Allergy to aspirin and salicylates
Allergy to salicylates: introduction
Allergic manifestations caused by aspirin are very frequent: often, if a person has an allergy to aspirin and salicylates , they are also sensitive to other NSAIDs ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ), such as ibuprofen and naproxen .
It is estimated that around 1% of the population is allergic to salicylates, including acetylsalicylic acid : the active ingredient responsible for the analgesic , anti-inflammatory and antipyretic action of aspirin.
In general, an allergy or sensitization to an NSAID can cause symptoms of varying degrees. Reactions typically occur a few hours after taking the drug, and the characterizing symptoms include:
- heachache
- nasal congestion
- change in skin color
- skin rash
- itchingand hives
- swelling of hands, feet and face
- gastric pain
- redness in the eyes
- diarrhea
- fatigue
- swelling of the lipsand tongue
- cough, labored breathing, shortness of breath
- anaphylaxis(severe life-threatening allergic reaction )
- in rare cases there is also a change in pressurewith loss of consciousness.
In the event that a person is asthmatic or suffers from chronic sinusitis , suffers from hives or has nasal polyps , the probability that he or she will experience an allergic reaction to acetylsalicylic acid, and that the symptoms listed above will be triggered with greater intensity, is very high.
It should be underlined that the effects caused by an allergic reaction to aspirin are very different from the side effects caused by it; among the latter we remember stomach pain , gastrointestinal ulcers , bleeding in the stomach (gastric hemorrhage), tinnitus (perception of a noise in the ears or head, even though no sound comes from outside), all effects that have nothing to do with what to do with the typical consequences of allergic manifestations.
Foods that contain salicylates
It is also important to remember that some foods can also cause allergic reactions of this type: the table lists some foods containing salicylates, which should be avoided if the subject is allergic to aspirin and other NSAIDs.
High | Tea , wine , coffee , dried fruit, berries , apples , apricots , avocado , grapes , grapefruit , melon , jams, jellies , cucumbers, tomatoes , asparagus , peppers , corn , licorice , spices, nuts |
Average | Lemon, mango , pears, coconut , pistachios , beets , broccoli , carrots , cauliflower , garlic , mushrooms, onions , potatoes |
Low | Bananas , kiwi , mango, papaya , wheat, rye , barley , oats , rice , parsley , cabbage, peas , Brussels sprouts , lettuce , leek , lentils |
Table taken from “Methodological bases of the psychonutritional approach, Paolo De Cristofaro”