Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever: Do not do this to remove the tick!
It is stated that the tick is transmitted mostly by attachment and due to incorrect removal methods.Stating that the virus that causes the disease is transmitted more, Emergency Medicine Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ömer Salt stated that cigarettes should not be stepped on, alcohol should not be spilled and toothpaste should not be applied on the tick. Underlining that wrong practices cause the tick to discharge the virus more, Assoc. Dr. Salt then explained that the virus circulated in the body and began to multiply. So what can we do against the tick, how should the tick be removed, and how can we understand whether the virus is transmitted?
In summer Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever carrying the virus.The number of people who lost their lives as a result of their bites is increasing day by day. Regarding the tick deaths, which returned with the warming of the weather and turned into a nightmare in recent days, Edirne, Trakya University Faculty of Medicine Department of Emergency Medicine Lecturer and Emergency Medicine Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ömer Salt explains the great risk of being in the open air, in the woods, in the field and being in close contact with animals against ticks and says, “We can face fatal results.” he warned.
Emergency Medicine Specialist Assoc. Dr. Ömer Salt said that especially those dealing with animal husbandry and people working in slaughterhouses should definitely screen the animal to be slaughtered. Emphasizing that if there is a tick in the animal, it is absolutely necessary to remove the tick with gloves, Assoc. Dr. Salt explained that the slaughter should be carried out without contacting the body fluids of the animal.
Assoc. Dr. Ömer Salt stated that cigarettes should not be stepped on, alcohol should not be spilled and toothpaste should not be applied on the tick. Underlining that wrong practices cause the tick to discharge the virus more, Assoc. Dr. Salt then explained that the virus circulated in the body and began to multiply.
Explaining that there were fatal results in the Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever virus, Assoc. Dr. Ömer Salt said, “If the virus passes the first stage and continues to progress, stomach, intestine, nose and gum bleeding occur in most of the patients. In severe cases, bleeding occurs from all cavities. This is an indication of going to an irreversible stage,” he said.
The transmission of the virus by ticks is often caused by citizens doing the wrong process of removing this tick from the body, and therefore serious consequences can be encountered. But this is not the only risk! Contamination can be transmitted to other people through saliva, saliva, blood from the secretions of animals infected by the tick, or through bodily secretions from people infected with the virus. For this reason, it is mentioned that the animal to be slaughtered during the Eid al-Adha must be combed beforehand.
If the tick comes into contact with the body, it is necessary to apply to the nearest health institution. Especially citizens living in rural areas, going to picnic areas or dealing with animals should check their bodies every day, when they come home from outside and when they stay outside for a long time. If they notice a tick on their body, if this tick is not attached, the tick should be removed immediately; For this, a health institution should be applied urgently.
- The tick that attaches to the body should be removed at once with the help of forceps or tweezers without crushing it. Health professionals are experts in this matter.
- It is necessary not to use chemicals to kill the tick, because if ether-like chemicals are used, the tick vomits and can give body fluids to the human.
- People with ticks should apply to a health care provider as soon as possible.
If the tick is plucked uncontrollably after biting, the virus in the tick’s mouth is injected into the citizen.
Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever has an incubation period of 14 days.
When the virus is transmitted to the person, symptoms such as flu; It starts as fever, headache, weakness in the body, malaise, joint pain and bleeding is seen in the following process.
It progresses with internal hemorrhages and mucosal hemorrhages in the person. There is no specific treatment in the world for Crimean-Congo Bleeding Fever apart from supportive treatment for the disease. That’s why protection is so important!
- If there are ticks in cattle and small cattle at home, seek help from a veterinarian instead of cleaning them.
- Especially in the summer months, animals can leave ticks on grass and bushes. If possible, stay away from bushes, wear boots, wear long sleeves and do not leave any open space on the body.
- Scan the body for ticks after returning from the field.
- Spray the places where people are busy. Spraying is not a 100% solution and there is usually a risk, but spraying is one of the solutions to get rid of ticks.
Citizens, especially those who visit open areas or have intense rural contact, need to do their own examinations carefully after these visits.
If the tick is stuck, they must be carefully and carefully removed from the body. Experts in this business are experienced paramedics.
Even if the tick is removed, the person should be alert in terms of signs of disease and follow his/her condition.
Ticks have an incubation period of about 2 weeks. In this process, the person should follow himself; If there are signs and symptoms of the disease, they should apply to health institutions.