10 Fun Facts about Ice Cream That You Probably Didn’t Know

There are many fun facts about ice cream that can surprise lovers of the popular cold dessert. Here we tell you about some of the highlights. In summer, we want something cool, and if it’s a delicious ice cream, even more so!
For the big ice cream fans, this will be of great interest to you! These are the fun facts that you should not forget when you are thinking about eating (or making!) ice cream.
These facts will make you stand out in any conversation about cold desserts. Let’s get started!
10 Fun Facts about Ice Cream
- They are anti-inflammatory
It is a great anti-inflammatory. In fact, many dentists recommend eating ice cream since the cold helps reduce inflammation or bleeding from the different problems we are dealing with in the mouth. Of course, this type of remedy must be previously consulted with our trusted specialist. But it is good to know that, in addition to being delicious, ice cream can help us heal certain parts of our body.
- It started out as ice-based
Before we knew the texture of what we understand today as ice cream, these were made from ice. Although its origin is uncertain and it has been over the years that this recipe and texture have taken shape, it was in China (2000 years before JC) where the idea of cooling fruit juice and milk with ice made sense. Over time, it was the Romans who were in charge of perfecting this idea until they came up with what we understand today as ice cream.
- Its taste is sweeter when melted.
It seems that when ice cream melts, we can taste it sweeter. There is a part of our taste buds that is more sensitive to cold and causes our brain to receive more intense signals when we eat “warmer” foods. Even so, the truth is that the ideal temperature to enjoy a good ice cream is -15 degrees.
- Eating ice cream puts you in a good mood
Humor saves and ice cream is the best medicine for it! Studies show that tryptophan, an amino acid that keeps us calm and helps reduce aggression, is what elevates our mood. In addition, it increases the production of serotonin, which helps us feel good in a healthy way. That’s why we should eat ice cream 365 days a year.
- New Zealand is the country where the most ice cream is consumed
The country where ice cream is consumed the most is New Zealand. Studies show that 15 billion litres of ice cream are consumed worldwide every year. New Zealand ranks first, consuming 26.3 litres. It is followed by the United States, Australia, Switzerland and Sweden.
Although we always associate ice cream with good weather and heat, in New Zealand the average temperature is usually 12ºC in the North Island and 10ºC in the South Island, which shows that ice cream is not just for summer and heat waves. In fact, eating ice cream in winter helps to improve our immune system.
- Vanilla ice cream is the most popular
If you were asked at first glance which ice cream flavour is the most popular, you would have thought chocolate or cream, but no. Vanilla ice cream is the most popular flavour, followed by chocolate, cream and strawberry. Also, according to an Instagram study, vanilla ice cream is the most photogenic, followed by matcha tea. The likes speak for themselves.
As a curiosity, and although it may seem incredible, you should know that there are also ice creams with tripe, fish, garlic, chili, bacon flavors… In Japan is where you can find the rarest ice cream flavors.
- Ice cream is NASA astronauts’ favorite food
When NASA astronauts are asked what food they miss, ice cream always tops the list, followed by pizza. We think it’s the perfect combination.
In the 1960s and 1970s, Whirlpool Corporation was asked to design an ice cream that astronauts could eat in space and that would help increase their satisfaction when eating. Although the intention was good, this dehydrated ice cream did not convince astronauts, so the project was ultimately scrapped.
Today, food for astronauts has evolved a lot.
- Eating ice cream improves your mood and increases happiness
Ice cream contains tryptophan; this word with a strange name is an amino acid that is responsible for increasing the production of serotonin, a hormone that reduces our stress and anxiety levels, leaving us with a feeling of well-being. Just remember to eat ice cream in moderation. Overeating will not make you happy.
Interestingly, parents have increased their consumption of ice cream for their young children. A study by Frigo found that 73% of parents believe that ice cream can be included in the diet, as long as it meets nutritional requirements, with young parents being the most likely to offer their children ice cream (83%).
- Guinness record with ice cream
There are hundreds of Guinness records for ice cream , some truly surreal.
- The world’s largest ice cream was made in Norway , measuring 3.08 metres in height. The Henning-Olsen company made a giant scoop with 1,080 litres of ice cream on a cone that weighed no less than 110 kilos!
- In Italy, ice cream maker Dimitri Panciera managed to pile 121 scoops of ice cream onto a single cone. And not only that, but he is able to balance the cone without dropping a single scoop. If he says he doesn’t need napkins, we’re already amazed.
- In Mexico , 3,500 people ate vanilla ice cream at once for one minute, breaking the record previously held by the United Kingdom. It took 300 kilos of vanilla ice cream.
- In Spain, a Valencian with an ice cream parlour in Cartaya (Huelva), managed to enter the Guinness Book of Records with 365 different types of ice cream, with flavours such as garlic prawns or potato omelette.
- The most expensive ice cream
If you travel to New York, the Serendipity restaurant in New York has the most expensive ice cream in the world. It costs $25,000 and is made with 28 cocoa beans from different places around the world and with 5 grams of 23-carat gold sprinkled on it, diamonds adorning it and chocolate truffles from Knipschildt Chocolatier (a very, very expensive chocolate shop).