12 reasons to consume more water during the day
Anyone who consumes water regularly during the day helps the body function better, prevents health problems and even looks more beautiful. “Water plays a regulatory role in many functions of our body. The amount of water we consume plays a fundamental role, from controlling temperature to the proper functioning of the circulatory system”, explains physiologist Raul Santo de Oliveira.
To know the right amount of water to consume, simply multiply your body weight by 0.03. Thus, a person weighing 70 kilos, for example, should drink approximately 2.1 liters of liquid per day.
“It is important to remember that this calculation is made generally, but the need for water varies from person to person. A high-performance athlete, for example, can lose a liter of water per hour, and therefore needs a higher intake”, says the physiologist.
Next, find out 12 reasons to always keep a glass of water nearby.
Control blood pressure
A study carried out by Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in the United States, showed that water without any additives can play an important role in regulating blood pressure . “Water has a great influence on pressure control, as its presence determines the density of the blood. This is why in some measuring devices, pressure is measured as a percentage of water in the blood”, explains Raul Santo.
Prevents cramps
Cramps appear when there is a hydroelectric imbalance in our muscles, causing an involuntary contraction of the muscles. “They happen because there is an imbalance in the amount of water in our muscles. Drinking water regularly helps maintain hydroelectric balance and the proper functioning of muscle cells”, says the physiologist.
Protects the heart
A study carried out by Loma Linda University, in the United States, showed that people who drink more than five glasses, which is equivalent to an average of two liters, of water daily are less likely to suffer heart attacks or other heart diseases than those who drink less than that.
“With more diluted blood, it flows more easily through the blood vessels, reducing the chances of heart attacks and strokes”, explains the physiologist.
Improves bowel function
When the intestine is not working very well , a good tip is to eat more fiber and drink more water too. In fact, eating a lot of fiber and little water causes the opposite effect: constipation. That’s right, water helps lubricate the intestinal walls and move the fecal matter, preventing constipation and gas formation.
Increases physical resistance
During physical exercise, the loss of water through sweat causes our performance to worsen. This process can also be observed away from training. According to the expert, some professions require a lot of effort from the body, and consequently, there is a greater loss of water through sweating. “A postman or a delivery person, for example, if they are not careful with their hydration , they will not be able to do a good job, as they exert a lot of physical effort during the day.” In addition to hydration, water helps control body temperature, and thus improves performance in some sports .
Cleans the organism
According to nutritionist Márcia Curzio, water consumption is vital for the proper functioning of the body, since when we do not hydrate correctly, toxic and harmful substances are retained in the body , paving the way for the emergence of some diseases. “For every 500 grams of fat that the body metabolizes, around 550 grams of a mix of water and waste are produced and dumped into the body, which tends to accumulate more and more. There is only one way to eliminate them: put more water into the body, which provides a kind of internal cleaning, ensuring the body’s water balance”, explains Márcia Curzio.
Protects against kidney stones
Drinking lots of water is the main way to protect yourself from the formation of a kidney stone. The more water we drink, the more our blood will circulate and become diluted, making it easier for the kidneys to excrete nutrients that are no longer needed in our body.
“Continuous water intake makes our kidneys work constantly due to the greater volume of blood. And this happens without overloading the kidneys, maintaining their function of “cleaning” the blood efficiently”, says urologist Roberto Maluf, from Santa Cruz Hospital.
Nutrient transport
Water is also essential for good nutrient transport in our body. According to physiologist Raul Sano, without it, the blood becomes denser and, consequently, less capable of transporting nutrients such as vitamins and minerals to our cells. “The liquid part of the blood, called plasma, must correspond to 55% of the blood. If this proportion decreases due to lack of water, the cells do not receive all the nutrients they should.”
Helps to lose weight
By increasing activity in the nervous system, and thus increasing the level of energy spent, the habit of drinking water constantly also promotes weight loss. According to scientists at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, a person who drinks three glasses of water a day can lose three pounds in a year, without changing their routine in any way. This does not solve the problem of being overweight , but it helps those who want to lose weight understand how the nervous system works. According to endocrinologist Alessandra Rascovski, if we drink plenty of fluids during the day, we will be able to keep our stomach relatively full. This means greater satiety and, in turn, less food eaten.
Protects your eyes
Keeping the body hydrated is essential so that the eyes are protected from injuries. “The eyes are organs that are very sensitive to dehydration. Therefore, maintaining high water levels in the body protects the eyes from dryness, which can lead to eye problems such as inflammation and infections”, says Raul Santo.
Vitamin absorption
Vitamins C and B complex are water-soluble, that is, they are only absorbed by the body in the presence of water. “Unlike fat-soluble vitamins, which are stored in adipose tissue, water-soluble vitamins need to be consumed regularly, just like water, as they are eliminated through urine”, says Raul Santo.