What foods affect blood sugar levels

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save on vegetables and fruits

The level of glucose in the blood is also known as the sugar level. In itself, the presence of this microelement in the body is not scary. On the contrary, we need glucose for a full existence. Under the influence of insulin, a hormone of the pancreas, it is converted into energy. We can say that glucose is a natural fuel for the body.

However, this trace element has an insidious side. Its level is extremely unstable and changes due to the products entering the body. Some can cause a sharp jump in blood sugar, others slow down the absorption of the element. How diet affects glucose levels, we will tell in this article.

Why does sugar level change?

Carbohydrates are the main source of glucose. As soon as the element enters the blood, the pancreas begins to produce insulin. It is a hormone that helps transport sugar from the blood to other cells. According to the rate of transformation into sugar, two types of carbohydrates are distinguished: fast and slow. The former enter the bloodstream sharply and in a short time, the latter gradually saturate the body with energy.

For example, if you eat a bun, a source of fast carbohydrates, then your glucose levels will rise in a short time. But gradually they will return to normal thanks to insulin. The more carbohydrate foods in the diet, the higher the load on the pancreas. As a result, the body may simply not have time to produce insulin, which means that an excess of glucose is formed in the body.

What is the glycemic index

There is a special indicator that captures the effect of foods on blood sugar levels. It is called the glycemic index (GI). This characteristic shows what proportion of glucose from the product will enter the bloodstream. Accordingly, the glycemic index of glucose itself is 100 units.

The glycemic index is divided into three categories:

  • high – from 70 units;
  • medium – from 56 to 69 units;
  • low – below 55 units.

Foods with a high glycemic index provoke a sharp jump in blood glucose. However, the effect does not last long, so after a sugar outbreak, there is a decline and the feeling of hunger is exacerbated. This does not mean that foods with a high glycemic index are unhealthy. This means that they quickly provide a surge of strength, but not for long.

For example, if you need to quickly cheer up, then such products will do the job. By the way, athletes often resort to high-glucose snacks during a marathon.

With a low glycemic index, glucose levels will gradually increase over several hours. Such products will not provide a quick burst of energy, but they will satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.

Food GI table

An extensive base on the glycemic index was collected by the University of Sydney . Moreover, in it you can find indicators not only of products, but also of ready-made dishes. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the glycemic index of the most common foods.

Glycemic index of cereals

Product GI (units)
Perlovka 30
black rice 35
Green buckwheat 50
Basmati rice 50
long grain rice 60
Oatmeal 60
brown buckwheat 60
Millet 70
White rice 70
Couscous 70
Manka 70
Instant porridge 85
Instant Rice 90

Glycemic index of dairy products

Cheeses are not listed in the table, as it is difficult to calculate their glycemic index. If there is no sugar in the products, then the carbohydrate content in them is low. According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, most natural cheeses do not exceed the range of 0 to 10 units.

Product GI (units)
Tofu 15
Kefir 15
Milk 30
Cream 10% 30
Low fat natural yoghurt 35
fruit yogurt 52
20% cream 56
Ice cream 70
Condensed milk 80

Glycemic index of legumes

Product GI (units)
Nut 10
Lentils 28
Beans 35
Peas 51

Glycemic index of vegetables and herbs

Product GI (units)
Parsley, basil 5
Leaf salad 10
Spinach 15
Broccoli 15
Cabbage 15
Zucchini 15
Onion 15
fresh cucumber 15
Eggplant 20
Green bean 30
Batat 50
Pumpkin 75

Glycemic index of fruits and berries

Product GI (units)
Avocado 10
Cherry 25
Raspberry 25
Gooseberry 25
Apricot 30
Pear 30
Tomato 30
Mandarin 30
An Apple 35
Pomegranate 35
Grapefruit 35
Orange 50
Grape 55
Banana 60
Pineapple 70
Watermelon 75
Melon 75

Glycemic index of nuts and dried fruits

Product GI (units)
Hazelnut 15
Almond 15
Cashew 15
Pistachio 15
Walnut 15
Peanut 15
Pumpkin seeds 25
Roasted sunflower seeds 35
Kuraga 40
Prunes 40
Coconut 45
Raisin 65
Dried dates 103

Glycemic index of sweets and snacks

Product GI (units)
Bitter chocolate (70% or more) 30
Marmalade 65
Chocolate bar 70
Milk chocolate 70
Sweet carbonated drink 70
Potato chips 80
Honey 90

Glycemic index of baked goods and bread

Product GI (units)
Shortbread 55
hamburger buns 61
Biscuit 63
Rye bread 65
Whole wheat bread 65
White bread 75

Glycemic index of some prepared foods

Dish GI (units)
Pasta cooked al dente 40
jacket potatoes 65
Pasta with cheese 65
Dumplings 70
Mashed potatoes 90
pancakes 95

How to normalize sugar levels

It is desirable to monitor the level of glucose in the same way as the amount of vitamins in the blood. The first thing that helps regulate performance is a balanced diet. Carbohydrates in the diet for each day should be 45-50% of the total amount of food. At the same time, the ratio of fast and slow carbohydrates is best kept within 1:3. The remaining 50-55% of the diet must be filled with proteins and fats.

And although foods with a high glycemic index are not dangerous in themselves, it is desirable to strictly regulate their quantity. In addition, herbal teas (especially rose hips, blueberry or currant leaves), a glass of pumpkin juice without sugar, sauerkraut, cinnamon in combination with low-fat sour-milk products will help to adjust the sugar level. However, be careful, these remedies do not solve the problem. If you have calculated the deviation of the glucose level from the norm, then be sure to consult a doctor.

Monitoring the state of the body is very important, because health is our main value. For nourishment, we need a lot of trace elements, and glucose is one of them, but you need to be able to correctly compose your diet. Let’s eat mindfully and study the effects of different foods on our bodies together!

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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