15 Foods with the Highest Folic Acid Content

Foods Containing Folic Acid

In case of insufficient folic acid intake during pregnancy, many congenital anomalies may occur, especially neural tube defects such as Spina Bifida. In order to maintain a healthy development both in the womb and in the postnatal life, foods rich in folic acid should be consumed and a possible deficiency should be prevented.

Foods Containing Folic Acid

  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Green beans
  • Lettuce
  • Cauliflower
  • Peas
  • Fresh Corn
  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Banana
  • Whole Wheat Bread
  • White bread
  • Boiled Pasta
  • Boiled Rice

In this article , we have included information that will be useful for expectant mothers and for everyone involved in research such as what is folic acid and what is it. Now, if you wish, let’s go into all the details about folic acid step by step:

What is Folic Acid?

  • Folic acid, one of the B group vitamins, plays a role in many important functions such as DNA synthesis and cell division.
  • The deficiency of this vitamin, which has proven to have healing effects for cancer diseases, psychological disorders, nervous system disorders and many more health problems, can also lead to various ailments.

What is Folic Acid?

List of foods containing folic acid:

Liver: A serving of liver cooked in oil contains about 240 mcg of folic acid, so the liver is one of the best sources of folic acid.

Green Leafy Vegetables: Foods extremely rich in folic acid:

  • Brussels sprouts
  • Spinach
  • Broccoli
  • Green beans
  • Lettuce
  • Cauliflower
  • Peas
  • fresh corn

Fruits: Folic acid source fruits include:

  • Orange
  • Grapefruit
  • Banana


  • wholemeal bread
  • White bread
  • Boiled Pasta
  • Boiled rice is also among the foods rich in folic acid.

15 Foods with the Highest Folic Acid Content

1) Brussels Sprouts

  • Brussels sprouts, which must be included in the list of foods containing folic acid , is a low-calorie and beneficial food.
  • You can take care of consuming Brussels sprouts in season in order for the body functions to function adequately and to have a healthy body.

2) Spinach

  • Spinach can be consumed to meet the need for folic acid during pregnancy. However, the spinach should be cleaned very well and there should be no weeds in it.
  • In order to protect the health of the baby and mother, you should be careful to buy spinach from reliable places.

3) Broccoli

  • Broccoli is a vegetable that has important roles in both dietary nutrition and pregnancy nutrition. It is consumed by many people because it is low in calories.
  • When it comes to foods with folic acid, broccoli is often mentioned in the autumn and winter periods. You can consume it as salad, soup and boiled.

4) Green Beans

  • Let’s talk about green beans for those who say what is folic acid . Very delicious recipes are offered when this useful vegetable is added to both salads and meals.
  • It is very effective in protecting the uterus, healthy development of the baby, preventing vascular diseases and strengthening the immune system.

5) Lettuce

  • Lettuce is also on the list of folic acid foods . Lettuce is a useful food that will suit every meal of the day.
  • It becomes beneficial for health when consumed in breakfast, salads, appetizers and alongside meals. You should be careful to wash and consume the lettuce very well.

6) Cauliflower

  • Thanks to the folic acid in cauliflower, women who consume cauliflower protect themselves from cervical diseases. This nutrient aids in a healthy pregnancy.
  • In addition, people who consume cauliflower regularly have a stronger body as it clears the infection in their body.

7) Peas

  • Those who are looking for an answer to the question of which foods contain folic acid should not miss peas at home. Because each pea contains high levels of folic acid.
  • Thanks to this nutrient, the risk of developing diseases is reduced. Men and women considering pregnancy can prepare for a healthier process by consuming peas.

8) Fresh Corn

  • In case of folic acid deficiency, blood and vascular diseases may occur. It is recommended to consume fresh corn to prevent this situation.
  • You can consume fresh corn in salad, soup or boiled.
  • Thanks to the folic acid in corn kernels, you will feel better day by day.

