What to Eat with Fish? 11 Appetizers That Go Well

What to Eat with Fish

What to Eat with Fish Meals? When it comes to healthy eating, meat and vegetables come to mind first. Among meat products, it is recommended to consume fish rich in omega fatty acids. Vitamins and minerals found in fish primarily support mental development and then heart health.

What to Eat with Fish?

  • fava
  • Humus
  • Eggplant salad
  • ajvar
  • Carrot Tarator
  • Shrimp Pan
  • Hibesh
  • Shakshuka
  • Potato salad
  • Cowpea Salad
  • Hot Paste

People who consume fish have a very low risk of having a heart attack. For a strong mind, a healthy body and a vigorous immune system; experts emphasize that you should consume seasonal fish twice a week . They recommend that you pay attention to the freshness of the fish while choosing it.

While consuming fish, you should not neglect the flavors that will double the flavor of the fish. Fish dishes, which are usually consumed with salads or appetizers, will open your horizons even more after this article.

What to eat with fish? What should be on a delicious fish table? Which salad to eat with fish?What dessert is eaten with fish? How should the appetizer choice be with the fish? We will find answers to your questions one by one. Then let’s roll up our sleeves to set up a delicious fish table for the evening!

11 Delicious Mezes That Go Best With Fish

1) Fava (Bean Butter)

  • At the fish table, delicious appetizers are indispensable.
  • Among these appetizers, fava made from broad beans can be a delicious choice.
  • Fava, which facilitates the digestion of fish dishes, is just one of the appetizers that flavor your table.
  • If you say what to eat next to the grill, what can we pair a crispy meal with with a velvety texture, you can choose fava.

2) Hummus

  • When fish dishes are prepared, hummus will be a must-have appetizer.
  • How would you like to have the boiled chickpeas go through a few processes and be a guest on your table with plenty of lemon and spices?
  • If your answer is yes, boil the chickpeas and take action for a nutritious hummus.
  • If you are wondering what goes well with fish and how to make our tables more festive, you should start preparing hummus!

3) Eggplant Salad

  • Only those who have tasted it can know the taste of roasted eggplant. Eggplant, which meets with a little pepper and spice, is an instant appetizer at fish feasts.
  • If you wish, you can also flavor the roasted eggplant with yogurt.
  • The myth that yogurt cannot be eaten with fish is lost to history.
  • Roasted eggplant salad, which is a great alternative for those who say what to eat with fish, is also a feast of flavors on its own!

4) Ajvar (Eggplant Sauce)

  • Although its name sounds foreign, its content is the taste that comes from the field to your table.
  • This flavor, which is formed by blending favorite flavors such as eggplant, red pepper, tomato, garlic and onion, attracts great attention both in breakfast and in fish menus. Worth to try!
  • The answer to the question of whether to eat onions with fish is yes, but you can also experience an explosion of flavor with recipes such as ajvar with onions.

5) Carrot Tarator

  • We don’t waste stale bread, we serve it as a wonderful sauce with your fish dishes.
  • The bread crumbs, which come together with strained yoghurt, mix with a little bit of walnut kernels and turn into a legendary flavor with grated garlic.
  • Such a nice sauce is worthy of your fish dishes!
  • If you wish, you can also prepare delicious tarator varieties with vegetables such as carrots, zucchini and eggplant.
  • If you say what to eat with fish in diet, you can evaluate this recipe.

6) Shrimp Pan

  • Among the things that go well with fish are different products from the same family.
  • Wouldn’t shrimp be on a table decorated with seafood?
  • You should also make the sautéed shrimps served in fish restaurants at fish feasts.
  • We say omega-3 should be always and everywhere 🙂

7) Hibesh

  • Besides fish, there are of course rich local recipes among the appetizers .
  • This flavor from tahini has an important place especially in Antalya cuisine.
  • Tahini mixed with various spices is a popular appetizer at fish tables.
  • You can always keep your immune system strong with energizing hibeş.

8) Shakshuka

  • Shakshuka, which will be a delicious appetizer for eggplant lovers, is not missing from fish tables.
  • It is mostly served in Mediterranean meals where fish is consumed.
  • To witness the delicious harmony of onion, pepper, garlic and eggplant, you can prepare şakşuka and diversify your fish tables.
  • You can enjoy şakşuka, which is an alternative answer to the question of what to eat with baked fish .

9) Potato Salad

  • Among the salads to be eaten with fish , potato salad is at the top of the list.
  • If you are thinking about what to eat with salmon, you can do wonders with boiled potatoes.
  • If you wish, you can decorate with dill and prepare a potato salad, if you wish, you can puree it and get a delicious appetizer.
  • Salmon and potatoes will be a perfect match.

10) Cowpea Salad

  • In Mediterranean cities, cowpea, which is a guest at almost every meal, is one of the best answers to the question of what to eat with fish .
  • It is prepared by letting black-eyed peas boiled in plenty of water to rest for a while and blending them with garlic paste.
  • It will double the flavor of the fish when consumed with olive oil and lemon.
  • If you say what to eat with tuna fish, you may like this refreshing recipe.

11) Hot Mash

  • What to eat with fishWe started out by saying and we didn’t forget the pain lovers!
  • Usually served with kebab dishes, spicy pastes are consumed in a short time with toasted bread.
  • Hot paste is also an answer to the question of what to eat with fish in the oven.
  • You can also witness the taste of the hot and crispy fish coming out of the oven, and the spicy paste.

Starter Bonus: Lentil Soup (Restaurant Style)

  • You might think that we dived into fish appetizers and forgot the soups. Lentil soup continues to flavor every meal in Turkish cuisine.
  • When you think about what to eat with anchovy fish, you should start with a bowl of hot lentil soup.
  • Don’t forget to add lots of lemon too.

Dessert Bonus: Tahini Halva

  • There is a story from the past: eating the halva of a dead fish.
  • Although it expresses a joke; One cannot help but wonder why halva is eaten with fish .
  • Fish is rich in phosphorus.
  • After consuming fish, the balance of stomach acids is disturbed and it leaves an effect like fatigue.
  • Fatigue is also known as low blood sugar.
  • For this reason, halva is the lightest dessert to be preferred after fish dishes.
  • If you ask if you can eat halva with the fish, we recommend you to make the final with halva for a feeling of completion after the fish, not next to it.
  • You can also consume a small amount of halva after fish feasts.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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