
Excrement. They are the residual materials that are thrown out of the human and animal bodies through natural routes, especially fecal ones,

Excrement. They are the residual materials that are thrown out of the human and animal bodies through natural routes, especially fecal ones, it is the set of generally solid or liquid waste that is the final product of the digestion process. Feces are the remains of food not absorbed by the digestive system . A wide variety of animal excrement is used as organic fertilizers for soil fertilization .


 [ disguise ] 

  • Human excrement
    • 1.1 In newborns
    • 1.2 Food in excrement
    • 1.3 Color in the excrement
    • 1.4 Texture of Excrement
  • Animal excrement
    • 2.1 Use of animal excrement
    • 2.2 Risks and precautions
  • Sources

human excrement

in newborns

The first stools that babies have are thick and dark green or black. A formula  fed baby usually has yellowish or naturally colored stools, with the texture of peanut butter . A breastfed baby will have stool that is yellowish, loose, and seed-like in texture.

The color of the stool depends on a variety of things, including what the breastfeeding mother eats, the type of formula, and how much and how often the baby eats. The number of poops may decrease. Babies may not have a stool for a week and then have a soft, normal stool. Iron supplements can cause stool to appear black or dark green.

Food in excrement

  • Rice cereal can make the stool more formed.
  • Beets can make stool red .
  • Spinach , peas , and beans can make stool green.
  • Carrots and sweet potatoes can cause orange stools.
  • For babies 4 months and older, add high-fiber foods, such as raisins, peaches , pears , plums , green beans, or spinach twice a day.

Color in the excrement

  • Excrement is milk chocolate color , it’s the best.
  • Black droppings are warning bells – it may be a disease that is bleeding into your intestines .
  • If the stool is very dark, it could suggest a liver problem .
  • The yellow excrement could suggest that e; Liver is not producing enough bile to digest food.
  • Yellow pieces in the droppings suggest that he ate corn and is not chewing his food enough.
  • Green stool means that your liver is overproducing bile, a lot of bile. Also green droppings may suggest that salads were eaten.
  • Green feces can mean that food is not being digested well, digestive problems.
  • Whitish or cloudy areas in the stool may suggest liver problems or the fat in the food is not being completely broken down.
  • Bright red suggests undigested blood in your stool, such as internal hemorrhoids.
  • Dark red suggests bleeding in the intestines that requires medical attention.

Excrement Texture

The texture of the excrement is difficult to describe. Stool that is smooth or very rough suggests either poor digestion or poor diet . The ideal excrement is in the middle. Vegetables make stool softer, but if you haven’t eaten vegetables and your stool is soft, there may be a problem.

animal excrement

Animal excrement must be eliminated to avoid risks. Infestations, for example, of parasites, can spread through them. Some flies also use these excrements to lay their eggs.

Some animal droppings can be used to fertilize the land where crops are grown, dried and used to make fires, or mixed with clay to prepare building material.

Use of animal excrement

Animal excrement is used all over the world for various purposes:

  • Cattle dung is mixed with clay or mud to make adobe or the walls of some houses.
  • They are dried to be used as fuel.
  • They are used as fertilizer for agricultural land. Animal manure is an excellent fertilizer that can be used to improve the quality of any agricultural soil.

Risks and care

In excrement there are disease-producing germs and parasite eggs that attack animals. Eliminating excrement from places where animals are kept helps reduce the spread of diseases. If the animals are kept in stables or closed spaces, the manure must be removed periodically, because otherwise it becomes a breeding ground for germs.

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