What are the symptoms of high fever? How to Reduce High Fever?
High fever, defined as hyperthermia, refers to situations in which the body temperature rises above normal. High fever is a condition that can affect both children and adults. A short-term fever occurs when the body is struggling with various illnesses. However, one should be aware as persistent high fever may be a symptom of some important illnesses. You can find the answers to your questions such as what should I do if I have a very high fever, what to pay attention to after a high fever, and what are the treatment methods for a high fever that does not go down, in the rest of the article.
What is High Fever?
High fever is when a person’s body temperature rises above 36-37 degrees, which is considered normal. This condition is usually caused by an underlying infection. As the fever increases, the person may feel increasingly cold. The feeling of cold and shivering usually continues until the fever begins to subside. Body temperature may vary after meals and physical activities, and during sleep. When infection develops, high fever occurs due to the immune system’s fight against the causative microorganism. High fever is a natural result of this struggle. High fever cases usually regress spontaneously. However, caution should be exercised as increased fever in some people may be a sign of a serious infectious disease.
At what temperature is the temperature high?
High fever is defined as a body temperature above 37.2-37.5 degrees for adults. Fever can be a disturbing situation and caution should be taken as various complications may occur, especially at values of 39.4 and above.
What are the symptoms of high fever?
Detecting high fever is only possible by measuring it correctly. Normal body temperature is around 36-37 degrees on average. However, the normal value may differ for everyone. It is natural for body temperature to fluctuate throughout the day. Body temperature, which tends to be low during the day, continues to rise gradually in the afternoon and evening. At the same time, situations such as menstrual period and excessive exercise may also cause fever to rise. When taking oral temperature, care should be taken to keep the thermometer under the tongue for at least 3 minutes. The thermometer can also be used for armpit measurements. In this method, temperature measurement is performed by placing the thermometer under the armpit and covering the arm. When measuring in this way, it is recommended to keep the thermometer under the armpit for 5 minutes before looking at the value. In addition to detecting the height of fever by measurement, it should not be forgotten that various other complaints may also accompany high fever. These accompanying symptoms can be briefly summarized as follows:
- Feeling cold and shivering even if others around you do not feel it,
- Sweating,
- loss of appetite,
- Symptoms of dehydration,
- Hypersensitivity to painful stimuli,
- Lack of energy and feeling sleepy,
- Difficulty concentrating.
If the baby has a high fever, symptoms such as feeling hot when touched, flushing on the cheeks, and feeling wet and cold on the skin may also occur.
What Causes High Fever?
The causes of high fever are quite diverse. High fever is a natural response of the body that occurs during the fight against diseases. Upper respiratory tract infections such as flu are among the most common causes of fever. Apart from flu complaints, medication use, inflammation, post-vaccination or various other factors are also among the causes of high fever. High fever is generally not a dangerous situation, but in the case of a high fever that persists for a long time and does not go away, the underlying cause must be investigated and treatment planned for the cause. High fever is a precaution taken by the body during the fight against pathogens that have the potential to cause disease, such as viruses and bacteria. Increasing body temperature has a slowing effect on the division rate of these pathogens. As a result of the immune system perceiving any pathogen as foreign, it begins to produce various chemicals called pyrogens. Pyrogens reach special structures in the brain and trigger the synthesis of special chemical messengers called prostaglandins from this region. The prostaglandins produced reach the hypothalamus, another region of the brain, and stimulate the center that controls body temperature, causing fever to rise. A moderate fever may also occur after vaccinations. The reason for this situation is that there are some pathogens in the vaccines, even if they are dead or weakened. High fever after vaccination indicates that the vaccination has triggered the immune system in the body. Inflammation (inflammatory conditions) occurs as an important part of the healing processes in the body by the immune system. During the inflammation process, as in cases of infection, pyrogenic chemicals are synthesized and this triggers an increase in body temperature. Fever, which occurs in autoimmune diseases and other inflammatory disorders in which the immune system fights against its own tissues and organs, may increase during exacerbation periods and subside in other periods of time. Conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis and familial Mediterranean fever are among the diseases that can cause the development of long-term high fever. Sometimes high fever can also occur as a symptom of various types of cancer. Blood cancers such as lymphoma and leukemia are among the types of cancer that progress with high fever. Although the mechanism that causes fever in these diseases has not been fully elucidated, there are various theories on this subject. The fact that cancer, like other diseases, stimulates inflammation in the body or that cancer cells directly gain the ability to synthesize pyrogenic substances are among the current theories as to why high fever occurs during these diseases.In addition to all these, liver diseases, atherosclerosis, clot formation and obesity are among other conditions that can cause high fever.
How to Reduce High Fever?
Various practices can be used to reduce high fever. If the complaint of high fever is caused by infection and does not resolve spontaneously, treatment can be planned for the pathogen that plays a role in the formation of the disease. After applying to health institutions with a complaint of high fever, physicians may perform various tests to clarify which factor caused the disease. As a result of the tests, antibiotic drugs can be prescribed in cases where the causative pathogen is determined to be bacteria, antivirals can be prescribed for diseases caused by viruses, and antifungal drugs can be prescribed for diseases caused by fungi. It should not be forgotten that antibiotic drugs will be ineffective in cases where the complaint of fever is due to viruses and unnecessary drug use should be avoided. Various anti-inflammatory drugs may be beneficial for fever complaints that occur in rheumatic diseases other than infectious diseases.
What to Do in High Fever?
In addition to the treatment of fever, the precautions that can be taken against the occurrence of this situation are also very important. In protecting against infectious agents, it is recommended to pay attention to hand hygiene, use disinfectant products, avoid contact of hands with organs such as mouth, nose and eyes when outside the home, and avoid sharing items such as personal glasses or glasses.
What is Good for High Fever?
The treatment approach to high fever may vary depending on the severity of the increase in body temperature. In some cases, high fever may be a sign of serious health conditions. In cases of mildly elevated fever, increasing fluid intake and rest is usually sufficient. In addition to this practice, practices such as adjusting the ambient temperature correctly and taking a warm shower are among the steps that can be taken against the complaint of mildly high fever.
What are the Harms of High Fever?
High fever is usually a symptom of an infectious disease. Although the complaint of fever does not usually cause concern on its own, care should be taken as the underlying causes of this condition may require medical intervention. It is recommended to seek support from specialist physicians, especially in young and elderly individuals, those with weakened immune systems, and in cases where complaints do not ease or increase, by applying to health institutions. In addition, it is recommended to consult the nearest emergency services in children with dizziness, difficulty breathing, chest pain, seizures, hallucinations and inconsolable crying. In people who complain of dry cough and fever together, it is recommended to take the necessary precautions and apply to health institutions, as the underlying disease may be Covid-19.