Homemade ice cream without ice cream maker
Homemade ice cream without ice cream maker: how to easily make soft and creamy ice cream.
Many think that to make homemade ice cream you need to have an ice cream maker available. Certainly, it is an important kitchen tool and nothing prevents you from trying your hand at this type of preparation, but in most cases how can you prepare a good creamy and flavorful ice cream with as little dirt as possible and with healthy and natural ingredients? It’s really easy, let’s see how.
Homemade ice cream without ice cream maker: result in seconds
The only tool that must be used is the blender, a household appliance that is much more common in our homes. And then some bananas, which must be frozen. That’s enough. The homemade ice cream without ice cream maker, in fact, uses a banana as a base, which is frozen will give greater creaminess, and then you can add the ingredients you want. The recipe is really very simple, here it is:
Homemade ice cream without ice cream maker:
- a frozen ripe banana cut into chunks
- bitter cocoa (if we want chocolate ice cream)
- fruit to taste (if we want ice cream with fruit)
- peanut butter (optional)
- topping to taste (chopped hazelnuts, chopped pistachios, colored sugars)
The procedure, as we said, is really simple: put the frozen banana in a blender and operate the maximum speed until it softens and the consistency becomes creamy. At this point, you can indulge yourself: add some bitter cocoa, about 3 tablespoons if you want chocolate ice cream. Or the seasonal fruit that will seem more suitable: strawberries, raspberries, melon, or peach. You can decide whether to put them one at a time or all together, or even to the banana base you can add peanut butter to make ice cream with this flavor. Once the preparation is finished, you can finish your homemade ice cream without an ice cream maker with a topping of your choices such as chopped hazelnuts, chopped pistachios, chocolate chips, or colored sugars.
It is a very fresh and healthy snack: it is good for everyone, but especially for children who will eat the fruit in the form of sweet ice cream.