• How to treat purulent angina at home
  • Gargle recipes for adults
  • Decoctions for purulent angina
  • Inhalations for purulent angina
  • Compresses for purulent angina
  • Recipes for purulent angina for adults and children

Purulent tonsillitis is a serious infectious disease in which inflammation and suppuration of the tonsils and surrounding tissues occurs. The causative agent is mostly bacteria, but other types of infection are also possible. Purulent angina is dangerous because of its complications, both during the disease and in the long term. Children, adolescents and the elderly are mostly affected.

It is impossible to cure purulent sore throat only with folk remedies! Without antibiotics, the risk of developing serious, sometimes life-threatening complications is extremely high. However, folk remedies can be a good complementary therapy. With their help, you can reduce the intensity of inflammation of the tonsils, provide a general disinfection effect, relieve pain in the throat and improve the patient’s condition.
Before using folk remedies for the treatment of purulent angina, you must create special conditions for the patient, without which the treatment will not be successful.
Strict bed rest is recommended, it is necessary to limit the patient’s contacts with others and to ensure increased fluid intake. This will help to remove toxins and reduce body temperature in the acute phase of the disease.
Herbs for purulent angina have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial and other properties, act softly, effectively, without unwanted consequences for the body and can replace individual pharmaceutical drugs. However, before using traditional methods to treat purulent angina, you should consult your doctor.

How to treat purulent angina at home

In the case of individual intolerance to drugs, to speed up the recovery process and strengthen immunity, purulent angina is treated with folk remedies in three ways:

  • Gargle
  • Potions;
  • Inhalations;
  • Compresses.

For this purpose, pharmaceutical or food preparations, as well as ingredients of plant origin, are used. What folk remedies are used for quick help with purulent angina? These are herbs that have an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, mild analgesic effect, honey, soda, mustard, alcohol or vodka. Some methods of home therapy have limitations – inhalations and alcohol compresses should not be done to patients with high fever, enlarged lymph nodes and swelling of the throat.
With the help of herbs, you can strengthen the immune system and relieve many symptoms of a sore throat. Instead of plain water, you should drink a decoction of herbs or weak berry drinks. A decoction of linden blossom, dried strawberries and raspberries helps well with high temperature. Rosehip, chamomile and yarrow tea helps restore strength after illness.

Gargle recipes for adults

The painful symptoms of purulent angina are caused by the presence of inflamed tissue in the oral cavity. Ulcers can form on any part of the tonsils, on the palate, at the base of the gums. This plaque must be removed, as most of the disease-causing microbes are concentrated in it. Mechanical removal of pus is not recommended, as it can injure the parenchyma and worsen the inflammation. Gargling is a gentle method of treating inflamed tissues, in the absence of allergies to the constituent components. It helps to remove the plaque and clean the affected areas of pus accumulation without using traumatic methods.

Main recommendations: 

  • Be sure to strain the gargle solution before use to avoid throat injury with small particles.
  • The liquid should be warm (38-39  o  C): a cold or hot solution will hurt a sore throat.
  • Gargle every 3 hours. In severe cases, it can be more often.
  • After the procedure, you should refrain from consuming food and liquids for half an hour to one hour.

Gargle herbs

A good effect for gargling is the use of the following herbs: chamomile, calendula , sage (leaves), onion (husks), quince (seeds), pomegranate (fruit skins), spruce (needles), St. John’s wort (herb), viburnum ( fruit), clover (heads), raspberry (leaves, stems), horsetail (herb), thyme , linden (flowers), oak (bark), mallow (flowers), oregano (herb), eucalyptus twigs (leaves) , plantain (leaves), wormwood (leaves), fennel (fruit), peppermint (leaves), oregano (roots), licorice (roots), wild rosemary (herb), flax (seeds), sweet clover (herb), white ruja (root), yarrow (rhizome), mullein (flowers), podbel (leaves), blueberry (fruit), nettle (leaves), etc.

Gargle recipes

Gargle herbs for sore throat in the form of a bouquet have a stronger effect due to the fact that the individual components complement and strengthen each other.

