Shortness of breath: what could it be and when to worry?

Also known as dyspnea, shortness of breath is a symptom that worries and distresses many people. Among the characteristics of discomfort, the huge variety of possible causes for the condition is possibly one of the main reasons for generating so much discomfort. 1

As you can imagine, difficulty breathing is not the only discomfort. After all, the condition can cause low saturation, stress and complications that affect other vital functions of the body, especially the nervous and cardiac systems. 1

In this post we will talk about what it can be and what to do when you are short of breath. Want to stay on top of the subject? So keep reading! 1

What are the main causes of shortness of breath?

The main causes of shortness of breath are health conditions that affect the lungs, airways or even the heart. This occurs when the flow of oxygen is insufficient and cannot compensate for the carbon dioxide produced by cellular metabolism. 1

However, there are other situations that can have a similar effect. For example, shortness of breath during pregnancy, especially in the early stages, up to the eighth week, is relatively normal. The reason is simple: the body needs to “make room” to accommodate and develop the baby. However, attention is needed if the symptom worsens or lasts too long. 1

Shortness of breath is also common in anxiety or panic attacks, especially if you are going through a stressful phase in your life or suffer from psychological disorders. In any case, it is good to observe the triggers and seek help if you see a need. two

What diseases can cause shortness of breath?

Dyspnea can originate from four main types of disorders. They are 1 :

  • restrictive lung diseases, which prevent the movement of inspiration and exhalation necessary for breathing and gas exchange in the body;
  • obstructive lung diseases, which prevent the passage of air in the airways, impairing the uptake of oxygen and/or the elimination of carbon dioxide;
  • heart problems, resulting from difficulty pumping blood through the lungs and inability to oxygenate structures throughout the body;
  • iron and red blood cell deficiency, conditions that impair the body’s oxygenation, as the cells responsible for transporting arterial gas are missing.

Distributed across these groups, shortness of breath can be a sign of the following diseases 1 :

  • asthma;
  • bronchitis;
  • the flu;
  • Covid-19;
  • arrhythmia;


Asthma is an inflammation of the lung bronchi. It is generally a chronic and recurrent condition, associated with a type of hypersensitivity of the immune system towards certain allergens. 1

In addition to causing dyspnea, the condition is known to cause coughing spells and back pain , shortness of breath, and a feeling of tightness in the chest. 1


Bronchitis is very similar to asthma, however, instead of originating from allergic reactions, it is mainly caused by viral or bacterial infections. The condition results in inflammation in the bronchial system and, in many cases, accumulation of secretion in the respiratory mucosa. 1

The classic symptoms of bronchitis are a persistent cough , usually with phlegm, fever, chills and wheezing. 1

The flu

Influenza is an infection of the respiratory system caused by the Influenza virus. Symptoms include high fever, headache, runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, throat irritation, fatigue and difficulty breathing. 1


Covid-19 can also cause airway obstruction or restriction of respiratory movement, factors that are often behind dyspnea. This infection is caused by Sars-Cov-2, also known as the new coronavirus, responsible for the recent global pandemic. 1


Arrhythmia is a type of irregularity in the rhythm of the heartbeat, which causes the heart to speed up or slow down for no apparent reason. This mismatch affects gas exchange, which supplies oxygen and eliminates carbon dioxide from the body, which can impair air flow and cause a sensation of dyspnea. 1


Anemia is characterized by iron deficiency and low hemoglobin levels in the blood. These blood cells, also known as red blood cells, are responsible for binding to oxygen molecules to transport them to the rest of the body. Therefore, when they are lacking, saturation tends to drop, impacting breathing. 1

Shortness of breath: warning signs

If you experience dyspnea, it is important to be concerned about the following warning signs 1 2 :

  • high incidence of night sweats;
  • weight loss for no apparent reason;
  • changes or reduction in the level of consciousness, excessive agitation and mental confusion;
  • chest pain or discomfort;
  • heart racing, racing or with palpitations (skipping beats);
  • feeling short of breath even at rest.

When feeling short of breath, it is important to encourage ventilation and try to remain calm. In lower risk situations, these measures control and save you time to see a doctor. However, if you are experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in the list above, seek emergency help urgently. 1

What to do when you are short of breath?

To avoid taking unnecessary risks, the right thing to do if you feel short of breath is to rest, remain calm, improve ventilation, loosen your clothes and, most importantly, call emergency services, such as the Fire Department or SAMU, for between numbers 193 and 192, respectively. 1

Even though it is a common and frequent symptom, it is not worth neglecting this occurrence, as there are situations in which there is a risk to life. 1

How to treat shortness of breath?

The treatment of shortness of breath can be summarized as measures to remedy the cause of the problem, behaviors that alleviate discomfort and actions to supplement oxygen or increase the flow of air circulating in the respiratory system. 1 2

Check out a brief explanation of the techniques that help alleviate breathing difficulties!

Use medication prescribed by your doctor

The importance of undergoing a medical consultation is demonstrated in this first topic, as it is essential to identify and treat the cause of dyspnea to alleviate the symptom. Follow the specialist’s instructions correctly and, if you have adverse reactions or notice that the condition persists without improvement, seek him out for a new evaluation. 1

Use breathing techniques

Breathing techniques also come in handy when you are short of breath. In this case, the exercise aims to control the rhythm and generate balance for cardiorespiratory function. two

Try to breathe slowly, using your diaphragm muscles to draw in air and fill your lungs. Then, leave your lips slightly open and slowly release the breath until you completely empty them. two

Don’t try to hold your breath

Under no circumstances try to hold your breath if you feel short of breath, even if you are in a moment of panic, anxiety or have cardiorespiratory arrhythmia. This attitude further harms the body’s oxygenation and increases the concentration of carbon dioxide in the body. two

Sit in front of a fan

Increasing ventilation is important to stimulate respiratory function and reduce the discomfort of dyspnea. To do this, the best thing to do is sit in front of a fan or use a fan, even an improvised one, to fan yourself. 1

Combine this practice with breathing techniques to calm down more and control the feeling of shortness of breath, at least until you receive help. In hospitals and emergency care units, it is common for rescuers to provide an oxygen supplement. 1

Ask your doctor about other medications

Finally, another important measure is to ask the doctor who treats you about other medications that alleviate symptoms associated with the condition, which may be related to dyspnea. The drugs indicated vary from one condition to another, with the most common being 1 :

  • corticosteroids;
  • analgesics;
  • anti-inflammatories;
  • antiallergic;
  • antitussives;

Read also: Children’s cough syrup with phlegm: how it works + which is best?

Discover Benetosse for cough relief

Shortness of breath can become even worse due to coughing attacks with phlegm. The good news is that you now have a new ally to alleviate this symptom, Benetosse, a syrup developed with Hedera helix extract and the quality of the Benegrip family. 3

Indicated for the treatment of productive cough in adults and children from two years of age, Benetosse’s main benefits are its expectorant and fluidifying action. Thus, it serves to make the sputum less thick and more fluid, consequently easier to be eliminated or absorbed by the body. 3

Find out more about this news on the official Benetosse page . 3


Shortness of breath is a symptom that should be taken seriously, considering the importance of breathing to keep the entire body healthy and functioning. Dyspnea does not just affect the respiratory system. It also impacts the cardiac system, energy metabolism, cellular respiration and brain activity.

Furthermore, as there are so many possible causes for difficulty breathing, we cannot fail to emphasize that the condition requires urgent medical attention. This precaution is even more relevant if you notice risk factors, such as changes in consciousness, mental confusion, night sweats and low blood saturation.


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