9) Orange

  • When it comes to what is found in folic acid, of course, fruits should not be forgotten. Oranges are a good source of folic acid.
  • Folic acid, combined with vitamin C, becomes a disease-fighting nutrient.
  • By consuming plenty of oranges in winter days, you can make your body resistant to summer diseases.
  • It will help clean the blood.

10) Grapefruit

  • Grapefruit, which is a useful source of folic acid just like oranges, helps men and women to prevent heart diseases.
  • Thanks to the folic acid in its content, it regulates the blood flow and ensures that the blood is cleared from inflammation.

11) Banana

  • Banana, which is very effective for expectant mothers, supports the brain development of the baby as it is a source of folic acid.
  • It is recommended to consume bananas in moderation during pregnancy for the mother to be energized, the baby to hold on to the uterus and grow healthy.

12) Whole Wheat Bread

  • The folic acid in wholemeal bread helps you lose weight and protects you from heart diseases.
  • Whole wheat bread, which has many effects at the same time, ensures the protection of bones at all ages.

13) White Bread

  • Although many experts emphasize that white bread is harmful, it should not be forgotten that white bread contains folic acid.
  • Of course, there are fresh white breads produced naturally.
  • In order to protect the health of the uterine cells, prevent heart diseases, and regulate blood flow, white bread should be consumed in a measured amount at meals.

14) Boiled Pasta

  • B vitamins and folic acid in pasta make this nutrient very useful when consumed in moderation.
  • You can add a healthy touch to your life when you decorate pasta dishes with foods containing folic acid .

15) Boiled Rice

  • Rice is among the foods containing folic acid . Added to salads, soups, meals, and pilafs, it is remembered as both a satisfying and protective food.
  • Organic rice can be consumed with a healthy cooking method to prevent cardiovascular diseases, reduce the risk of blood diseases, and stay away from uterine diseases.

Folic Acid Benefits: What Does It Do?

  • The main uses of folic acid are to prevent and treat the formation of neural tube defects; atherosclerosis, osteoporosis and cervical dysplasia (abnormal growth of cervical cells) can be listed as treatment.
  • Neural tube defect is a developmental anomaly that occurs during the development of the baby in the mother’s womb and affects both the brain and spinal cord. The most common neural tube defect is the developmental disorder called spina bfida, and folic acid supplementation in early pregnancy has been proven to reduce the incidence of neural tube defects between 48% and 80%.
  • Folic acid also provides protection against many cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis by balancing the level of protein called homocysteine ​​in the blood.
  • It can be said that adequate daily intake of folic acid reduces the risk of heart attack, stroke and the development of many vascular diseases.
  • The protein structure called homocysteine ​​in the blood is a substance that damages not only the heart and brain vessels, but also the bones. Especially in women, due to high homocysteine ​​level, it is seen that the bone structure is deteriorated and the risk of developing osteoporosis (bone loss) increases. It is possible to keep homocysteine ​​levels under control and reduce the risk of osteoporosis with regular folic acid intake.
  • Cervical dysplasia, which is defined as the abnormal growth of cervical cells, is a serious health problem that can become cancerous in the future. Studies have shown that with a daily supplement of 10 mg of folic acid, cervical dysplasia regresses and uterine cells return to normal sizes.

How Is Low Folic Acid Diagnosed?

  • Folic acid deficiency is a problem that affects all cells of the body and therefore can cause a wide variety of symptoms.
  • When folic acid deficiency occurs in the body, first rapidly dividing body cells such as erythrocytes (red blood cells), and then other tissues are affected.
  • Therefore, one of the first symptoms observed is anemia problem.
  • Folic acid deficiency in children can lead to slow growth and failure to maintain healthy development. If growth retardation is progressing with complaints such as diarrhea, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, forgetfulness and nausea, folic acid deficiency should come to mind and a doctor’s control should be preferred.

Other symptoms that indicate a lack of folic acid in the body:

  • Tiredness
  • low energy
  • dizziness
  • Weakness
  • It can be listed as a feeling of fainting and getting tired quickly.