Recipe 1
One of the simplest collections is a combination of chamomile with calendula flowers or sage leaves taken equally.
Pour 1 tablespoon of herbs with a glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, and let it boil. Strain before use
Recipe 2
Mallow (flowers), chamomile – 2 parts each; oregano (herb), sage (herb) – 1 tbsp each are added to a cup of boiling water and boiled as above.
Recipe 3
Mix equal parts of calendula flowers , plantain and wormwood leaves. 1 tbsp. from the collection pour 250 ml. water, let it boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Leave to infuse and strain.
Recipe 4
5 parts nettle (leaves), oak (bark), yarrow (bark) and 4 parts sage (leaves).
5 tbsp. collection, pour a liter of water, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Remove from the heat, cover with a lid, insulate and leave until cool. Strain.

Among the folk methods for the treatment of purulent angina, there are other ingredients for gargles.

►1 teaspoon of 3% hydrogen peroxide in 200 ml. hot water.
►Grind the beetroot using a fine grater. Add 1 tablespoon to a cup of the resulting mass. 6% table vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar ) and let it boil for 2 hours with the help of gauze.
►Sea water has proven its effectiveness in the fight against ENT diseases. Its pharmaceutical analogues are used to rinse the nose, including for a runny nose. For the treatment of purulent sore throat, the traditional method of gargling with sea water also shows good results.
►Potassium permanganate solution. The color should be barely pink

Another common and effective folk remedy for purulent angina is gargling with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of salt and bicarbonate of soda dissolved in a glass of water, with the addition of 10-12 drops of iodine. Cool and filter the decoctions before gargling. And then carry out the procedures as often as possible. In the optimal case, the break between them should not exceed 1 hour. If you have several solutions, it is advisable to alternate them throughout the day. This will enhance the overall healing effect.


Decoctions for purulent angina

During the illness, it is very important to provide the patient with an abundant warm drink, which helps to relieve the condition: it reduces pain and discomfort in the throat, cough , as well as symptoms such as runny nose, muscle and joint pain , headache, and helps to reduce of the temperature. In addition, during an illness, intoxication of the body occurs, decoctions and infusions for sore throats help to eliminate toxins.
In addition to other properties, herbs contain vitamins, macro- and microelements, help restore and strengthen the immune system.
For these purposes, official medicine recommends folk recipes for sore throats in the form of decoctions (herbs, flowers) and decoctions (roots, rhizomes). Herbs for purulent angina are used both alone and in combination.

  • The decoction/infusion must be filtered.
  • The optimal temperature of the liquid is 40-45  o  C.
  • To enhance the effect, you can add 1-2 tsp. honey and/or a slice of lemon.
  • Drink the drink slowly, in small sips.
  • Take herbal teas 3-4 times a day or when unpleasant painful sensations appear in the throat.

Herbs for sore throat decoctions

We ask ourselves: what herbs help with a sore throat. Traditional and official medicine recommends for these purposes: white marshmallow (roots), common anise (grass, fruits, roots), wild rosemary (flowering tops), silver birch (buds, leaves), prickly hawthorn (fruits), black bilberry (leaves , fruits). ), black elder (flowers), heather (herb), comfrey (rhizome), oregano (herb), blueberry (leaves, branches, fruit), wild strawberry (herb), sedum (herb), viburnum (flowers, fruit ) with honey), heart-shaped linden (color), as well as fruits – rowan, raspberry (including leaves and branches), cherry, cranberry, blackcurrant (including leaves), etc.

Potion recipes

Recipe 1
Linden heart-shaped (flowers) – 20 g, Scots pine (buds) – 10 g, Scots pine (leaves) – 20 g, horsetail (grass) – 10 g
1 tbsp . of the herbs pour 250 ml. water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and let it steam. Strain. Take 3-4 times a day after meals, adding honey.

Recipe 2

Silver birch (leaves) – 10 g, blackberry (leaves) – 10 g, black elder (flowers). 1 tbsp. of the herbs pour 250 ml. water, bring to a boil and simmer for 1 minute. Remove from the heat and let it steam. Strain. Take 3-4 times a day after meals, adding honey.

