How To Season String Beans? Several ways

Season String Beans

This long flat string bean is a legume and is eaten in slices or pieces. The string bean goes well with herbs and that is why this blog has paid attention to; How to season string beans?

String Beans
  • Nutmeg 
  • Salt and pepper 
  • Garlic 
  • curry powder 
  • Italian spices 

Of course, there are also other seasonings such as a garden herb broth, sweet soy sauce, sambal or vegetable butter that enrich the taste of string beans.

If you don’t have certain herbs that are in the recipe, you can just leave them out. It is then a bit of searching whether you need to do other herbs a little more or whether you should leave it that way. Try it in between to see if it’s to your liking, experiment with it.

In this way, your herbal knowledge will automatically increase and you will know how much you can use in a dish at a given moment. Or you can read the recipe if you find this easier. Enjoy the meal and have fun cooking. 

Below is a description of how you can use which herbs and seasonings with string beans.  

String beans Herbs

Below is the easy way to season string beans. What you need for this recipe: 

  • 500 grams sliced ​​string beans that are cooked. 
  • Pepper and salt 
  • 1 tsp curry 
  • 50 grams of vegetable butter 

Preparation method: 

  1. Drain the string beans when they are cooked. 
  2. Put them back in the pan. 
  3. Add the butter and stir well. 
  4. Add the spices little by little. So add salt, pepper and curry and stir this well so that the spices can spread well. Taste to see if it is to your liking, otherwise season a little. 
  5. Serve it in a bowl and serve.  

This is a nice spicy dish. Goes well with rice, but can also be served with potatoes. 

Herbs String beans

This long flat haricot bean is a legume and is eaten sliced ​​or cut into pieces. The string bean goes well with herbs and that is why this blog has paid attention to: 

Which herbs are good with string beans? 

  • Nutmeg
  • Salt and pepper 
  • Garlic 
  • curry powder 
  • Italian spices 
Italian spices
Fresh Italian herbs

If you don’t have certain herbs that are in the recipe, you can just leave them out. It is then a bit of searching whether you need to do other herbs a little more or whether you should leave it that way. Try it in between to see if it is to your liking, experiment with it. In this way, your herbal knowledge will automatically increase and you will know how much you can use in a dish at a given moment. Or you can read the recipe if you find this easier. Enjoy the meal and have fun cooking. 

Of course there are also other seasonings such as a cube of garden herb broth, sweet soy sauce, sambal, vegetable butter and olive oil. 

Herbs For String Beans

A very tasty classic is to season the string beans with these herbs below. Tasty and easy! 

Preparation method: 

  • 500 grams string beans, cooked 
  • 50 grams of vegetable butter
  • 1 tsp Nutmeg 
  • pinch of pepper  
  • pinch of salt 
string beans seasoning
Grate nutmeg
  1. After cooking the string beans, drain them and put them back in the pan. You add a knob of butter and stir it well. 
  2. Now all spices can be added. With the salt and pepper is the amount that you are used to. Otherwise you add little by little and taste in between to see if it is enough.  
  3. Stir the nutmeg well into the string beans and taste if it is enough.  

This classic will undoubtedly taste delicious. Spoon from the pan or serve in a nice dish. Enjoy your meal! 

String beans K ruiden Stew

Which herbs and seasonings do you need to stew string beans: 

  • 500 grams String beans cut into squares 
  • Can of tomato puree 
  • Splash of oil for frying 
  • ½ cube of garden herbs stock 
  • 50ml water 
  • 2 cloves crushed garlic 
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce manis  
  • Sambal 
string beans seasoning
  1. Saute the garlic in oil in a frying pan.  
  2. Add the tomato puree and fry it for 2 minutes. Then the puree becomes a little sweet. 
  3. Crumble half a garden herb stock cube (or vegetable stock) over the tomato puree and add 50 ml of water. Stir it well and let it boil. 
  4. Add the ketjap manis and the sambal. Stir this well. 
  5. Now the string beans can go with the tomato puree and you can stir everything well again.  
  6. Stew the string beans over a low heat, with the lid ajar, so that the pan is slightly skewed. This way some moisture escapes, but not too much and the lid does not rattle. After 20 minutes, the string beans are stewed and nicely seasoned. Watch carefully whether the moisture does not evaporate too much, because then a little bit of water has to be added. Also not too much because then it will be a watery mess. 😉

This tastes good with rice, noodles or fried rice! Enjoy your meal. 

Stamppot String beans  Herbs

It is also delicious to make a stew of string beans with herbs. 

What you need for this recipe: 

  • 1 level tablespoon Italian herbs, dried 
  • 500 grams cooked string beans 
  • 50 grams of vegetable butter 
  • 100 ml soy milk 
  • 500 grams of floury potatoes boiled 
  • salt 
  • Pepper 
  • Vegan sausage (prepare according to package) 
string beans seasoning

Preparation method: 

  1. Place the boiled potatoes in the pan and add a knob of vegetable butter. Soy milk can also be added.  
  2. Mash and stir the potatoes vigorously until you have a smooth smooth puree.  
  3. Add the string beans and garden herbs to the potatoes and stir well. Now you have a delicious stew of string beans! Taste to see if you need more salt and pepper, otherwise you’ll add more seasoning.  
  4. Serve the stew with a tasty Vega sausage, which you prepare according to the package. 

Enjoy your meal! 

String beans Seasoning  Baking

To do something different with string beans, baking is also an option.  

What do you need: 

  • 500 grams string beans, cut into 1 centimeter and cooked for 3 minutes. 
  • 2 garlic cloves thinly sliced 
  • Splash of balsamic vinegar 
  • salt 
  • Pepper 
  • Splash of sunflower oil 
how to season string beans

Preparation method: 

  1. Put a dash of sunflower oil in the pan and fry the string beans until they start to colour. Keep stirring every now and then. 
  2. Meanwhile, cut the garlic into thin slices. If you really like garlic, you can of course use more. 
  3. Add the garlic to the string beans and stir well. Fry the beans and garlic for another minute or 3.  
  4. Season the dish with a pinch of salt and pepper and stir. 
  5. Add and splash Balsamic vinegar to the string beans and stir.  
  6. Let your taste buds tell you whether the string beans are seasoned enough, otherwise you can add salt, pepper and/or balsamic vinegar. 
  7. Spoon your creation into a bowl or scoop from the pan onto your plate and enjoy. 

May it taste you!  

As you can see, there are a number of options for seasoning string beans. Use your imagination, leave some out and add something. Try it. This makes cooking fun and surprising. Good luck! 

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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