8 Benefits of Anise for Women

Benefits of Anise for Women

Benefits of anise for women

  1. Reducing menstrual pain is one of the benefits of anise for women.
  2. Treating what are known as hot flashes.
  3. Get fresh skin.
  4. Moisturizing hair.
  5. Hair treatment for dandruff.
  6. Preserving the scalp from fungi.
  7. Increase milk production.
  8. Increase sexual desire.

Alleviating menstrual pain: A study was published in 2009 saying that adding anise to saffron and celery seeds helps relieve menstrual pain . This study was conducted on 180 female students who were divided into 3 groups, and each group ate the following: (a mixture of saffron, anise, and celery, mefenamic acid, placebo had no effect).

Each of the three groups took each of its treatments 3 times a day for three days, and the result was that the group that took the anise mixture were the ones who experienced a significant reduction in menstrual pain.

Treatment of what is known as hot flashes: Hot flashes are a condition that affects the upper part of the body and is in the form of high temperature with severe redness in the face, severe sweating, and intense heat in the neck, chest and neck area.

Women suffer from hot flashes after menopause, or in some cases of delayed menstruation. A study conducted in 2012 found that anise drink treats the symptoms of hot flashes for women who suffer from menopause. This study was on 72 women, and the experiment was divided into Two groups of women, one group took anise extract for 4 weeks, and a group took potato starch extract in the form of capsules for four weeks as well.

The study found that women who took anise extract experienced a significant reduction in the severity of hot flash symptoms.

Obtaining fresh skin: Anise works to reduce wrinkles and lines that appear in the skin as a result of aging. It also works to treat scars resulting from acne, tightens the skin and gives it a strong appearance.

Moisturizing hair: The oil extracted from anise works to repair damaged hair. It also increases hair growth by rubbing the scalp with anise oil. It also works as a hair cleanser, protects it from microbes, and eliminates scalp infections and fungi.

Anise affects the prolactin hormone

  • Opening blockages in the milk ducts and maintaining the flow of milk.
  • Increase milk production.
  • It reduces the symptoms of colic in children by consuming the breast milk of a mother who has consumed anise drink.

Anise seeds have an estrogen-like effect, as they contain anethole, which is a phytoestrogen, but it should not be confused with star anise, because star anise is not allowed to be eaten during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

You should eat six teaspoons of anise seeds daily for 4 to 6 days, in order for the mother’s milk production to increase. To maintain your milk production level, eat at least 3 teaspoons daily.

Benefits of anise for female hormones

Anise has been used for thousands of years as a hormonal treatment for the following benefits:

  • Increase milk production.
  • Reducing menstrual cramps.
  • Facilitating the birth process.
  • Reducing testosterone symptoms in puberty.
  • Increase sexual desire.

Is it permissible to drink anise during menstruation?

Yes, it is permissible to drink anise during the menstrual cycle.

Anise seeds help relieve menstrual pain, but it must be drunk with two other ingredients, which are celery and saffron.

Does drinking anise whiten the skin?

Not really, it does not lighten the skin, but it protects the skin from oxidation that causes darkening of the skin.

The benefits of anise for the skin have appeared in traditional medicine. It is known that anise possesses many substances such as: trans-anitol, estragole, beta-hemchalin, para-anisaldehyde and methyl caffeicol. This mixture has many benefits for the skin, as it works to protect it from oxidation and also works to reduce wrinkles and tighten the skin. Sagging.

Anise contains phenol, which protects the skin from oxidation that causes unwanted darkening of the skin. It is an aromatic extract that some cosmetics companies use in their products to hide unpleasant odors in their products, which are caused by some other substances that have an unacceptable smell.

Does anise have anything to do with sex?

Yes, it has been used as an aphrodisiac in herbal medicine for centuries.

Anise has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries by mixing it with ant oil, which has proven its effectiveness in many experiments. It is suitable for use with men and women, as it increases the sexual desire of both parties by stimulating blood circulation by relaxing and stretching the body’s muscles.

Dried anise tea can be used as an aphrodisiac, as it has been proven to increase testosterone in men, which increases their sexual activity without any side effects for both parties.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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