Inhalations for purulent angina

Inhalation has a positive therapeutic effect on the affected tissues. Purification of the throat and respiratory tract is carried out with steam saturated with essential oils and anti-inflammatory components. Inhalations are made 2-3 times a day to facilitate the separation of plaques, relieve inflammation and facilitate breathing. A nebulizer filled with a medical solution or herbal decoction is used for the procedure.

The advantage of this procedure is that the microparticles of the healing liquid in the form of steam more easily penetrate deep into the inflamed tissues, which helps to heal faster.
For inhalations, decoctions and infusions of herbs are used for gargling, but in stronger concentrations, as well as essential oils (cypress, fir, eucalyptus, etc.).
Recommendations for the solution

  • Heat the herbal solution in a kettle to 70-80  o  C.
  • Inhale the steam straight from the teapot spout, breathe in the steam that comes off. Be careful, the steam is hot at the very beginning! When the liquid begins to cool, inhale the steam with your mouth directly through the spout of the kettle: in this case, only the larynx is exposed.
  • The procedure is carried out several times a day. The last time is preferably at night.
  • After inhalation, you should refrain from food and water for at least one hour.

For the preparation of decoctions for inhalation, it is recommended to use chamomile , calendula, oak bark, mint and eucalyptus leaves.
To 1 tbsp. l. mixture of herbs, add 300 ml of water, let it boil. The broth is then cooled and filtered.
Use for inhalations also:

  • essential oil solutions;
  • soda with salt and iodine;
  • the same herbal decoctions you use to gargle;
  • chlorophyll solution and other means.

Herbs for inhalation

The same herbs that you use for decoctions can be used for inhalations: silver birch (buds, leaves), hawthorn (fruits), bilberry (leaves, fruits). ), black elder (flowers), , oregano (rhizome), oregano (herb), blueberry (leaves, branches, fruit), wild strawberry (herb), viburnum (flowers, fruit) with honey), linden (flower) , as well as fruits – rowan, raspberry (including leaves and branches), cherry, cranberry, blackcurrant (including leaves), etc. chamomile, calendula, sage (leaves)

Compresses for purulent angina

The essence of using these treatment methods is heating the tissues. This improves local blood flow, thereby eliminating toxins. But we must not forget that purulent angina is caused by an active bacterial infection. And for the bacteria, the extra heat will create the right conditions for even more intense reproduction. That is why compresses on the neck are prohibited for a purulent sore throat.
But compresses can also be used on other parts of the body – this will provide a general warming effect and increase immunity . For example, hot foot baths, chest and back compresses (in the absence of heart disease) will be helpful.

High temperature compresses are used to accelerate the cooling of the body surface. Compresses are made with a weak solution of vinegar or baking soda.
You can prepare solutions according to the following recipes:
Pour 2 liters of lukewarm water into a bowl or small pot. Add 1 tbsp. l. 70% acetic acid or 100 ml (half a cup) 7% vinegar. The prepared liquid should not be too cold or too acidic.
Compress liquid is prepared using ordinary baking soda. For 2 liters of cold water (35  0  C) you need to add 3 tbsp. l soda, mix well. The cloth is moistened in the prepared solution and applied to the forehead, armpits and also wiped over the whole body, including the limbs. You can also wrap a wet towel around the patient for a few minutes. Compresses can be used to stimulate blood circulation and improve lymphatic drainage.
Mixtures for compresses are prepared based on the available ingredients:

  • vodka or 30% alcohol;
  • honey;
  • baking soda;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  • mustard powder.

You can mix all the ingredients at once or choose one or more components. Mix in equal amounts of 1 tsp. any substance. The finished product is applied to a cotton cloth, applied to the neck (for 5-10 minutes) and covered with plastic wrap. Alcohol compresses are recommended only for adult patients and children of older adolescent age.


