Toxic Food for Dogs | Foods Your Dog Should Never Eat


Your dog could also want to eat “people food” from your dining table or finish leftovers after a meal. It’s safe to share certain foods together with your dog. But some common foods and drinks are often harmful or maybe deadly for dogs.
Don’t share these items:


Even small amounts of alcohol are often dangerous for your dog. At parties and other events where alcohol is flowing, place open drinks where your dog can’t reach them.
Keep home items that contain alcohol, like mouthwash, during a safe place.
Alcohol are often found in other surprising places. Dogs have gotten into trouble eating rotten apples, which may produce alcohol once they go bad.
Symptoms of alcohol poisoning in dogs include:
• Vomiting
• Excited behavior
• Clumsy movements
• Lack of energy


Avocados and their seed and leaves contain a toxin called persin. It are often harmful to dogs and lots of other pets.
Avocado poisoning in dogs can cause symptoms such as:
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea


Keep bones from chicken, roasts, and other meats faraway from your dog. they will choke while eating bones.
Also, bones can forced an entry sharp pieces which will cause bleeding and infection inside your dog.

Bread Dough

Yeast dough are often harmful to dogs for several reasons.
After a dog eats dough, it can produce gas. this will cause the stomach to become twisted or maybe torn.
The rising dough also produces alcohol, which dogs should avoid.
If your dog has eaten dough , they’ll have these symptoms:
• Swollen belly
• Abdominal pain
You’ll know your dog has abdominal pain if they need symptoms such as:
• Doesn’t want to lie
• Stretches front legs out with chest down and rear up
• Yelps when abdomen is touched
• Doesn’t want to eat

Caffeinated Drinks

While caffeine may offer you a way of wakefulness and energy, it’s toxic to your dog.
Keep these things faraway from them:
• Coffee or dregs
• Tea
• Soda
• Energy drinks
• Tablets containing caffeine
If your dog has caffeine poisoning they’ll have these symptoms:
• Hyperactive behavior
• Panting
• Clumsiness
• Muscle quivers


Chocolate contains caffeine and a related chemical called theobromine that’s also harmful to dogs.
Darker chocolates, including chocolate, contain more theobromine per ounce than chocolate. Eating just a half-ounce of bitter chocolate might be deadly for a 5-pound dog.
Symptoms from eating alittle amount of chocolate include:
• Vomiting
• Diarrhea
If your dog eats larger amounts it also can lead to:
• Hyperactivity
• Tremors and seizures
• Irregular heartbeat

Onions and Garlic

Onions and Garlic contain a chemical that breaks down into a substance that damages the red blood cells of dogs. A 10-pound dog could die from eating just half an onion.
Other ingredients, like onion powder or juice, also can be harmful.
Symptoms after eating these foods can include:

  • Diarrhea
    • Vomiting
    • Drooling
    More symptoms may begin days later, such as:
    • Stumbling
    • Lack of interest in eating
    • Dark urine

Grapes and Raisins

Grapes, and therefore the raisins made up of them, can cause renal failure in dogs.
This doesn’t affect every dog that eats grapes or raisins. Experts still aren’t sure which ingredient within the fruit may cause this problem.
The most common symptom is vomiting. Early signs of renal failure can include drinking more and urinating more. Later symptoms of renal failure include vomiting, weight loss, and fewer urine.

Macadamia Nuts

These pale, round nuts can hurt your dog.
The symptoms of macadamia nut poisoning often begin with:
• Weakness
• Vomiting
• Stumbling
• Shaking
• Fever
This is used as a sweetener in gum, candy, many other foods and drinks, and toothpaste.
Fruits, vegetables, and mushrooms also contain small amounts of xylitol.
In dogs, this ingredient can cause insulin, a hormone, to soar. This causes their blood glucose to drop steeply. Xylitol also can cause liver damage.
Dogs often vomit after they eat or drink xylitol.
Other symptoms include:
• Weakness
• Clumsiness
• Seizures

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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