Which foods contain zinc?

Which foods contain zinc

Zinc is one of the most important minerals needed by the human body. Zinc is found naturally in some foods and we can get the necessary zinc from these foods. It is important to consume zinc-rich foods to meet the body’s zinc needs. Foods such as red meat, poultry, fish, milk, eggs, walnuts and almonds should be added to the diet list. Zinc deficiency can cause many disorders, especially regarding hair and nails. So, what are the symptoms of zinc deficiency?

Zinc is an important mineral that the human body must have as much as it needs. Zinc, taken through food, plays important roles in growth, development and strengthening the immune system. Zinc, which also takes part in cellular metabolism, is a mineral necessary for the activity of enzymes. A healthy person has 2 to 3 grams of zinc in his body. Fish, oysters, shrimp, wheat germ, meat, sunflower and pumpkin seeds, walnuts, almonds, milk and eggs are the foods containing the most zinc. Foods containing zinc should be added to your daily diet in certain amounts. It would be better to get help from an expert for this. So, which foods contain zinc ?

What is zinc?

Zinc is one of the most essential minerals for human health. The human body benefits from micronutrients for healthy functioning. Micronutrients consist of minerals. Zinc is the most important mineral after iron to have a healthy body. Zinc, which undertakes many important tasks from the immune system to metabolic activities, includes many activities such as growth, development, reproductive function and tissue formation. It is found mostly in muscles, skin, hair and bones in the body. Zinc takes part in many biological and physiological processes. In order to have a strong nervous system and a healthy functioning immune system, zinc must be taken into the body in sufficient amounts. For this, it is necessary to consume foods containing zinc. Benefits of zinc:

  • One of the most well-known functions of zinc is to strengthen immunity.
  • Zinc prevents skin problems and is good for hair loss.
  • Zinc, which reduces the risk of chronic diseases, is also known for accelerating the healing of wounds.
  • It contributes to protein synthesis and protects nails.
  • It helps prevent diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which may occur due to age.
  • It is known for its preventive effect against macular degeneration, which causes vision loss.
  • It is important to consume foods rich in zinc to prevent chronic fatigue.

What contains zinc?

Zinc, which contains approximately 2-3 grams in the body of a healthy person, is taken from animal and plant food sources. Most of the daily zinc requirement can be met by consuming approximately 80 grams of red meat per meal. If animal foods, among the foods rich in zinc, are consumed regularly, the amount of zinc required for the body can be obtained. In addition to animal foods, milk and dairy products, vegetables and nuts are also rich in zinc. So, which foods contain zinc? List of foods containing zinc:

  • Turkey, red meat, chicken and seafood
  • Dried nuts such as almonds, peanuts, pumpkin seeds, pistachios
  • Sesame
  • Vegetables such as spinach, arugula, chard, okra, peas, mushrooms and potatoes
  • Egg
  • Dairy products such as feta cheese and yogurt

Which fruit contains zinc?

The food group that is weakest in terms of zinc is fruits. Fruits rich in zinc include bananas, various dried fruits, apples and exotic fruits.

How to understand zinc deficiency?

Zinc, which is a very important mineral for the human body, has an important role in cell development and proliferation. It also plays an active role in important functions such as protection against infections and regulation of intestinal functions. When you don’t get enough zinc, your risk of getting infections increases. Zinc deficiency is a condition that predisposes to changes in intestinal functions, anemia and autoimmune diseases. Zinc deficiency also produces visible changes:

  • Dry and rough skin appearance
  • Hair loss and nail disorders
  • Problems with vision
  • Diarrhea and appetite disorders are among the symptoms of zinc deficiency.

If you encounter a few of these, you should definitely get an expert opinion. It is also important to create a nutrition program with foods rich in zinc. Red meat, shellfish, legumes, especially oats, quinoa and hazelnuts should be included in the nutrition program as they are rich food sources of zinc. Experts emphasize that 15 mg of zinc intake per day is sufficient. He also underlines that the need for zinc increases during childhood, old age, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

What to eat for zinc deficiency?

Long-term treatment to correct zinc deficiency begins with changing your current diet. You may also need to receive zinc deficiency treatment as a result of evaluations made by a specialist. Apart from this, you need to consume some foods to eliminate zinc deficiency in your body.

  • Red meat and poultry
  • Seeds especially wheat germ and wild rice

It may be a little more difficult for vegetarians to obtain the amount of zinc they need from the foods they eat. In addition, cashews, peas and almonds are alternative sources of zinc.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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