Deer Mushrooms: What are the Benefits and Features of Deer Mushrooms?

Deer Mushrooms

Deer mushroom is an edible mushroom species belonging to the Russulaceae family. His Latin name is Lactarius Volemus. You can consume this type of mushroom raw. When you saute it with spices, you can get a very delicious meal or side dish.

There are two types of deer mushroom, red brown and fire yellow, and it is also called as truffle mushroom in different regions of Anatolia. The type that grows in beech forests among mosses and at the bottom of coniferous trees is the red-brown one. The fire yellow species is only found in forests of beech and oak trees.

According to the maturation process and color characteristics of deer mushrooms, local names such as white mountain red, deer red, autumn chicken, hazelnut, hazelnut and aladana shrimp. It may also be possible to see this mushroom in pine forests, albeit rarely. The magnificent beech forests of the Black Sea Region are among the places where they grow in abundance. It is easily recognized because of the white liquid on it.

Since deer mushroom is a mushroom that can live on the soil for a long time, it is possible to find and collect it until the end of the autumn season. The harvest season of the mushroom is generally between July and September. It is a species that also grows in the Northern Marmara Region. In Europe, the countries where deer mushrooms grow most are listed as Spain, France, Hungary and Poland.

What Are the Characteristics of Deer Mushrooms?

Characteristics of the deer mushroom, which grows spontaneously in the northern parts of Turkey: its cap is 5-15 cm in size, it is not sticky and has the appearance of dry meat, the tips of the cap are curved inward in the young stages of the mushroom and this appearance changes and exhibits a wavy stance as it ages. In addition, the stem is 10-12 cm long and thick.

The outer part of the truffle stem has a wax-like texture. The stem of the mushroom is usually the same color as the cap or slightly lighter. This mushroom smells like fish and tastes like almonds. When the fungus is picked and cut when young, it secretes a dense white liquid. This milk secretion is not observed in the aged ones; because as the fungus ages, it loses its water and starts to dry out.

Since deer mushroom grows together with plants and trees, it cannot be produced as a cultivated mushroom. Therefore, the material value of the mushroom is high. Deer mushroom, which has a low fat content, can be easily included in weight loss diets. It is recommended to be consumed by cholesterol patients due to its fat-free and high protein content. The mushroom, which is soft and white when young, gains a solid structure like a sponge during maturity. Its color also changes to light yellow. Later, brown spots begin to appear on the fungus. This indicates that the fungus is aging and losing its high nutritional value.

What Are the Benefits of Deer Mushrooms?

Like all edible mushroom species, deer mushroom is a powerful food item. In general, deer mushroom benefits can be listed as follows:

  • There are opinions that deer mushroom protects the heart and prevents atherosclerosis.
  • It is a type of mushroom with a very low oil content, such as pine mushrooms and cincile mushrooms. With this feature, it can be used easily in diet programs.
  • Since it is rich in protein, it is recommended to be consumed abundantly by adults as well as children and the elderly.
  • Tirmit mushroom is a food with many benefits and nutritional value. Since it is a protein source, it increases the body’s resistance and contributes to the physical development of children.

How to Clean Deer Mushrooms?

Deer mushroom is a type of fungus that grows in its natural environment without attracting small insects and flies intensively. Its surface is also never sticky. Due to these features, the cleaning process of the mushroom is quite easy.

Since the cap, fleshy part and stem of the mushroom have the same taste and nutritional value, it is sufficient to cut a little from the foot part removed from the soil. The cap part of the mushroom can be cleaned with a brush without damaging it and it is ready for use after washing it thoroughly.

You can come across deer fungus, which has a symbiosis structure and therefore grows with trees, in small groups formed near trees. If you want to collect deer mushroom from its natural environment, you need to have detailed information about the mushroom beforehand. It would also be wiser to collect it with someone who knows the mushroom. Because there are many varieties of deer mushrooms and there are varieties that should not be eaten. It would be right to collect the mushroom together with people who know the mushroom against the risk of confusion.

How to Cook Deer Mushrooms?

Deer mushroom, which has almond flavor, is consumed with pleasure with its soft taste. It is a type of mushroom that can be eaten raw. It has many uses as food. The most preferred form is fried in hot oil with spices and a little salt. In addition, it can be sautéed and fried with onions. It will be very tasty if vegetables such as peppers and tomatoes and chicken pieces are added to the roast. It is beneficial to boil the truffle mushroom, which has passed the maturity period, first. This will remove the bitter taste of the mushroom.

You can make delicious soups from deer mushrooms or prepare delicious sauces for your pasta. In addition to these, you can protect the mushroom for a year in the refrigerator by boiling it after drying it in the oven. It is a mushroom that can be pickled after being boiled. Roasting the deer mushroom, which is very tasty with its slightly spicy aroma, is also very delicious; You can serve this alternative with your meat dishes.

Since the mushroom in the youth process is rich in milk, it can be consumed raw. Tirmit mushroom is a mushroom that can be consumed with different cooking methods such as frying, sautéing, grilling and baking. You can also choose to use this mushroom by using the following methods:

  • Freeze storage
  • Storage by drying
  • Using by pickling
  • Storage by marinating in oil
  • Storage in alcohol
  • Using by canning
  • Sterilization


Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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