What You Need To Know About Substance Addiction

Substance addiction is the situation in which substances such as alcohol, cigarettes and drugs become addictive as a result of being taken into the body and people continue to use these substances despite being harmed psychologically, spiritually and physically. The dose and severity of substance addiction generally increases day by day.  Individuals who are addicted to substances  often   experience physical, mental and psychological disorders . Depending on the severity of addiction, people may become detached from their daily lives and unable to maintain their relationships with their environment.

It is not correct to define every substance use as substance addiction, but if the amount of substances used by people increases day by day and physical problems that are difficult to endure in their absence arise, then it would be appropriate to talk about substance addiction. The state of depression that an individual enters when he cannot find substances  is called deprivation  . Deprivation, in other words, is when the body, unable to absorb substances, goes into crisis, becomes aggressive, or shows physical and psychological symptoms. If it is not prevented, substance addiction may end in death. For this reason,  it is very important for substance addicts  to receive support from experts within the scope of treatment. Please  contact us to get the necessary help and support on this matter  .

How to Understand Substance Abuse?

It can be said that substance addiction does not appear suddenly in people, especially in children.  Substance addiction  usually occurs over a period of time. Therefore, it is important to follow individuals and take the necessary precautions before symptoms of addiction occur. Do not forget that early treatment of substance addiction saves lives. So,  how is substance addiction understood ? First of all, the path to substance addiction in children passes through friendships. Therefore, if you want to protect your child from such bad habits, you need to know his close circle and friends very well and follow them if necessary. In fact, if you have serious suspicions that your child is using substances, do not hesitate to search their belongings or check their room. Substance addiction brings with it some symptoms both before and after. If you are suspicious, check the symptoms listed below in your child or other individuals.  Symptoms of substance addiction  may vary depending on the type of substance, the person’s rate of use, and the person’s structure. But some of the most common symptoms are as follows.

  1. A constant state of restlessness and tension that was not present before.
  2. Increase in negative attitudes and behaviors.
  3. Difficulty controlling yourself.
  4. Weakening and rupture in family and friend relationships.
  5. Experiencing physical and mental difficulties.
  6. Increased desire to move away from the environment and be alone.
  7. Increase in monetary expenses.
  8. Making new friends you don’t know.
  9. Sudden changes in emotional situations such as anger, anger, happiness.
  10. Failures in study or business life.
  11. Showing careless attitudes regarding personal care and dress.
  12. Sleep disturbance  and introversion.

Where to Apply for Substance Abuse Treatment?

Substance addiction is a disease that is one of the leading bad habits that negatively affects people’s lives and alienates them from both their families and loved ones. The role played by families is very important in preventing substance addiction, especially in children. So,  where can drug addicts get help ? There are many private and state institutions in our country that can receive support in this sense.  Depending on the type of substance addiction , the place and method of treatment also vary. People who are addicted to substances should first get support from psychiatrists. In this context , support can be received from Alcohol and Drug Addiction Treatment and Research Centers ( AMATEM) established both in private hospitals and within the state  .

When is Substance Addiction Treatment Best Done?

Substance addiction treatment  takes longer than many disease treatments. In some  cases of substance addiction , it has been observed that this process lasts for years or even a lifetime. Substance addiction should be resolved with correct  psychiatric treatment methods  . The possibility of recurrence of this disease is quite high. The success rate of the treatments has been found to be around 40 percent in studies. Therefore, in order to get good results in treatment, addiction and the causes that cause addiction must be eliminated. Substance addiction processes,  which begin with arbitrary and small doses  ,  result in higher doses and  withdrawal crises if not intervened. It is especially important that the patient receive treatment before he or she feels a severe withdrawal crisis. Especially families should be careful about this issue and  take the necessary precautions as soon as they see signs of substance addiction .

How to Prevent Substance Abuse?

Nowadays, it is very easy to access all kinds of recreational substances, especially in university and high school environments. In addition to the ease of access to substances, the lack of a well-established personality of children of reading age, their excessive emulation of others, or their curiosity and desire to enter different environments are other  reasons for substance addiction that draw them into this quagmire . It is not possible to fully treat individuals with substance addiction. Even if treated, these individuals face the risk of using the substance again at any time in their lives. Therefore, let us state that the best treatment for substance addiction is to protect children from substance use. So,  how can children be protected from substance addiction ? Some important points that parents should pay attention to in preventing this disease are as follows.

  1. Communication should be maintained with children within the family and strong ties should be developed with them.
  2. Comparing children, especially during adolescence, with others affects them negatively, reduces their self-confidence and makes them feel worthless.
  3. Children should be taken care of as much as possible and the necessary time should be allocated to them, even in a busy work schedule.
  4. Authoritarian or humiliating attitudes should not be adopted within the family, which will cause children to alienate themselves from the family.
  5. Who children are friends with should be constantly monitored and their close circle should be met.
  6. The materials that children read, listen to and watch, especially their social media accounts, should be kept under close monitoring.
  7. Unsuccessful children should not be humiliated and allowed to move away from the family.
  8. Especially families,  what is substance addiction ?  What are the symptoms of substance addiction?  One should be conscious of issues such as these and, in this context, keep their children under constant supervision.

How to Treat Substance Abuse?

First of all, in case of substance addiction, unfortunately, it is not possible for the patient to go back to the past and completely get rid of the substance he used. Therefore, it would be more accurate to talk about recovery or improvement rather than treatment in substance addiction. What is meant by recovery here is that the individual now has a regular life and has the will to maintain control over the substance he uses. In addition, reducing the physical problems that occur in the absence of the substance can also be considered within the scope of recovery. So  how is the treatment of substance addiction  ? Many methods are used in the treatment of substance addiction,  including substance addiction chip treatment  .

Treatment generally consists of three stages. In the first stage, the patient is isolated from the society and admitted to the clinic for treatment. The second phase is the phase of clearing the substance from the body.  During the detoxification period , the substance to which the patient is addicted is completely stopped and instead,  lower doses of addictive drugs are given to alleviate the withdrawal syndrome . The third phase is the rehabilitation period. This period is the longest lasting phase. It may last for years in some patients. During this period, psychological and social problems that push the patient to substance use are tried to be revealed and these problems are tried to be overcome.

The most critical processes in substance addiction treatment are, firstly, to prevent the relapse of addiction and secondly, to prevent the withdrawal crisis. Although many patients start substance addiction for arbitrary purposes, they experience withdrawal crises depending on the dose taken and cannot stop taking the substance. Therefore,  controlling  the withdrawal crisis is a critical step in eliminating substance addiction .


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