18 answers to questions about hair care

It is better to comb your hair when it is damp. You can walk through your curls, first removing excess water from them, immediately after washing. But straight strands should be allowed to dry quite a bit.

In the “ Yod ” telegram channel we tell you how to take care of your health based on evidence-based medicine.

Experts from the cosmetic brand Garnier advise dividing your hair into small strands and combing them one by one from ends to roots. This way there is less chance of tangling your hair. If you come across knots, it is better to put the comb aside and carefully sort them out with your fingers.

Do not pull or tug on the strands as this could cause you to tear them out. Also, do not scratch the skin with a comb. This is especially important for those who suffer from psoriasis. Scratching can provoke an exacerbation of the disease.

How to choose a suitable comb?

Dermatologists advise choosing a comb with wide teeth. But if your hair often gets tangled , then you should pay attention to products with natural bristles.

It is better to avoid combs made of plastic and metal. The former can electrify the hair, while the latter can tear out or wring.

I have a lot of hair on my comb, am I going bald?

Normally, a person loses from 50 to 100 hairs per day. Visually, this is not noticeable, since there are from 100 to 150 thousand hair follicles on the scalp , and only 0.1% of the total hair falls out . At the same time, growth does not stop, and lost hair is replaced with new ones.

You should be wary if bald patches appear or hair loss has become more abundant than before. In this case, you need to contact a therapist or dermatologist. The doctor will identify the cause of the problem and offer treatment options.

Will hair grow faster if I cut the ends?

There is no scientific evidence for this assumption. Typically, hair grows a centimeter per month, and it does so from the root, so manipulating the ends does not speed up this process.

But you still need to trim the ends – this way you will remove the section, it will not rise higher. Your hair will break less, which means it will be easier to grow it.

What phase of the moon is best to get a haircut?

There is an opinion that the waxing Moon stimulates everything, including hair growth. But no scientific research has been conducted on this topic . And as we already said, nothing will grow faster from a haircut. Therefore, visit the hairdresser whenever you want, and do not wait for any specific lunar phase.

Does shampoo really help with hair growth?

This assumption also has no scientific evidence. Experts at the Cleveland Clinic advise against spending money on shampoos and serums that claim to contain vitamins that promote hair growth. These substances do not penetrate the skin and hair well, which means there will be no benefit from products containing them.

What can you do to make your hair grow faster?

If you want your hair to grow faster, try these hair hacks.

  • Eat a balanced diet.A nutritious healthy diet is necessary so that the hair receives all the necessary substances, including zinc, iron, selenium and omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins B and D.
  • Consider your hair type when caring.For example, dry hair needs to be washed less often and more conditioner added.
  • Take care of your scalp.Choose a shampoo that suits your skin type, and if you have dandruff or psoriasis, buy a special pharmaceutical product.
  • Be careful with chemicals.Dye and bleach, as well as curling products , damage hair, causing it to break and become tangled faster.
  • Don’t overheat your hair.Heat styling can also damage your strands. Therefore, try to avoid using a hair dryer, curling iron or straightener, and if you cannot do without it, apply thermal protection.
  • Talk to your doctor.A specialist will identify possible problems and tell you how to get rid of them. A specialist can also suggest taking vitamin supplements and select the correct dosage.

How often should you wash your hair?

There is no universal answer, but on average, washing is necessary once every 2-3 days. And then you need to look at the situation. Moreover, it is important to understand that it is not the hair that is washed first, but the scalp.

You will need to take water treatments more often than usual if you have an oily scalp, short, thin and straight hair, or if you sweat after playing sports or in the heat.

Which shampoo is better?

The product is selected individually, depending on the type of scalp. If it is dry, moisturizers are suitable, and if it is oily, those labeled sebum control.

People with colored hair will most likely have to take care not only of the health of their skin, but also of maintaining the color. Therefore, you will need special shampoos; usually manufacturers write this on the product – “for colored hair.”

Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the composition indicated on the label. You should be wary of:

  • Sulfatescleanse by attracting fat and dirt. But it can also make hair more prone to breakage and irritate your scalp.
  • Parabensare preservatives with antibacterial and antifungal properties, there is nothing wrong with them, but they can cause allergies.
  • Isopropyl alcoholis an ingredient that can dry out hair and cause irritation.
  • Formaldehydeis safe in low concentrations, but with frequent use it can accumulate in the body and increase the risk of cancer.
  • Triclosanis another antibacterial substance that can also cause scalp irritation.

If you suffer from scalp acne , look for shampoos that say “non-comedogenic” on the label.

Is it necessary to use hair conditioner?

Dermatologists recommend applying conditioner with every wash, unless you use a 2-in-1 shampoo. The procedure has several advantages: the hair is less electrified, becomes stronger and is less exposed to ultraviolet radiation. They also just look better.

