What is the Paleo diet and how is it done?
The Paleo diet takes its name from the diet of people in the Paleolithic age. Processed foods should be avoided in the diet, which is based on the principle of consuming some food groups and avoiding other food groups. Paleo diet is a nutrition program based on consuming foods that have little or no processing. The Paleo diet program advocates the idea of creating an eating plan similar to what people ate 10,000 years ago. So, is the paleo diet harmful?
The Paleo diet book, written for the first time by Loren Cordion, was published in our country by Prof. Dr. It was translated into our language as “Stone Age Diet” by Ahmet Aydın. When you create a nutrition program with the Paleo diet program, you should stay away from ready-made foods and eat natural foods as much as possible. Paleo diet sample menu list is created from food groups that should and should not be consumed. While you can freely consume meat and meat products, which are protein sources, you are prohibited from consuming milk and dairy products. In addition, consumption of vegetables and fruits is free. You should not consume foods from the grain group. The prohibited food group in the Paleo diet is salt, sugar and flour, known as the 3 whites.
What is the Paleo diet?
Inspired by the diet of people in the Paleolithic Age , the Paleo diet program is also called the caveman diet or hunter and gatherer diet. In this era, which defines an archaeological age that lasted until 10 thousand years before Christ, human beings lived in small groups. People who ate by hunting, gathering and fishing ate foods such as vegetable roots, animal meat, fish, fruits and vegetables. During the Paleolithic period, which lasted for a very long time, nutrition programs were changed with various inventions. The origins of the Paleolithic diet, which is followed by people who want to lose weight quickly today, date back to prehistoric times. The Paleo diet consists of foods that people ate in ancient times. The paleo diet, used as a philosophy of life as well as losing weight, is a natural nutrition program.
Groups that make up the general population, such as people who have problems with their excess weight, patients fighting cancer, diabetics, heart patients, the elderly and athletes, prefer this diet. The diet includes high protein and low carbohydrate foods. You can diversify your meals with paleo diet recipes, which have limited food options. Paleo diet recipes are generally boiled and grilled. Dishes such as homemade soup, boiled or grilled meat are preferred.
How to do a paleo diet?
In the Paleo diet program, which is based on the principle of eating as you feel hungry, it is very important that the number of meals is not more than three. Oilseeds are included in snacks. Regular sunbathing and vitamin D intake are important in the diet. Dried legumes should be consumed after soaking in water for 2 days, changing the water at least 4 times. It is recommended to consume the cooked legumes twice a week. Onion and garlic have an important place in the paleo diet with their strong antioxidant effects. It is recommended to create a regular exercise and walking program and sleep at least 6-8 hours a day. Thus, it is aimed to accelerate the metabolism.
All processed meats such as sausage and salami should be removed from the diet program. Ready-made foods such as ready-made broth tablets and sauces are not included in the diet list. All animal fats and butter are used liberally. Only olive oil of plant origin is included in the Paleo diet program. Sunflower oil and corn oil are on the prohibited list in the diet. Soft drinks, carbonated drinks and alcohol are definitely not included in the list. Consumption of coffee and black tea is also not recommended. Although it may seem difficult to implement in the modern world, healthy eating rules can be adopted by making the diet a lifestyle.
What are the harms of the Paleo diet?
There is no research yet that has fully reached the results of the Paleo diet. However, considering the harms of the paleo diet, various health problems may occur in the future depending on the diet. It is recommended not to consume milk and dairy products in this diet program. This situation may cause deficiency, especially of calcium mineral and vitamin D. Since grain products cannot be consumed, situations such as deficiency of B group vitamins may be encountered. Fiber is not taken in sufficient amounts in the diet. Problems such as bone diseases, tooth decay, and fatty liver may occur due to inadequate consumption of fiber foods and a diet lacking in vitamins and minerals. People on the paleo diet often experience problems such as fatigue, weakness, carelessness, bad breath, and digestive system.