What is Clarified Oil? How is it done? Recipe Narration

What is Clarified Oil

Almost every recipe starts with “First we put our oil in the pan”. So oil is the first step to start cooking. No matter how skillful you are, the taste of the food is directly proportional to the oil used. If a quality oil is used, it will also reflect on the taste of the food. In this article, we would like to tell you about the king of oils.

Many people think that olive oil and butter are the most natural, organic oils that can be used in the kitchen. Yes, of course, the naturalness and quality of olive oil and butter is indisputable; however, little known today but with a very long history, plain oil is the purest and most natural form of oil. Although margarine is about to be forgotten with the introduction of margarine within the borders of the country and the increase in its use, it can be said that today it has regained its old days with the importance of conscious, healthy, and organic nutrition.

What is Clarified Oil?

In the most understandable definition, plain oil is the essence of butter. Clarified butter is also called clarified butter or ghee. The production phase of butter is rough as follows:

  • Yogurt is obtained by fermenting milk.
  • Water is added to yogurt and ayran is made.
  • Ayran, on the other hand, is churned for a long time with a tool called churn, which is made of wood and covered with animal skin, and butter is obtained at the end.
  • When the obtained butter is purified from milk and water elements in low heat, only 99% fat content remains.
  • As can be seen, in order to obtain plain oil, it is necessary to make all products that can be made with milk.
  • This is a process that requires a lot of patience. The remaining 1% of the ghee is salt.
  • Did Sade oil deteriorate for very long time without the need to worry because you can store in your refrigerator this oil variety?
  • It can be stored in a glass jar in the refrigerator for a long time, such as one year. It is both very healthy and delicious because it is completely natural and additive-free.
  • Even one or two teaspoons are sufficient for meals.
  • The question of whether clarified butter freezes can be answered as follows: It solidifies at room temperature, but it starts to melt at body temperature.
  • This shows how easy it is to be absorbed by the body.

Difference Between Clarified Oil and Butter

  • The higher the actual fat content, the more flavor the oil adds to the food.
  • For this reason, meals made with butter are much more delicious than margarine.
  • Because the fat ratio in margarine is 60%. The fat content in butter is over 80 percent.
  • In other words, the difference between plain oil and butter is due to the fat ratio.
  • For this reason, the dishes made with plain oil are much more delicious than the dishes made with butter.
  • Because the fat ratio in plain oil is 99%.
  • Yes, true to its name, pure oil. That’s why he can be called the king of the most delicious dishes.
  • Recently, butter flavor and clarified oil flavor can be used to strengthen the smell and taste of foods, but the content of these flavors continues.

How Is Clarified Oil Made?

  • It is actually quite simple to make. It is neither expected to ferment for a long time like yogurt nor should it be churned for a long time like butter.
  • For the production of plain oil, the first half or 1 kg of butter is needed.

Is it ready? Then let’s start for those who say how to make plain oil:

  • One kilogram of butter taken is melted in a deep bowl over low heat.
  • As the butter melts and boils, the residues begin to sink to the bottom.
  • The upper part will be foam.
  • The foam that comes out while making plain oil should be carefully separated.
  • The foams formed are removed at regular intervals with the help of a strainer or spoon.
  • Continue until foaming is over.
  • After about 1 hour, the water evaporates completely and the sediments settle to the bottom.
  • The bottom of the stove is turned off and left to rest for a while.
  • It turns yellow after a short time.
  • That yellow color is the plain oil itself.
  • After resting for a while, it is passed through a clean cheesecloth and filled into the jar.
  • It is put in the refrigerator and expected to freeze.
  • After the clarified oil has completely solidified, it will be ready to use for your meals.

What Are the Benefits of Clarified Oil?

