Does Fasting Help Detoxify the Body?

Does Fasting Help Detoxify the Body

The concept of detoxification is one definition of fasting.

Quoting the book ” Detoxification : Holistic Removing Piles of Body Toxins” (2015) by Erikar Labang, actually detoxification highlights more or less the same side as the fasting process.

However, cultural approaches and religious concepts separate the two things that are actually in line.

The father of the world of health, Hippocarates, who lived 400 years BC is known as one of the pioneers of the use of detoxification in the form of fasting in the health care system that he did.

In the world of conventional health, perhaps the concept of detoxification is not very explored.

But in other branches of the world of health, such as naturopathy, detoxification is a very popular practice.

Naturopathy is a medical science that emphasizes the body’s ability to heal itself.

In many developed countries in America, Europe, Australia, some Asian countries, there are health centers based on naturopathy.

There is a common practice that relies on fasting for detoxification.


Quoting the book “Detoxification: Eliminating Piles of Body Toxins Holistically” (2015) by Erikar Labang, departing from the origin of the word “toxin”, which means poison.

In general, detoxification is a description of efforts to remove the piles of substances that have accumulated in the body and turn into “toxins” that are detrimental to health.

The word poison is quoted because it is not something that kills instantly or quickly.

The poison slowly interferes with bodily functions and definitely damages health in the long run.

Naturally, the body actually already has the ability to detoxify, such as defecating (BAB).

However, the effectiveness of the body’s natural abilities is gradually disappearing due to modern lifestyles that move away from natural life forms.

One factor is that your diet deteriorates over time, including:

  • Type of food
  • How to eat
  • Meal time setting

The diet of modern people tends to cause a pile of waste in the body, because:

  • Lack of water consumption
  • Eat low -fiber foods
  • High-fat or protein-based eating habits
  • Eat lots of processed foods that are dense in flour and sugar
  • Drinking habits based on milk, coffee, tea, syrup, soda, and alcohol.

Thus, starving oneself is understood as an extra way to rid the body of toxins.

Properly treating hunger will:

  • Accelerates autophagy: the body’s ability to get rid of cells that are not functioning properly or program to kill cells.
  • Activates lysosomes: recycles mitochondria that don’t function properly due to the build-up of waste in cells.
  • Produces a healthier body.

To quote Eat This, when we intentionally refrain from eating and drinking, a process called autophagy begins.

Autophagy is the body’s process of recycling old, damaged cells to create new, healthy cells.

“Parts of our cells get damaged and that’s the garbage,” said Dr Roberta Gottlieb, director of Molecular Cardiobiology at the Cedars-Sinai Smidt Heart Institute.

“Our cells chew up the damaged material (not good for the body) and recycle it. That’s how they get rid of the waste (damaged cells),” said Gottlieb.

If a person eats a 30 -inch pizza before bed, he or she will not experience autophagy.

“That means you’re not removing waste, so the cells start to accumulate more and more debris.”

So, fasting can be the optimal time for the body to get rid of damaged cells.


Quoting the book ” Detoxification : Holistic Removing Piles of Body Toxins” (2015) by Erikar Labang, we can get the benefits of detoxification when fasting during Ramadan .

With the definition of fasting and its proper implementation, we can see that fasting is the body’s attempt to improve itself holistically.

Spiritually and physically, fasting is healthy for oneself.

Hiromi Shinya, a world-renowned gastroenterologist said that people who perform regular fasting properly generally will have:

  • Improved vitality
  • Excellent endurance
  • The threat of disease disappears
  • Ideal weight
  • Ageless because it can inhibit premature aging.

Quoting WebMD, when we don’t eat during fasting , the body starts to go into ketosis.

Ketosis occurs when the body runs out of carbohydrates to burn for energy, thus burning fat.

“Fat is where the body stores a lot of toxins that are absorbed from the environment,” says Joel Fuhrman, author of “Eat to Live: The Revolutionary Plan for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss” and “Fasting and Eating for Health.”

” Fasting allows the body to get rid of these waste products most effectively,” he continued.

“The body is designed to fast,” he added.

Quoting the book ” Detoxification : Holistic Removing Toxins from the Body” (2015) by Erikar Labang, similar to the rules in fasting, detoxification programs are not recommended for those in the classification:

  • Pregnant
  • Menstruation
  • Severely ill patients who have not undergone changes to a healthy diet
  • Those who have to take medication regularly and have not undergone changes to a healthy diet.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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