Treatment should begin immediately after the first symptoms are detected, in parallel with drug therapy . The therapeutic complex of treatment measures prescribed by the doctor for purulent sore throat consists of two main areas. It is aimed at suppressing the reproduction of the infectious agent and relieving the symptoms of the disease.
Children’s sore throat is difficult to treat, as the child tends to refuse medicines and medical procedures.
You can alleviate the course of the disease as follows:
Steam inhalations and compresses for local treatment of a sore throat are contraindicated. Purulent angina in children can be quickly defeated if the following procedures are systematically carried out:

  • Gargle . Infusions (decoctions) of medicinal herbs prepared at home or from the pharmacy Ingafitol, Rotokan, etc. are used for the procedure. It is desirable to gargle the reddened throat every 3 hours. Three-year-olds cannot always rinse their larynx on their own. They can be used to irrigate the tonsils with spray Ingalipt, Lugolsprey, etc. The jet should be directed to the cheek so as not to cause a spasm of the vocal cords.
  • Resorption of lollipops and tablets . Pharmacology offers antiseptics for local use (Strepsils, Faringosept, Stopangin, etc.) for children over 5 years old.
  • Hot drinks . Tea based on medicinal herbs with raspberry jam enriches the body with vitamin C , folic acid, salicylic acid and other useful substances. Raspberries have an antipyretic effect.

Home treatment allows you to cope with the symptoms of purulent angina if the recommended methods are used under the supervision of a doctor. The rapid recovery of the patient depends on the early initiation of therapeutic measures and the severity of the disease. Before starting to treat children with home remedies, mothers should consult a pediatrician. Many folk remedies work much better than antibiotics and do not have a destructive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, but home remedies cannot completely replace the drugs needed to treat a purulent sore throat.

Recipes for children with purulent angina

➤Cut onion and add sugar. Offer the child 1 teaspoon of the separated juice 3 times a day until the condition improves.
➤Gargle at least 4 times a day with a soda-salt solution (1 teaspoon of soda and salt per cup of warm water).
➤Cut the cloves of one head of garlic . Mix with 300 ml of fresh milk, bring to the boil and simmer for 3 minutes. The milk is cooled and strained. Give a child over 3 years of age 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. Course – 3-5 days.
➤Gargle with an aqueous solution of hydrogen peroxide (2 tablespoons per glass of warm water). Elderflower or chamomile flowers are boiled for 2 minutes in boiling milk (1 tablespoon/cup). Cool, strain, take as a warm drink (for children over 3 years of age).

Recipes for purulent angina for adults and children

✅A widely used remedy for any throat problems, including purulent sore throat, is milk with honey and butter. Milk must be bought on the market, and to enhance the effect, the butter is replaced with cocoa butter, which can be bought at the pharmacy. It is good to drink this healing milk before going to bed.
✅Peel horseradish root, grind it with a meat grinder and mix with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Take 1 tsp. at every hour.
✅Grind the pulp of 8 large cloves of garlic with 8 tsp. natural grape (wine) vinegar, cover and refrigerate overnight. In the morning, add 2 tablespoons of liquid dark honey to the resulting mass and mix well. Take 2 tsp. several times a day.
✅Propolis is an effective method of treating follicular tonsillitis with folk remedies at any stage of the disease. High-quality propolis should cause a burning sensation in the mouth and a slight tingling sensation on the tongue. A piece of propolis the size of a fingernail should be chewed slowly each time after a meal. The amount taken per day is 5 grams. Chewing honey also has a good effect.
✅1 tbsp. fig fruits are poured with 2 tbsp. water, bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, cover and allow to warm. Strain. Take 0.25 tablespoons. 4 times a day.
✅Onion is a highly effective antibacterial agent. Grind the onion to a pulp and squeeze the juice. The juice is made fresh every time. Take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Peel and grate fresh ginger
root . The lemon is poured with boiling water and passed through a meat grinder. Add 3 tbsp. ginger and 3 tablespoons of lemon, mixing well. Take 1 tsp, 5 times a day. ✅ In the initial stage of the disease, when the discomfort in the throat is just beginning, lemon helps a lot. You should eat half a lemon along with the peel. Do not eat or drink for an hour afterwards. Repeat every 3 hours depending on tolerance. If you find it difficult to eat that much lemon, you can suck on a slice every hour.


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