Tuna Fish: Benefits, Calories, Protein and Nutritional Value
Tuna, which is one of the fish varieties consumed by many people, is offered for sale especially in canned form. Delicious and original meals can be prepared in a short time with tuna fish, which is the ideal option for those who take care of their health and form. Tuna fish, which is especially rich in omega 3 and B12 vitamins, meets a large part of the daily vitamin and mineral needs.
Tuna, also known as tuna, is generally used canned. Tuna, which is sold in slices in markets and fishermen, can be stewed, steamed, baked or grilled. Consumption is more common in canned form.
It is used in canned salads, pastas, pizzas, cold sandwiches. Since it is a canned food, there are many questions about tuna fish. Among these, the answer to the question of whether tuna fish is halal is that it does not cause any religious problems in our country.
What Is Tuna?
- Tuna from the Mackerel family can reach 6 meters in length.
- Well, how many kilos can a tuna fish with a length of 6 meters weigh? In proportion to its size, the weight of tuna can reach 1 ton.
- It feeds on small fish such as bluefish, bonito, mackerel, sardines and anchovy living in the sea.
- Let’s also satisfy your curiosity about where the tuna, which has the ability to swim fast despite its size, lives. Tuna fish live in temperate waters.
- Among the endangered species of tuna, the most well-known are long-striped tuna, striped tuna and yellow-finned tuna.
- Tuna, which is preferred because of its delicious meat and suitable structure for canned food, is especially preferred by the working segment with its canned form.
- In addition, tuna is an important source of protein for those interested in bodybuilding. Tuna is a widely preferred species in the fish industry due to its size and plump meat.
Tuna Calories, Protein and Nutritional Value
- Tuna is among the fish species with high protein content: 100 grams of tuna, which is an ideal animal protein source, contains 20-25 grams of protein.
- The most important substances that make fish containing omega 3 fatty acids valuable are the fatty acids known as EPA and DHA. Apart from these, it is also rich in vitamin A, vitamin D, B group vitamins, folic acid, calcium and potassium. 100 grams of tuna contains 10-15 grams of fat, and a can of tuna in 160 grams of oil contains 297 calories.
- 100 grams of light canned tuna, drained, is 95 calories.
- When tuna oil is consumed filtered, it contains fewer calories.
- Due to its low calorie content, it is possible to lose weight by following the tuna fish diet.
- So, does tuna make you gain weight? You can gain weight if you consume tuna fish with oil content above the recommended amount.
- In addition, the omega 3 fatty acid content of tuna differs depending on whether the fish is canned in oil or water.
- The answer to the question of whether tuna fish with such a high vitamin and mineral content can increase stature, is because it supports the bone development of children in the growth and development period.
Tuna Benefits, What Is It Good For?
- Tuna fish, which is recommended in a healthy diet with its omega 3 fatty acid content, protects cardiovascular health. It increases HDL, known as good cholesterol, in the blood.
- Tuna meat prevents blood clotting and speeds up blood flow, reducing the risk of stroke.
- Tuna is a fish with high protein value. High potassium and protein content regulates blood pressure, ensures that blood pressure is at normal levels.
- The EPA and DHA content, which has a positive effect on eye health, prevents the formation of dry eyes and also prevents eye disorders that develop with aging.
- Omega 3 fatty acid content, which has antioxidant properties, protects the body against cancer. In particular, it minimizes the risk of kidney, colon and breast cancer.
- Thanks to the omega 3 value of tuna, which is of great importance for regulating the blood flow to the brain vessels and strengthening the electrical circuits in the brain, it reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.
- Its high selenium content controls appetite and mood changes. It protects the body against anxiety and depression. Selenium, together with omega 3, supports the excretion of harmful toxic substances from the liver.
- Vitamin D in its content regulates the moisture balance of the skin and helps to form a bright and lively skin. Omega 3 fatty acids make hair soft, healthy and grow faster.
How to Eat Tuna?
- Because fresh tuna is an oily fish, frying it is not recommended.
- The most common cooking method of tuna is stew. To prepare a casserole from tuna, it is recommended to lighten the color by soaking in lemon and salt after cleaning. You can chop the cubes, add shallots, bay leaves, a little tomato paste and salt and consume it in the form of a stew.
- You can make tuna salad, pizza, pasta with canned tuna.
- The most practical use of tuna is sandwiches.
- In Japanese cuisine, tuna is used to make sashimi or sushi.
- The question of whether tuna, which is often used in cooking, is heated, can confuse the minds. Heating tuna is no problem. While preparing your meals, you can warm the tuna fish with peace of mind.
- Opening tuna can be challenging, as with many cans. Although there is usually a pull-tab on the lids, sometimes this ring can also break from the box.
- In such cases, use the knife you hold vertically to make holes in the inner edges of the can lid, and then join these holes together and cut slowly.
- If you have a flat stone or concrete block in your house where you can rub the can, you will see that the lid opens when you rub the lid part for an average of 1 minute and press the can from the sides.
Is Tuna Harmful?
- Tuna contains mercury. Tuna, which is a deep-water fish, has a high amount of mercury because they also feed on the creatures on the seabed. Eating large amounts of tuna for a long time can be harmful.
- You should limit your tuna consumption, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
- It is recommended that you do not consume more than 4 medium-sized (over 800 grams) or 300 grams of fresh tuna fish per week.
- The mercury content of tuna can damage the baby’s nervous system and inhibit its development. Pregnant and pregnant women should use it carefully, the question of whether tuna is given to babies comes to mind. Giving fish to babies up to one year old is not recommended by experts.
- Can tuna be eaten with yogurt? No, attention is required. Another curious question is does tuna cause allergies?
- If the yogurt is not fresh, it can cause an allergic reaction when consumed with fish.
- The same is true for tuna milk and tuna fish and ayran questions. In order not to experience tuna poisoning, it should be consumed completely after opening the can. Since tuna is a high protein food, it should be consumed with caution by kidney patients with protein restriction.
- It is also wondered whether tuna causes gas. Tuna does not have direct gas-forming effects, but depending on the sensitivity of the digestive system, each food can produce different effects in different bodies. Especially for babies who will consume tuna for the first time, it is useful to consult a specialist first.
- If you are consuming canned tuna, it may be the cause of gastritis. However, the main reason here is not the fish, but the sunflower oil type found in the can to prevent the fish from spoiling.
- After the tuna is opened, if it is not completely finished, if sunflower oil is added to cover the meat, it can be kept in the refrigerator for 2 more days with its mouth closed.
- If you prefer a light product, you can also put water on the meat instead of sunflower oil. You can keep the tuna in a can or transfer it to a glass jar.