  • Clarified oil is an option that has an intense content among oils in terms of nutritional value.
  • 1 tablespoon, that is, about 15 grams of plain fat, is 100 kcal.
  • It does not create free radicals during cooking as it has a burning degree of 250.
  • This makes it much healthier than trans fats such as margarine.
  • It can be stored for a very long time at room temperature as it does not deteriorate easily.
  • It does not melt like margarine at room temperature and can remain solid.
  • Although it is made from butter, those who are allergic to dairy products can easily consume it, as all the components belonging to milk in its content evaporate.
  • It is a type of oil rich in butyric acid.
  • Beneficial bacteria in the intestines convert the fibers to butyric acid, using it both as an energy source and as a security guard of the intestinal wall.
  • Considering that most of digestive system disorders are caused by butyric acid deficiency, the importance of plain oil is better understood.
  • It balances stomach acid secretion and ensures a healthier functioning of the digestive system.
  • Being rich in vitamin K2 strengthens bones.
  • It flavors food more than butter.
  • Clarified oil is a type of oil approved by Canan Karatay.
  • prof. Dr. Canan Karatay recommends the plain oil of Şanlıurfa to anyone who does not have a serious health problem.
  • Clarified oil indirectly supports skin health because vitamin A, which nourishes the skin, is a type of fat-soluble vitamin, and clarified oil acts as an intermediary for this vitamin to benefit the body.

Where is Clarified Oil Used?

Plain oil, which amazes with its taste and smell, is, of course, the crown of kitchens:

  • Especially, the recipe of which is always curious, “How does this turn out to be so crunchy?” Plain oil is used in the production of the famous Gaziantep baklava.
  • Antep baklava owes its unique flavor and crispiness to plain oil.
  • Clarified butter is also used in making other syrupy desserts besides baklava. Desserts made with plain oil are more delicious than desserts made with other oils.
  • Apart from this, plain oil can be used in the preparation of all kinds of dishes with peace of mind.
  • And you don’t need to put spoonfuls like other oils. Even using just one or two teaspoons of clarified oil will noticeably increase the flavor of the food.
  • If you say where plain oil is used, we can say that it makes almost all the recipes made with butter even more delicious.
  • Most of those who try plain oiled donuts once add this recipe to their indispensable.
  • If you are wondering whether plain butter can be applied to bread rather than in any recipe, that is, whether it accompanies tomato paste between hot pita-like butter, of course, we can say that it is possible.
  • You can try plain butter on toast to see if it suits your taste buds.

Where Is Clarified Oil Sold? What is the price?

  • Plain oil, which was widely used and famous in Anatolia in the past, is one of today’s forgotten flavors and sources of healing.
  • The production of this health storage oil, which was produced in almost every village house during the periods when it was widely used and known by everyone, is not made much anymore.
  • For this reason, it is almost impossible to find clarified oil on supermarket shelves or in the street markets.
  • So where to buy clarified oil, where to find clarified oil? Such questions may come to mind.
  • Although not many, there are local producers who produce plain oil, especially in the Şanlıurfa region.
  • With a short search on the internet, these local producers can be reached and plain oil can be ordered.
  • If you do not want to order online, you can also make plain oil, which is already very simple to make.
  • All you need for this is a few kilograms of butter.
  • Clarified oil prices are a bit expensive compared to other types of oils, both because of the production process and because the content is completely composed of oil.
  • Clarified oil also varies according to brands in terms of price.
    You can buy plain oil, which is sold between 60 and 100 TL per kilogram, in different weights such as 500, 350 or 250 grams.
  • It is sold in 5 or 18 kg tins as well as in weight packages. These tins are mostly preferred by baklava producers.
  • Since plain oil made from goat, sheep, and cow milk grew in the Urfa region is of higher quality in terms of nutritional values, vitamins, and taste, the price of Urfa plain oil may be one click more expensive.

Making Clarified Oil at Home – 3 Different Recipes Tried

1) Clarified Oil (Hand Oil – Ghee) Detailed Description with Photo

What you need and need to do to bring the oil in its purest, most natural, and simplest form is actually very simple. A few kilograms of butter at your will and a low fire. Let’s take you here for the recipe obtained by melting the butter on low heat until it separates all the milk components.

2) Very Practical Clarified Oil Making

It is impossible to fail with this recipe, where all the details you need are added with tricks! You can also adapt the additive-free butter extract clarified butter to many recipes! If you want to try it, we say don’t waste any time 🙂

3) Making Clarified Oil for Your Most Crispy Recipes

Clarified butter adds flavor to the flavor of cookies and pastries. A very long-lasting plain butter recipe, which you can use in many recipes from sweet to salty, from crunchy patisserie pastries to crispy, pomegranate fried baklavas that leave a mark on the palate, in your kitchen with one click, don’t miss it!

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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