Along with these complaints, headache, palpitation, ringing in the ears, pale skin appearance, numbness in the hands and feet are the clinical symptoms that can be observed in folic acid deficiency.

Necessity and Importance of Folic Acid for Pregnancy

  • One of the most serious problems that occur in folic acid deficiency is embryonic developmental anomalies. These anomalies, which occur due to insufficient folic acid intake during pregnancy, are called neural tube defects and cause both physical and mental problems by affecting cerebrospinal development.
  • Neural tube defects can lead to countless life-threatening difficulties and even death. The main problems that develop due to neural tube defects are inability to walk or walking, hydrocephalus (water accumulation in the brain), urinary tract infections, chronic kidney failure due to leakage of urine to the kidneys, spinal curvature or posture disorder, persistent back pain, meningitis, 10-15% It can be listed as mental retardation, 60% learning disability and concentration disorder.
  • The incidence of this disease can be reduced by 80% with regular folic acid supplementation during pregnancy. As of the beginning of pregnancy, 400 milligrams of folic acid intake should be taken every day, and dietary habits should be regulated accordingly.
  • Expectant mothers should first have a pregnancy examination and measure the folic acid pregnancy level with all the values. Then, green leafy vegetables, liver, kidney, eggs, grains without skin, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, lentils, spinach, alfalfa, parsley, mint, legumes and seeds should be added to the meals as much as possible.
  • However, meeting the daily folic acid requirement with diet alone is not as easy as it seems. At this point, folic acid medication is usually recommended by the doctor and nutritional support is continued with medication to meet the daily folic acid requirement.

For folic acid support, please get doctor’s approval first.

How Is Folic Acid Used?

  • The use of folic acid during pregnancy is extremely necessary and should not be ignored; however, all risks should be considered and drug supplements should be taken with the advice of a doctor.
  • Folic acid varieties are generally produced in two forms as the form developed to be used before the pregnancy starts and the folic acid form that is started to be used with the onset of pregnancy.
  • Folic acid prices also vary according to the drug form produced and the dose of the drug. If an unplanned pregnancy has developed, folic acid supplementation should be taken as soon as it is learned, and drug forms developed for these conditions should be preferred.
  • The frequency of daily use of the folic acid drug is determined by your doctor. It is extremely important for your baby’s development in the womb that you comply with the specified usage methods and have your folic acid value measured with regular controls.

What Are Folic Acid Side Effects?

  • Like all medicines, folic acid supplementation can cause some side effects in the body. The frequency and severity of the side effects seen vary from person to person, and in some cases, no side effects develop.
  • The most common folic acid side effects can be listed as muscle contractions, abdominal cramps, nausea and indigestion, disturbed sleep patterns, intestinal problems such as diarrhea and gas, irritability and confusion. These effects are usually short-lived and are not known to cause major discomfort.
  • However, after folic acid use, difficulty in breathing, wheezing; The development of complaints such as swelling on the face, lips and eyelids, skin rash and itching, redness and sensitivity in the body indicates that you are allergic to some substances in this drug.
  • In such a situation, immediate medical attention should be sought.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a passionate food enthusiast, health advocate, and researcher dedicated to inspiring others to lead healthier and happier lives through the power of food and nutrition. As the owner of foodstrend.com, I share a wealth of knowledge and expertise on a variety of topics, including culinary delights, nutrition insights, kitchen hacks, and fitness tips. With a background in nutrition science, I bring a unique blend of expertise and creativity to every article, recipe, and piece of content shared on the website. As a dedicated researcher, I am committed to staying abreast of the latest scientific developments and evidence-based practices in the field of food and nutrition, ensuring that readers receive accurate and up-to-date information. When not immersed in research or experimenting in the kitchen, I enjoy exploring new cuisines, staying active outdoors, and sharing my love of food with family and friends. Join me on a journey of culinary discovery and wellness inspiration as I continue to spread joy and positivity through my passion for food and health.

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