Yogurt Nutrition Value: How Many Calories in Yogurt?

Yogurt Nutrition Value

Yogurt, which can be regarded as the legacy left by the traditional Turkish food culture to the whole world cuisine from its centuries-old past to the present, takes its place among the foods that we do not miss on our tables. In our precious works such as Divan-ü Lügati’t Türk and Kutadgu Bilig, which were written years ago, there is no clear information about how and how the mentioned yogurt first appeared; but it is certain that it has been in our diet for a very long time.

Yogurt is one of the main sources of healthy nutrition and diet lists in terms of calories and nutritional values, as well as being an easily accessible and low-cost food source.

In this article, we will shed light on questions such as how many calories in yogurt, how many calories in a bowl of yogurt, how many calories in homemade yogurt, various yogurt calorie values ​​and how they can be transferred to nutritional lists during the slimming process, have a pleasant reading!

How Many Calories in Yogurt?

With its low calorie and richness in vitamins and minerals necessary for the human body, yogurt is a healthy food source used by many people who aim to lose weight in the diet and weight control process. For those who are curious about this issue while consuming, the calorie values ​​of yogurt are as follows:

  • How many calories in 1 cup of yogurt? The calorie value of a 180 gram medium bowl of yogurt is 112 kcal
  • How many calories in 100 grams of yogurt? Calorie value of 100 grams of yogurt is 62 kcal

Calories in full-fat yogurt:

  • 1 half cup (90 g) full-fat yogurt 59 kcal
  • 1 medium bowl (180 g) full-fat yogurt 119 kcal
  • 1 cup (200 ml) full-fat yogurt 119 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon (45 g) full-fat yogurt 30 kcal
  • 1 heaping tablespoon (50 g) full-fat yogurt 33 kcal
  • 100 grams of full-fat yogurt 66 kcal

How Many Calories in Homemade Yogurt?

Yogurt fermentation culture at home is quite common in our country. Yogurt fermented by mixing raw milk with some natural yogurt after cooking is of course much healthier than ready-made yogurts. However, at this point, the fat ratio of the raw milk supplied determines the calorie value of the yogurt you will prepare. If you are going to prefer homemade yogurt, the calorie values ​​of homemade yogurt are as follows:

  • 1 full glass (200 ml) of homemade yogurt 128 kcal
  • 1 medium portion (215 g) of homemade yogurt 138 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon (20 g) of homemade yogurt 13 kcal
  • 100 grams of homemade yogurt 64 kcal

Yogurt Nutrition Value Chart

Yogurt, which is literally a source of calcium for the human body, is very rich in nutritional values. Yogurt, which must be included in healthy nutrition and diet programs, will be beneficial for people who are not lactose-allergic when consumed with small portions of fruit both in main meals and in snacks. For those who are fed with protein, the protein value of yogurt with agricultural fat (6.8) is ideal compared to normal yogurt (5.4).

The nutritional value table of yogurt, which has high calcium, vitamin A, sodium, and potassium values, is as follows:

Carbohydrate 8.82
Protein 5.4
Oil 6.12
Fiber 0
Cholesterol 0
Sodium 84.6
Potassium 237.6
Calcium 199.8
iron 0
Vitamin A 252
C vitamin 1.8

How Many Calories in Strained Yogurt?

Strained yogurt, which has less water and dense consistency compared to classical yogurt, has a very high nutritional value. Strained yogurt, which has high calcium, folic acid, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, protein and vitamin A values, can be used frequently for your soups, appetizers and salads with its dense consistency. Strained yogurt calorie values ​​are as follows according to their weight:

  • 1 medium bowl (90 g) strained yogurt 112 kcal
  • 1 half cup (45 g) strained yogurt 56 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon (22.5 g) strained yogurt 28 kcal
  • 1 heaping tablespoon (30 g) strained yogurt 37 kcal
  • 1 cup (200 ml) strained yogurt 112 kcal
  • 100 grams of strained yogurt 124 kcal

How Many Calories in Light Yogurt?

Light yogurt has a lower caloric value than regular yogurt with reduced fat. There is no cholesterol in light yogurt, which contains only 0.3 fat for 1 bowl (medium). It will be very useful to consume this yogurt, which has a protein value of 9.4, in the main and snacks in the diet lists. For those who are in the process of losing weight or in weight control, the calorie values ​​of light yogurt are as follows:

  • 1 medium bowl (200 gr) light yogurt 99 kcal
  • 1 half cup (100 g) light yogurt 50 kcal
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of light yogurt 99 kcal
  • 1 tablespoon (30 g) of light yogurt 15 kcal
  • 1 heaping tablespoon (40 g) of light yogurt 20 kcal
  • 1 heaping tablespoon (50 g) of light yogurt 25 kcal

How Many Calories in Half Fat Yogurt?

