Category: Nutrition

Welcome to the Nutrition section of! Here, we delve into the science of food and its impact on our health and well-being. Our Nutrition category offers evidence-based information, expert insights, and practical tips to help you make informed choices about your diet and lifestyle. Whether you’re interested in understanding macronutrients, decoding food labels, or exploring the latest nutrition trends, we’re here to provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to nourish your body and optimize your health. Let’s embark on a journey towards better nutrition together!

peace with food 0

How to make peace with food

Psychology of food deprivation Making peace with food means facing self-imposed food restrictions and deprivation. In fact, depriving ourselves of foods we like because they are “bad” usually backfires and gives foods more power...

Compassionate nutrition 0

What is compassionate nutrition? Food without obsession

Honor your health with compassionate nutrition is the tenth and final principle of intuitive eating. As an intuitive eating dietitian, this is my favorite principle. Compassionate nutrition focuses on nourishing your body without restricting food...

How to stop counting calories 0

How to stop counting calories; 7 Tips

Do you want to fully embrace intuitive eating but can’t seem to stop counting calories? Do you feel like you can’t enjoy a meal without meticulously keeping track of everything that enters your mouth? If so,...

food shaming 0

How to respond to “food shaming”

Do you ever feel like you’re being watched when you eat? Like people are judging every bite and making assumptions about what you’re eating? If so, then you’ve probably encountered food shaming . Food shamers are people who...

Weight Inclusive Approach 0

What is the Weight Inclusive Approach?

In recent years, the conversation about food and nutrition has shifted from weight loss to Health at Every Size , and it’s about time. Weight inclusiveness is a movement that seeks to improve your health regardless...