevent blood from going to the nose, throat and stomach. In this way, the amount of bleeding can be understood more easily, and nausea and vomiting can be prevented.
- If blood has accumulated in the mouth, it should be spat out immediately.
- One of the methods of stopping the blood flow is to pinch the soft part of the nose with the thumb and forefinger.
- If bleeding still continues, the nasal bleeding buffer is applied. You can stop the bleeding by placing a piece of cotton that you can easily find at home towards the inside of the nose.
- You should contact the experts if the bleeding continues without a cause after first aid applications are made by knowing what is good for nosebleeds.
- If the bleeding is very severe or you have not been able to stop the blood with the methods you use at home, you should definitely go to the nearest hospital or health center.
- In cases of bleeding due to trauma and nosebleeds in a young child, it is recommended by doctors to go to the nearest health institution without wasting time at home.
- If the patient complains of severe headaches as well as nosebleeds, it would be better to try to go to the hospital after taking simple precautions at home.
Nose Bleeding First Aid Methods
Nosebleed first aid methods are among the basic first aid information that should be known by everyone. When faced with a nosebleed case, it is necessary to wait for the first intervention from healthcare professionals. If there is no healthcare worker nearby, ask if there is someone who has received first aid training and is certified. If you are alone and do not have a first-aid certificate, you should try to apply the methods mentioned in this article carefully and try to consult a doctor as soon as possible.
- To stop bleeding, you should definitely do the cold application, tilting the head down and applying tampons.
- The body must be in an upright position to stop the bleeding. If the bleeding person needs to lie down, the patient can be laid down by placing the head in a higher position than the body.
- Applying cold compresses to the cheeks and nose throughout the whole process will help stop the bleeding more quickly.
- After the bleeding has stopped, it should be tried to breathe lightly, and the nasal passages should not be forced to breathe.
- After the bleeding has stopped, you can use the cream for nosebleeds. If bleeding occurs due to nasal dryness, you can regularly apply a moisturizing cream recommended by your doctor to your nose.
- Medicines for nosebleeds, like any medicine, must be taken with the advice of a doctor, and one should try not to exceed the dose indicated by the doctor.
- The head should not be thrown back by panicking about how to stop the nosebleed. This can lead to negative consequences by causing blood to flow into the nasal cavity.
- If there is a person who has a nosebleed as a result of an accident, which position should be given to the victim with nosebleeds, then the semi-sitting position of the person should be supported by placing a support on the back of the person, and if possible, the head should be tilted slightly forward.
Which Doctor to Go to for Nose Bleeding?
- Bleeding that may occur in the nose can be prevented by simple methods you can apply at home, or it may require doctor intervention, which makes it necessary to treat nosebleeds.
- Some nosebleeds can occur as a result of dry air, high temperature, or minor damage to the capillaries with an object.
- In such cases, bleeding is easily prevented with first aid methods that you can apply at home. In cases where the bleeding cannot be stopped or bleeding caused by trauma, it is necessary to go to the emergency room or the nearest health institution.
- If bleeding occurs for no reason and recurs, it is necessary to go to the otolaryngology clinic.
- Apart from this, if you feel a headache along with bleeding and you can’t see a clear reason for bleeding, it would be beneficial to go to the otolaryngology clinic.
- Since sinusitis, blood pressure, liver diseases, tumors and nasal deformities can also cause bleeding, it is not sufficient to go to the health center in the above-listed cases.
- Ear, nose and throat doctors (ENT) can try to understand the source of the problem by performing the necessary examinations and can direct you to the necessary clinic according to the results.
- Nose bleed surgery may be necessary in very few cases of all nosebleeds. Physicians may find surgical intervention necessary, especially in cases where blood loss has reached a serious level.
How Does Nose Bleeding Headache Go?
- Generally, the coexistence of nosebleeds and headaches is sufficient to consult a doctor.
- Bleeding in the nose with severe headaches may be due to diseases such as hypertension and tumors that require medical intervention.
- After the doctor’s control, you can get rid of the headache by using the painkillers recommended by your doctor.
- If you cannot reach the doctor and you need to take medicine urgently, you can use a pain reliever that does not have blood thinners.
- You should definitely stay away from aspirin and its derivatives.
- Some of the home remedies for a headache after a nosebleed are as follows: Providing a quiet and dark environment, consuming warm and small amounts of soothing herbal teas such as mint tea, drinking plenty of water, very light massage, taking a warm shower. It is necessary to avoid consuming hot things and hot compresses or showers to prevent bleeding from starting again.
Does Wudu for Nose Bleeding Break the Fast?
- The intensity of nose bleeding is a condition that affects the deterioration of ablution. If the amount of blood is very small, it will not invalidate wudu’. When it is in a continuous flow, it is considered as one of the conditions that invalidate wudu. After the blood flow is stopped, ablution must be performed again.
- Does nosebleed invalidate wudu’ is an issue that is also discussed by the Diyanet? About the subject; It has been mentioned that bleeding from a limb will invalidate wudu. It is also said that if the blood does not overflow outside the place where it comes out, the ablution will not be invalidated. Bleeding does not invalidate wudu in Shafi’i and Maliki sects.
- When the month of Ramadan coincides with the summer period, nosebleeds are often experienced due to the hot weather. Bleeding in the nose can be seen in Ramadan, as fasting during the day raises blood pressure. Bleeding from the nose is not directly a factor that invalidates the fast. However, some situations that occur after nosebleeds may invalidate the fast:
- One of them is the conscious swallowing of blood coming into the throat or mouth. If the blood in the nose goes from the throat to the stomach and is accidentally swallowed, the fast is not broken.
- Regarding this issue, in a verse: “Allah does not burden anyone with anything beyond his capacity. What (everyone) earns (goodness) is for his favor and what he does (evil) is against him! Our Lord, do not take us to account if we have forgotten or made a mistake.” it has been tried.