How to wash young tripe to get rid of bad smell

How to wash young tripe to get rid of bad smell

 Cleaning and deodorizing the tripe is an important pre-processing step to ensure the dish is perfect. This is also a challenge for many people.

1. How to wash the tripe to get rid of the bad smell
Soak with salt 
Clean and deodorize the intestines with salt and vinegar
Use lemon and salt
Use flour and lemon
2. Note when processing tripe

Carefully selecting and preparing tripe is an important step to ensure your tripe is delicious and safe for your health.

To choose good ingredients for pork intestines, you should choose strips of intestines that are moderately thick and soft. When gently squeezed, white fluid will flow out. If the liquid is yellow, that strip of tripe is not very young and can easily become bitter after processing.

Double tripe has two thin layers covering the outside, usually softer and more delicious. This type is often rare, you need to order in advance or go to the market early to buy it.

How to wash young tripe to get rid of bad smell

After buying tripe, the cleaning step is the deciding factor in whether the tripe is delicious or not. Below are some simple tips to help you eliminate odors and clean tripe effectively.

Soak with salt 

One of the simplest ways to wash tripe to get rid of bad odors is to use salt, because salt has the ability to absorb and remove odors, while also cleaning dirt.

First, pour cold water into a large basin or small tub, making sure there is enough water for the tripe to be soaked evenly. Add a little salt to the water, let the tripe soak for about 15-30 minutes, then take it out and rinse with cold water. Gently squeeze the intestines to remove remaining dirt.

Clean and deodorize the intestines with salt and vinegar

When buying tripe, first turn it upside down to remove the mucus inside. You can use a ginger branch to push the slime out of the intestines or scrape gently with your hands, then use a mixture of salt and vinegar to clean.

Rinse the tripe with clean water to remove remaining impurities.

Use lemon and salt

The way to wash the intestines to get rid of this odor is similar to the method above. After turning upside down and cleaning the inside of the intestine, use lemon juice and salt to squeeze it. Acidic lemon juice helps eliminate odors, while salt has the ability to kill bacteria.

After that, you wash the intestines with water, blanch them in boiling water to make the intestines harder and crispier, then use your hands to swipe again to ensure cleanliness.

Use flour and lemon

In addition to the above two methods, you can also use flour and lemon to wash the intestines to remove odors. Start by turning the intestines upside down and cleaning out the mucus inside. Mix flour with a little salt and squeeze thoroughly, rinse with water.

After cleaning, use lemon juice to rub vigorously on the intestines and rinse with clean water; Gently massage the tripe to remove any remaining dirt.

Note when processing young tripe

When preparing tripe, plucking too carefully can make the tripe become tough and dry. To avoid this situation, you can follow these steps:

– Purchased tripe should be cut into small pieces about 30-35 cm for easy preparation.

– Squeezing the intestines with salt is an important step to remove odors.

– Gently rinse the intestines in clean water, remember not to squeeze too hard to avoid damaging the structure of the intestines.

To have crispy boiled white tripe, you need to boil water in a pot and add crushed lemongrass and ginger to the water. Lemongrass and ginger will create a natural fragrance and make the tripe more delicious.

When the water boils, put the tripe in the pot and submerge it, boil for about 2 minutes, then take it out and submerge it in a bowl of ice water. Soaking in ice water helps stop the ripening process, keeping the tripe crispy and naturally white. You should add a little lemon juice to increase the flavor and make the whites fragrant.

Boil water in the pot again, put the soaked tripe in the pot and boil over high heat for about 1 minute, then take it out and submerge it in a bowl of ice water. The total time for boiling and simmering the baby intestines is about 3 minutes, which is enough for the intestines to cook while still retaining their crispness and natural white color.

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