Hair Washing Guide


  • How to Wash Hair?
  • How often should hair be washed?
  • Is Washing Hair With Cold Water Beneficial?
  • Does Hot Water Cause Hair Loss?
  • Can Wet Hair Straighten?
  • How to Dry Hair?
  • Our Washing Habits Affect Our Water Footprint

Hair care  is one of the most basic personal care processes to feel more confident and strengthen your personal image. Unfortunately, having brighter, more voluminous and stronger hair is not as easy as it is thought. Since the correct answers to basic questions such as “ How to wash hair ?” and “How to dry hair?” are not well known, mistakes made without realizing it can prevent you from achieving the hair of your dreams. In this article,  you can learn about the ways to have beautiful hair  by getting important information that will increase both the effectiveness and benefits of your  hair washing routines  .

How to Wash Hair?

It may be a bit surprising that the answers to the question “ How to wash your hair ?” are not known with absolute accuracy. However, significant mistakes can often  be made at this most important stage of home hair care  processes. Reducing the hair washing routine to the stages of wetting, shampooing, rinsing and drying the hair and making the wrong choices at these stages  can lead to various problems that disrupt hair health, especially dandruff  . Experts list the hair washing steps as follows:

  • First of all, the hair should be completely wet. Depending on the length and structure of the hair, it may take approximately 1 minute to completely wet the hair. It is ideal for the water to be cold or warm if possible.
  • The ideal amount of shampoo chosen for your hair type should be taken into your palm and diluted with a little water. In this way, direct contact of the shampoo with the scalp is prevented and shampoo can be saved. The diluted shampoo is applied to the scalp.
  • After applying the shampoo to the scalp, the area should be massaged with light movements. Harsh movements or scratching the scalp with a fingernail can damage the sensitive skin in the area. Massage with light movements supports the blood circulation in the scalp and facilitates the nutrition of the hair follicles. The massage on the scalp should be continued for approximately 3 minutes.
  • After the massage is over, the hair can be rinsed. At this point, it is important to make sure that there is no shampoo left on the scalp. If the shampoo is not completely cleaned, these residues can accumulate on the scalp and prevent the skin from breathing. Those with dry hair can rinse with cold water. Washing dry hair with cold water can help the hair become stronger and healthier.
  • In the final stage, the hair should be dried with a towel made of as soft materials as possible. Towels with a rough texture can damage hair strands. [one]

There are many question marks about hair washing . “How often should hair be washed?”, “Is it right to wash hair with cold water?”, “Does hot water cause hair loss?”, “Should hair be washed with hot or cold water ?” and “ Can wet hair be straightened ?” Let’s quickly remember the answers to intriguing questions such as:

How often should hair be washed?

Washing your hair at the ideal frequency as well as performing the hair washing  steps correctly also affects hair health. Therefore, ” How often should hair be washed ?” The answers to the question should be known. Washing your hair every day without considering your hair type  is one of the basic mistakes made. How often your hair should be washed may vary depending on how much your scalp sweats, the oiliness of your hair, the hair cosmetic products used, and whether your hair is straight or curly. Generally recommended is to wash your hair 2 – 3 times a week with shampoos selected according to your hair type. When hair is washed at the ideal frequency, water saving can be achieved while supporting hair health   .

The American Academy of Dermatology Association states that there is no harm in washing curly hair once a week and oily hair every day. As a person ages, it is recommended to reduce the frequency of hair washing because the scalp produces less sebum. [2]

Is Washing Hair With Cold Water Beneficial?

The benefits of washing hair with cold water  are quite diverse.  Washing hair with cold water  can help preserve the scalp’s natural oils and moisturize it. It contributes to making hair brighter and softer. [3]  The benefits of cold water for hair  include improving blood circulation in the scalp. When the hair is gently massaged and washed with cold water, the scalp and hair follicles meet with more nutrients due to the increase in blood circulation in the area. This situation, which supports the health of the scalp and roots, asks the question ” Does cold water grow hair ?” It may lead to a “Yes” answer to the question.

Does Hot Water Cause Hair Loss?

Washing hair with hot water can cause various negative effects. Hot water causes the sebum that keeps the skin moist to decrease, the skin to dry out and the skin barrier to be damaged, which reduces its functions. This change in the scalp can cause the hair to become lifeless and fall out. [4]

Can Wet Hair Straighten?

No, hair should not be straightened when wet. Hair can be damaged when exposed to excessive heat while wet and can even burn if the straightener used gives off too much heat. Although the instructions to be followed for straightening hair may vary depending on the device preferred, it is generally recommended that these devices be used after the hair has dried.

How to Dry Hair?

Drying your hair correctly is as important as washing it at the ideal frequency and in the correct way. Choosing the wrong drying methods can damage both the scalp and hair strands. The following methods can be tried when drying hair:

  • If possible, excess water in the hair should be removed with soft-textile products such as a microfiber towel or t-shirt.
  • After removing excess water from the hair, if there is enough time, it is recommended to let the hair dry on its own. The benefits of water to the skin show their maximum effect with this method.

If a hair dryer is to be used:

  • Extremely hot mode should not be preferred when drying hair.
  • The hair dryer should be kept 15 – 20 cm away from the hair.
  • When drying your hair, do not leave the dryer on a single area of ​​your hair for a long time.
  • If a hair dryer is to be used, hair care products can be used to prevent hair from being damaged by heat.

Since thin hair is easily damaged, the hair dryer should be used on the lowest setting and should not be focused on a single area of ​​the hair while drying. When drying thick hair, the dryer should be moved from the roots to the ends of the hair to minimize the risk of frizz. The hair dryer can be used on low and medium settings.

Our Washing Habits Affect Our Water Footprint

Sustainability  has now become one of the main priorities of modern life. The fact that fresh water resources are extremely limited requires mobilization of common awareness regarding water consumption and effective steps to be taken to save water. It is of great importance to make individual efforts for the conscious use of water, which is of vital importance not only for us but for all living things.

Our  water footprint  is directly affected by almost every choice we make during the day. Many factors such as the foods we choose, where we buy foods, the water saving methods we adopt at home, and our washing habits change our water footprint.

There are different choices you can make to reduce your water footprint and have a healthy experience at the same time. Among these preferences,  the use of water purifiers  has an important place. It is possible to experience multiple benefits by choosing among Waternet water purification devices with reverse osmosis technology, which eliminates the need to use plastic bottles and demijohns, purifies mains water from heavy metals through physical means thanks to its advanced technology, and provides access to easy-to-drink water with its pleasant taste


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