Borage Oil: 5 Benefits That Are Good For The Skin

Borage oil obtained from the borage plant is on the agenda with its benefits. It fights inflammation, which paves the way for autoimmune diseases and disrupts the body’s balance, supports female reproductive health, reduces the negative effects of menopause, and protects skin health.
We are sure that many of you are hearing about borage oil for the first time. Those who know this oil, which has healing effects, cannot give up on it anyway! In this article, we focused on borage oil, which is not well known in our country, and sought an answer to the question of “what is borage oil good for”. Here is everything that is curious about borage oil, which has been used for healing purposes from past to present.
What is Borage Oil?
- Borage oil is obtained from the borage plant. This plant is also known in some regions with the names of “kalık”, “mincırik”, “spring”, and “on”.
- Borage plant is grown in various parts of the world, especially in North Africa, South America and Syria. In our country, it is found in the Marmara and Black Sea regions.
- The height of this plant can grow up to 44 cm. Its blue flowers bloom at different times from mid-May to the end of September.
- Borage oil is rich in niacin, choline, protein, fiber, minerals, thiamine, riboflavin, and vitamins A and C.
- It also contains high amounts of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), a powerful anti-inflammatory.
- Today, the extracts extracted from the seeds of the borage plant are used in the pharmaceutical industry.
- You can easily obtain borage oil from various internet sites and herbalists.
Borage Oil Benefits: 5 Properties That Are Good For The Skin
Borage oil is a very successful herbal oil in solving skin problems. Here are the amazing effects of borage oil on the skin…
1) Gives Fullness to the Skin
- Studies have shown that borage oil supports the production of collagen, which increases the elasticity of the skin.
- Thanks to this feature, borage oil gives fullness to the skin.
- It removes wrinkles on the skin. It is even known to be effective on very deep wrinkles.
- If your skin has started to lose its elasticity, if you are bothered by the wrinkles on your face, you can start using borage oil with peace of mind.
- To benefit from this effect of borage oil, it will be sufficient to apply the oil by massaging your skin before going to bed at night. When you wake up in the morning, you should remove the oil from your skin with warm water and a cleanser suitable for your skin type.
2) Relieves Acne and Pimple Problems
- Borage oil has an anti-inflammatory effect thanks to the gamma-linolenic acid in it. This feature makes it a good anti-acne and anti-acne.
- Inflammation on the skin surface paves the way for acne and pimple formation. Borage oil prevents the formation of such skin problems by reducing inflammation in the skin.
- In addition, thanks to its positive effects on the skin, it removes previously formed acne and acne scars.
3) Helps Treat Eczema, Psoriasis, and Rose Disease
- Eczema, rose and psoriasis are quite complicated and annoying disorders.
- Borage oil has a very important role in the treatment of these diseases with the vitamins, minerals and components in it.
- With its anti-inflammatory nature, it reduces the inflammation that causes these disorders.
- It also moisturizes the skin that is dry due to these diseases.
- If you are being treated for any of the eczema, psoriasis or rose diseases, you can of course start using borage oil by consulting your doctor.
4) Has a Moisturizing Effect
- Borage oil restores the lost moisture to the skin.
- Due to this feature, it is especially recommended for people with dry skin type.
5) Protects Skin Health
- Borage oil is a skin-friendly vegetable oil. It is fragrant. It does not disturb the person after the application.
- Eliminates redness and blemishes on the skin.
- It has an anti-aging effect. Eliminates the signs of premature aging. It makes the skin look young despite age.
- It gives a taut look to the skin. It removes wrinkles by increasing skin fullness.
- It makes the skin look bright and healthy.
Other benefits of borage oil include:
- When taken internally, it gives spiritual and mental calmness. To benefit from this effect, it can be consumed by adding to herbal teas.
- It is effective against headache.
- It has anti-inflammatory properties. It fights inflammation in the body.
- It is diuretic. This makes it easier to urinate.
- It has an antipyretic effect.
- It is gut-friendly. It regulates the digestive system. It improves bowel functions. It is effective against constipation and indigestion problems.
- It fights intestinal worms.
- It cleans the blood.
- When applied to the skin by massaging, it relieves muscle, joint and rheumatic pains.
- Moisturizes and nourishes the scalp. It prevents hair loss.
- It helps brain functions work better.
- It strengthens the immune system.
- It is known to increase breast milk.
- It helps in the treatment of prostate.
- Thanks to the gamma-linolenic acid in it, it helps to lose weight in a healthy way by keeping the proteins in balance.
- It relaxes the nervous system. Thanks to this feature, it fights depression. It helps in the treatment of panic attacks.
- Studies have shown that borage oil reduces the effects of menopause. It reduces night sweats, which are often encountered during menopause.
- It minimizes the complaints experienced before the menstrual period.
- It is a herbal remedy against ovarian cyst.
- It reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
What Does Borage Oil Do, How Is It Used?
- Borage is a plant rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. In this way, it is one of the herbal substances used for therapeutic purposes in the medical sector from past to present.
- The use of borage oil differs according to the purpose. It can be used internally, that is, orally.
- It is generally recommended to consume up to 1 teaspoon per day. Its use in this way fights inflammation in the body. It also minimizes skin shedding caused by fatty acids.
- If you are going to use borage oil internally, we recommend that you consult your doctor for the dosage and usage method. If you have trouble drinking borage oil alone, you can add it to your water or food.
- Another use of borage oil is external use. It can be applied to the skin by massage method. It is recommended to clean the skin before applying externally. Its external use heals skin wounds and is good for skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
- Borage oil can also be used as a mask, mixed with other vegetable oils that can be applied to the skin or added to cosmetic products.
Can Borage Oil Be Used Around the Eyes?
- The eye area is a very sensitive area. For this reason, even when applying the cream, you should be gentle.
- We mentioned that borage oil gives fullness to the skin. Thanks to this feature, borage oil is an oil that you can apply around the eyes.
- To eliminate wrinkles around the eyes and to prevent crow’s feet; Apply 1-2 drops of borage oil around the eyes and gently apply.
Does Borage Oil Make Breast Enlargement?
- It is known that the components of borage oil increase the release of estrogen hormone.
- In studies, it has been observed that borage oil enlarges the breasts thanks to this feature.
- It also increases milk flow in lactating women.