Pumpkin Seed Calories and Nutritional Values

The question of “how many calories in pumpkin seeds” can be answered as an average of 112 calories.
It has happened to all of us: While enjoying watching our favorite TV series in the evenings, experiencing the excitement of the movie we are about to watch for the first time, or having a laugh-filled conversation with the people we care about, we look for snacks that will crown the joy, peace and happiness of the moment.
Some people prefer these snacks as dessert, some are chips, and some are nuts. In the mixed snack plate of those who love nuts, it is a dish that stands out with its naturalness and health benefits as well as its benefits, even the benefits of which have been appreciated even by the modern medical world and are recommended to be consumed by doctors. type of pumpkin seeds .
With the benefits of pumpkin seeds , it finds its place in front of all other nuts family. In addition to its flat and round structure compared to sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds also eliminate their competitors with their flavor.
The little-known benefits of eating 1 handful of pumpkin seeds every day will make even those who do not like the healing properties that are good for your body from head to toe to think about! Well, do pumpkin seeds make you gain weight, what are the harms and side effects , let ‘s examine together:
Pumpkin Seed Calories and Nutritional Values
- The answers to the question of what are the benefits of pumpkin seeds are actually hidden in its rich content.
- Pumpkin seeds are a snack often preferred by people who care about their health, as they are much less harmful than other nuts in terms of calories.
- The question of “how many calories in pumpkin seeds” can be answered as an average of 112 calories.
- Pumpkin seed oil ratio is calculated as 10.53% based on saturated fat.
- The same amount of pumpkin seeds is also very rich in protein.
- A handful of pumpkin seeds contains an average of 5 grams of protein .
- Due to its similar feature, it keeps you full for a long time even when consumed in a handful.
Half a glass of pumpkin seeds you will consume, your body will:
- 46% of magnesium need
- 28% of the iron mineral,
- More than 52% and more than half of manganese,
- 17% of zinc
- It meets 17% of your protein needs.
What are the Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds?
- In regular use, a handful of pumpkin seeds daily protects your health thanks to the intense vitamins and minerals it contains.
- The benefits of pumpkin seeds for the brain are also high thanks to the zinc it contains.
- Pumpkin seeds are good for many heart and circulatory system diseases, especially blood pressure.
- Thanks to the magnesium it contains, it protects your cardiovascular health and keeps your blood pressure under control.
- Thanks to the zinc contained in pumpkin seeds, it protects your body’s immune system .
- Pumpkin seeds are a natural method you can use in the treatment of hemorrhoids.
- With all this content, pumpkin seeds accelerate your intellectual activities.
- Another answer to the question of what are the benefits of pumpkin seeds is related to sexuality.
- It increases the strength of your reproductive system.
- It is said that pumpkin seeds have benefits for pregnant women as well as making it easier to get pregnant.
- It helps to heal the wounds on your skin quickly.
- The benefits of pumpkin seeds are also evident on the hair.
- While pumpkin seeds increase the health of your scalp and the strength of your hair, it also prevents hair loss.
- Another benefit of the cookie is that it eliminates the problems in the digestive system.
- Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of healing for those who want to reduce parasites .
- When consumed regularly in small amounts, it can be considered a diet product and can help you lose weight .
- Since the benefits of pumpkin seeds are also known by dietitians and nutritionists, they are also put on diet lists.
- You can avoid unhealthy snacks by consuming 1 handful of pumpkin seeds in your snacks.
- Pumpkin seeds have a wide scope of nutritional value, which is not content with only protein.
- You can meet twenty percent of your daily need for the zinc mineral, which is known to strengthen the immune system, with a handful of pumpkin seeds.
- It is possible to meet thirty percent of your daily need for the magnesium mineral, which plays an important role in heart diseases and the protection of your bone structure, with a handful of pumpkin seeds.
- Pumpkin seeds have a very rich content compared to other snacks on the basis of fiber.
- Omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to be especially good for forgetfulness , provide benefits in many areas from arthritis to asthma and even the healthy development of babies and are abundant in pumpkin seeds.
