5 Fish similar to hake

Fish similar to hake

What fish are similar to hake? What species could replace this white fish ? Hake is a delicious and versatile fish, but sometimes it’s fun to experiment with other flavors and textures in the kitchen In this article, we are going to introduce you to the 5 fish that are similar to hake in terms of texture and flavor , and I will explain why they are excellent alternatives .

Fish similar to hake for your kitchen

As experts in fish and seafood , we have prepared a list of fish similar to hake under three criteria: texture, flavor and versatility in cooking. Here we go!


Whiting is a white fish with tender and soft meat , very similar in texture to hake. Its mild and delicate flavor makes it an excellent choice for those who enjoy hake. In addition, it is a very versatile fish in the kitchen . You can prepare it on the grill , in the oven or in sauce , and you will always get a delicious dish.

Whiting, the cheap alternative to hake

Whiting, in addition to being a cheap alternative to hake, also has fewer calories. Here you can see a comparison between these two fish:

Characteristic Hake (Merluccius merluccius) Whiting (Merluccius merluccius)
Family Merlucidae Merlucidae
Flavor and texture Mild flavor and tender meat Mild flavor and tender meat
Average size 50-70cm 20-30cm
Way of Cooking Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried
Calories Approx. 80 kcal per 100g Approx. 65 kcal per 100g
Season All year All year
Fishing zone Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans
Price €33 per kilo €15.70 per kilo

Blue whiting

Blue whiting is another wonderful alternative to hake . It has a firm, white flesh that melts in the mouth, similar to the texture of hake . Its flavor is mild and slightly sweet. You can use it in traditional recipes such as Biscayan-style cod or in more modern preparations such as ceviches and sushi .

Blue whiting, similar to hake in flavor

As with whiting, whiting is also cheaper than hake . In the following comparison table you can see the differences and similarities of these fish:

Characteristic Hake (Merluccius merluccius) Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou)
Family Merlucidae Gadidae
Flavor and texture Mild flavor, tender meat Mild flavor, tender meat
Average size 50-70cm 20-30cm
Way of Cooking Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried
Calories Approx. 80 kcal per 100g Approx. 65 kcal per 100g
Season All year All year
Fishing zone Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans
Price €33 per kilo €9.90 per kilo


Sole is a fish that is characterized by its delicate texture and refined flavor . Although its flavor may be a little more pronounced than that of hake, its meat is just as tender . The sole fillets are ideal for grilling with a touch of butter and lemon. This combination enhances its flavor and makes it a delicious alternative .

Sole, the refined option for your table

If you like hake, but want to try other similar fish, sole can be a good option. Flavor, perhaps more refined , and the meat is also very tender.

Here is a comparison between sole and hake :

Characteristic Hake (Merluccius merluccius) Sole (Solea solea)
Family Merlucidae Soleidae
Flavor and texture Mild flavor, tender meat Refined flavor, tender meat
Average size 50-70cm 20-30cm
Way of Cooking Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried
Calories Approx. 80 kcal per 100g Approx. 80 kcal per 100g
Season All year All year
Fishing zone Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans
Price €33 per kilo €30.95 per kilo

San Pedro Fish

The San Pedro fish is a lesser known but equally interesting choice. Its meat is firm and has a texture reminiscent of hake . As for the flavor, it is smooth and pleasant to the palate. Try grilling it with fresh herbs or in a papillote with vegetables to experience its delicious flavor.

Gallo Pedro, the surprising alternative to hake

The Gallo Pedro , or San Pedro fish, is much less known than the hake , but it has a special charm . If you are looking for fish similar to hake, take a look at this option. You’re going to love it:

Characteristic Hake (Merluccius merluccius) San Pedro Fish
Family Merlucidae Zeidae
Flavor and texture Mild flavor, tender meat Mild flavor, firm meat
Average size 50-70cm 30-40cm
Way of Cooking Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried
Calories Approx. 80 kcal per 100g Approx. 80 kcal per 100g
Season All year All year
Fishing zone Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans
Price €33 per kilo €39.65 per kg


Monkfish is another fish similar to hake in  texture and flavor . Its flesh is firm and white, which makes it an excellent option for various culinary preparations. Monkfish is perfect for spoon dishes such as stews and fish soups , as well as for baked recipes with aromatic sauces. Its mild flavor combines perfectly with a variety of ingredients.

Monkfish, a very versatile white fish

If we compare it to hake, monkfish is cheaper and can also be very versatile in the kitchen. Here are the differences and similarities between these two white fish :

Characteristic Hake (Merluccius merluccius) Monkfish (Lophius piscatorius)
Family Merlucidae Lophiidae
Flavor and texture Mild flavor, tender meat Mild flavor, firm meat
Average size 50-70cm 60-120cm
Way of Cooking Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried Roasted, grilled, boiled, baked, fried
Calories Approx. 80 kcal per 100g Approx. 80 kcal per 100g
Season All year All year
Fishing zone Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans Atlantic, Mediterranean, and other oceans
Price €33 per kilo €19.5 per kilo

Conclusions: fish as an alternative to hake

There you have it, five fish options that share similarities with hake in texture and flavor: whiting , blue whiting , sole , San Pedro fish and monkfish . Each of these fish has its own benefits and properties, making them perfect for a wide range of culinary preparations.

So, now you know, the next time you feel like changing up your fish dishes, don’t hesitate to try one of these delicious alternatives to hake. In our online fishmonger you can find them all at an exclusive price.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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