Half-fat yogurt, which can be a good option for those who pay attention to their weight and those who are on a diet, is in a position between full-fat and light yogurt. You can adapt low-fat yogurt, which you can easily reach from markets or grocery stores, to many recipes you prepare with full-fat or home-made yogurt, and you can choose it alongside your main meals or in between meals where you feel hungry. The calorie details of half fat yogurt are as follows:

  • 1 medium bowl (200 g) low-fat yogurt 92 kcal
  • 1 half cup (100 g) low fat yogurt 46 kcal
  • 1 cup (200 ml) of low-fat yogurt 92 kcal
  • 1 heaping tablespoon (45 g) low-fat yogurt 21 kcal
  • 1 heaping tablespoon (55 g) of low-fat yogurt 25 kcal

How Many Calories in Yogurt Soup?

The benefit of yogurt soup, which you can consume with pleasure in summer and winter, is one of our numerous soups. You can prepare it as a cold ayran soup in the summer, as a soup that will warm you up in the winter with steaming smoke, and you can gain resistance against various diseases. Calorie value of yogurt soup, which can be easily adapted to diet menus:

  • 1 cup (150 g) 112 kcal
  • 1 scoop (100 g) 75 kcal

If you want to prepare a full-sized yogurt soup recipe with a taste guarantee in your own kitchen, video narration, tips and all other necessary details are waiting for you at the link.

How Many Calories in Fruit Yogurt?

For those who do not like to consume yogurt alone, you can benefit from fruits that make yogurt more fun! Fruity yogurts, which are especially enjoyed by children, are a delicious way to reach the vitamins of both fruit and yogurt. The calorie value of fruit yogurt will differ depending on the amount and type of fruit you add to the yogurt. In general terms, the calorie values ​​of fruit yogurt are as follows:

  • 1 medium bowl (160 g) fruit yogurt 103 kcal
  • Fruit yogurt prepared with 1 medium portion (180 g) low-fat yogurt 137 kcal
  • Fruit yogurt prepared with 1 medium portion (160 g) nonfat yogurt 84 kcal
  • 1 medium portion (178 g) oatmeal, honey, yogurt and fruit prepared with probiotic effect yogurt and fruit cup 139 kcal

Does Yogurt Lose Weight? Can it be eaten on a diet?

  • Yogurt is a food that is frequently included in diet lists due to its low calorie value and high nutritional value, but its fat burning feature is also an invaluable source for those who are in the process of losing weight.
  • Especially since the probiotic content of homemade or low-fat yogurts accelerates bowel movements, it is also effective in the digestive and excretory system.
  • If you are experiencing problems such as constipation and bloating during the diet, you can consume yogurt with the addition of nutrients or spices (cayenne pepper, turmeric, ginger, cinnamon, etc.) that increase metabolism, or with fresh lemon juice. Regularly applied yogurt cures with plenty of water have the feature of burning fat and accelerating metabolism.
  • One of the points that should be noted about yogurt consumption in the diet is other foods consumed with yogurt. Adding sugar or sugar to yogurt will increase its calorie value and may cause you to gain weight.
  • In addition, when preparing fruit yogurt, you need to pay attention to the number of fruits you will add.
  • Half-fat yogurt cures prepared with cucumber, dill, parsley and fresh lemon juice will provide a feeling of satiety and will be perfect for keeping your stomach busy in between meals.
  • Consuming yogurt, which shows its effect in regional slimming with its calcium content, regularly in moderate amounts will contribute to your weight loss process.

Fat Burning Yogurt Diet List in 1 Week

You may encounter many different diets on the agenda these days when slimming, weight loss and healthy eating are very popular. We share the seven-day diet list, emphasizing that it would be healthier for you to create a diet list with a nutritionist according to your own structure and the needs of your body:

1 day:

  • 5 boiled unsalted potatoes, 6 glasses of low-fat yogurt

2 days:

  • 120 grams of boiled chicken, 6 cups of low fat yogurt

3 days:

  • 120 grams of beef, 6 cups of low-fat yogurt

4 days:

  • 150 grams of low-fat fish with yogurt

5 days:

  • Medium portions of low-sugar fruits and low-boiled seasonal vegetables with low fat and salt content, as well as 6 glasses of low-fat yogurt

6 days:

  • Yogurt all day

7 days:

  • Plain mineral water and all-day yogurt

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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