- Recommended for patients with iron deficiency, pumpkin seeds not only protect your hair, nails and skin health, but also increase your body energy and resistance with the intense iron they contain.
- Among the benefits of pumpkin seeds , reducing the risk of diabetes has been proven as a result of some experiments.
- It is known that it is beneficial both in the treatment and prevention process of cancer diseases such as stomach, breast, colon and lung, especially prostate .
- The benefits of pumpkin seeds are also discussed by Saraçoğlu. prof. Dr. İbrahim Saraçoğlu says that pumpkin seeds can be good for urinary tract irritation.
What Are the Benefits of Pumpkin Seed Oil?
Pumpkin seed oil continues to offer benefits as another area where the cookie can be used:
- Pumpkin seed oil reduces the risk of prostate with the carotenoids and phytosterols it contains.
- Oil, which is a store of vitamins and minerals, prevents the risk of cancer.
- While ensuring the elimination of parasites and bacteria in the intestines from the body, it acts as a natural shield against intestinal cancer.
- In addition to supporting cardiovascular health, it also protects bone and kidney health with the phosphorus it contains.
- Thanks to the kidney benefits of pumpkin seeds, the excretory system can become more active.
- It is good for prostate cancer, urinary difficulties and bladder inflammations.
- Another answer to the question of what are the benefits of pumpkin seed oil is about skin beauty.
- Thanks to its intense vitamin E, it nourishes the skin, delays the signs of aging and protects the skin against sunlight.
- The benefits of pumpkin seeds for the eyes are also related to the vitamin E it contains. Especially against possible problems with the retina, vitamin E works as a protector in the eye vessels.
Are Pumpkin Seeds Harmful?
Pumpkin seeds are a snack known for their benefits compared to their harms. However, although its dominant aspect has benefits, it becomes harmful to health when not consumed in the right amounts.
- In order to see the benefits, as in the pumpkin seed diet , its consumption should not be overdone.
- Otherwise , the calorie and unsaturated fat elements in its structure will cause weight gain.
- Due to the fat content it contains , pumpkin seeds store fat in the body when portion control is not done.
- When consumed more than 1 handful a day, pumpkin seeds can also cause acne .
- For people who have experienced oral allergy syndrome in other foods , the question of whether pumpkin seeds cause allergies is of great importance and can be dangerous especially for people who are allergic to foods such as salad and watermelon.
How to Use Pumpkin Seed Oil?
- Pumpkin seed oil is suitable for internal and external use.
- Pumpkin seed oil can be used in liquid form or mixed with corn flour and used as a cream.
- Those who want to consume it in liquid form can consume a teaspoon of oil either directly or in a glass of warm water.
- Those who want to use it as a cream can use the cream obtained with corn flour as a pumpkin seed mask, apply it to the problem areas or use it as a massage oil and see its benefits.
- You can add pumpkin seed oil to your hair masks or apply this oil to your scalp.
- In cases such as muscle and bone pain, pumpkin seed oil can be used as massage oil.
What Are Pumpkin Seeds Good For?
The curiosity aroused in the society about pumpkin seeds, whose benefits are endless, is usually about what it is good for:
- The frequently asked question “are pumpkin seeds good for reflux?” can be answered as yes when consumed in the right amount and regularly.
- By eating a handful of pumpkin seeds every day , you can prevent the burning sensation caused by stomach acid.
- Another question frequently asked by diabetics is “Is pumpkin seeds good for sugar? “
- Experiments on laboratory animals show that pumpkin seeds help in insulin regulation.
- Pumpkin seeds also help in solving the problem of prostate enlargement that men may encounter in later ages . Snack, which was used in the treatment of prostate in the early 1900s, continues to be a part of natural treatments today and answers the question of whether pumpkin seeds are good for the prostate positively. At the same time, pumpkin seeds increase the number and quality of sperm, making your reproductive system healthier.
- Pumpkin seed benefits are also effective for pinworms. The benefits of pumpkin seeds create a warrior effect in the intestine. It is observed that pumpkin seeds to be eaten on an empty stomach, especially on an empty stomach, are beneficial for the worms to fall.