Errors that cause the toilet to clog

We make some mistakes that cause clogged toilets that we often use to meet our daily needs. These mistakes cause the toilet to clog first and then the drain to overflow and leak into the house. So what causes the toilet to clog? Does toilet paper clog the toilet?What clogs the toilet?
Toilets, which are indispensable for meeting daily needs, become clogged and cause great problems when used unconsciously. The biggest reason for this is the disposal of some products such as wet wipes, hygiene pads and diapers.
Most of the wet wipes commonly used in the market are in sizes that can easily pass through toilet drains. However, it should be noted that toilet drains are not always mounted flat. According to the project of the building and its connection with other drain pipes, T and Y shaped connection pipes are used. Since these connection pipes have a certain angle or inclination, wet wipes thrown from the toilet can be worn in these areas. If wet wipes are rarely used, one wet wipe will not cause any blockage. However, in continuous and high usage, the number of wet wipes installed here increases and may cause congestion.
The first thing to do in order to remove the blockage due to wet wipes is to learn in which part of the installation the blockage occurs. One of the operations done after the area is determined is to break up the wet wipes mass and ensure its flow by making it come and go with a steel spiral wire. In case of blockages that cannot be opened with this process, it is necessary to disassemble and reassemble the installation. One of the methods that can be applied without dismantling the installation is to send certified water to the drain. However, for this, it is necessary to make sure that the blockage is only caused by wet wipes.