Behaviors that should be taught to children

The acquisition of basic habits begins with the birth of the child, is shaped by the family and becomes evident with school education. The first factor in the basis of habits is the person who takes part in the care of the child.
Educator Can Uysal told you about the basic habits that should be taught and instilled in children when they are young.
The sensitivity and determination displayed by the caregiver while meeting the needs of the child such as nutrition and cleaning are effective in gaining the child’s first habits. Likewise, the love that the caregiver shows towards the child helps the child to gain new habits by forming the first thought patterns. It is very difficult to change an acquired habit later, as the behaviors turn into habits due to frequent repetitions.
The most basic habits that parents should bring to their children are self-care skills (cleaning habits such as tooth brushing, hand-face washing), sleep time, meal time and order habits. A basic child habit Basically, the ways we will follow are similar while gaining money or changing a negative habit that has been gained.
Stages of acquiring positive skills
- step: Inform
Transferring this behavior to the child in the right way will make it easier for him to assimilate and accept it. In this step, the needs and thoughts of the child should be taken into consideration, prohibitive and accusatory communication should be avoided.
- step: Checking
The behavior of the child should be followed and the positive or negative results should be followed patiently.
- step: Give feedback
By communicating verbally or non-verbally, informing the child about his progress develops the idea that he is cared for and supported. In the feedback phase, it is necessary to manage the process together by cooperating with the child.
- step: Reminder
If there is no gain or change in the relevant behavior even though all the steps are implemented, the reminder process should be entered.
Getting a sleep pattern
Bedtime is a difficult time for all children in general, especially for irritable, overly sensitive and emotional children. He may resist going to sleep because he does not want to be alone with his problems.
Consistency, which is essential in acquiring all habits and constitutes the source of discipline in the life of the individual, also plays the most important role in acquiring good sleep habits. It is very difficult for the parents, who accept the insistence of the child and adopt an attitude that delays the child’s sleep every night, for the child to acquire the habit of regular sleep because the child has learned that he can break the rule once he wants, whenever he wants. For this reason, the decisive attitude of the parents has a great role in gaining good sleep habits.
Toilet and cleaning habits
Time and maturity play an important role in acquiring toilet and cleaning habits. The general cleaning habits in the society and the mother’s attitudes and behaviors about cleaning are also very effective in gaining the child’s muscle control and cleaning habits.
The important thing, both in the period of acquiring habits and in situations that arise from time to time, is that the adult can manage to behave without putting the child in tension. Trying to gain the desired behavior through excessive pressure, coercion, and punishment from time to time may cause some emotional problems, negative feelings such as frustration and hostility, which may be reflected in the behavior of the child in later periods.
Developing the habit of eating
The important thing in nutrition is to ensure that the child eats all kinds of food he needs, rather than forcing him to eat every food. This problem is easily resolved without causing conflicts when the mother chooses the ones she likes among the foods that have the same nutritional value.
Giving accountability
Being self-confident, leader, positive and solution-oriented is also related to the development of a sense of responsibility. Therefore, give your child age-appropriate tasks from an early age. It is critical for him to try something and see the results and accept it. If the child is not given an opportunity at an early age, it will be very difficult to develop this skill later on. Individuals who do not develop responsibility are always dependent on others and do not accept the consequences of their actions.
As a result; Basic habits contribute to their development when transferred to children at the right time with the right education. The acquisition of basic habits enables children to have strong personalities by nurturing motives such as self-confidence, self-esteem, awareness and motivation.