The main rule is to apply conditioner not to the roots and entire length of the hair, but only to the ends.

Is it better to blow dry or just wait for your hair to dry?

After washing, do not rub your strands with a towel. Instead, blot them gently. If possible, let your hair dry on its own, without a hair dryer. This way there is less chance of damaging them.

If you need to dry your hair as quickly as possible, here are some tips:

  • Apply heat protectant to your hair .
  • Use the lowest air heat setting.
  • Try to use the hair dryer as little as possible; it is better to let your hair dry naturally.

I have dandruff. What to do?

Dandruff is dead and flaked pieces of skin. They appear for various reasons. For example, the problem may appear due to a disease, inappropriate skincare products, or oily skin.

If you don’t have much dandruff, try washing your hair regularly without scratching your scalp. Be sure to rinse off the skincare products completely.

It is worth contacting a therapist if the changes do not help. A specialist may refer you to a dermatologist, who will likely offer :

  • Buy anti-dandruff shampoo.A pharmacy shampoo containing zinc pyrithione, salicylic acid, sulfur, selenium sulfide, ketoconazole or coal tar is suitable. And if one product doesn’t help, try alternating anti-dandruff shampoos with different active ingredients.
  • Use medicated shampoo correctly.Most products need to be applied to the head and rubbed into the skin. And some shampoos also need to be left on for 5-10 minutes for the substance to take effect – the exact time will be indicated in the instructions.
  • Protect your scalp from the sun if your hair is thinning.Some anti-dandruff products increase skin sensitivity to ultraviolet light, and a burn can increase flaking . Therefore, wear hats, stay in the shade, or try to stay out of the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m., when it is at its strongest. If you have thinning hair, you can also use a sunscreen powder or spray with an SPF of at least 30.

If you have lice, will you have to shave your head?

No, you won’t have to. It will be enough to use a lice remedy . Choose a shampoo or lotion that contains permethrin or malathion.

These products are applied to the head, left for a certain time, and then washed off with hot water. After the procedure, you need to wait 24-48 hours before washing your hair with regular shampoo.

If the problem occurs in a small child or a person who, for some reason, cannot use medicated shampoo, you can try to remove lice and nits mechanically. To do this, comb your damp hair with a special fine-tooth comb.

In the same way, you can remove dead lice from your hair after using shampoo.

Is there a difference in hair care in winter and summer?

Small, but there. In winter, hair dries more. As a result, they begin to get confused and electrified and generally look worse. To avoid this, you need to apply moisturizing balms and masks, refuse a hair dryer and chemical products for coloring and curling. It is also important to comb your hair carefully and not make tight braids or buns to avoid breaking your hair.

In summer, the main damage is caused by the sun’s rays. Therefore, experts advise covering your hair with a hat or scarf and avoiding bleaching. The fact is that this process makes the hair more susceptible to UV radiation, which causes it to be more damaged.

Another summer danger is chlorinated pool water. Chlorine dries and damages hair, so you should wear a rubber cap for protection, and after swimming you should wash and apply conditioner.

How to keep colored hair healthy?

Use conditioner after every hair wash. And when out in the sun, protect your hair with a leave-in conditioner containing zinc oxide or wear a wide-brimmed hat.

Do not perform color renewal procedures too often, especially when the air is dry. In winter, the interval between them should be at least 8-10 weeks. In the summer you can do it more often, but it is better to stick to these dates.

Do only one procedure at a time – lightening or perm , only then coloring. There should be at least two weeks between them.

Is it harmful to have dreadlocks, zi-zi, afro braids?

Any hairstyle that tightens your hair can lead to hair loss. Therefore, experts advise doing weaving in salons that specialize in these services , choosing sewn-in weaves rather than those that use glue. It is worth removing dreadlocks or braids after 2-3 months.

There are also several signs in which you need to remove the weaving as soon as possible:

  • pain from hair being pulled out;
  • burning or crusting on the scalp;
  • a tension in which parts of the scalp are stretched like a tent.

Do silk elastic bands really keep your hair healthy?

Manufacturers promise that such an elastic band will make your hair shiny and soft, without creases or split ends. And although people on the Internet write that silk helps them, we have not found evidence of these statements.

What to do if your hair is constantly getting tangled?

To prevent frizz, use conditioner and brush your hair while it’s wet.

As we have already said, you should not untangle the knot with a comb – this can cause your hair to be pulled out or broken. It is better to carefully disassemble it with your fingers. And if that doesn’t work, the life hack is this: wet the strand, apply a leave-in conditioner and wait a little. After this, it will be much easier to untangle the tangle.


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