Breast biopsy is a widely used procedure around the world that plays an important role in cancer diagnosis. With this procedure, which provides the opportunity to take tissue samples from breast tissue and perform detailed examination on the sample tissue, it is possible to diagnose cancer or perform closed surgical intervention when necessary. The procedure, which typically involves a biopsy needle or surgery, comes in different varieties. Different biopsy types may be used depending on the size or location of the suspicious area in the breast. The ideal method for the person is usually determined by the pathologist.
What is Breast Biopsy?
Biopsy is a method used to diagnose many types of cancer. Breast biopsy is a procedure that allows breast tissue to be examined and pathological evaluation to be made by taking samples from the breast tissue. Within the scope of this procedure, which involves using a biopsy needle or surgical techniques, it can be determined whether a suspicious area is cancerous. If swelling or textural thickening is felt in the breast, a suspicious area in the breast is detected as a result of mammogram, or a suspicious finding is obtained after ultrasound scanning or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), the doctor may recommend a breast biopsy. A biopsy may also be needed if there is crusting in the breast structure, dimpling in the skin, or bloody discharge. Thanks to biopsy examinations, breast cancer or a different health condition can be diagnosed. Biopsy is the only diagnostic method that can definitively determine the presence of cancer in the suspected area.
What are the Types of Breast Biopsy?
“How is a breast biopsy performed?” If the question is asked, the type of biopsy to be performed should be examined. There are many types of breast biopsy procedures. The ideal type of biopsy for the patient is determined based on the size and location of the suspicious area in the breast, the severity of the suspicious area, whether suspicious tissue can be felt during physical examination, and the general health of the patient. The doctor may choose the ideal one of the following biopsy types in order to obtain the ideal amount of tissue sample during the biopsy and to cause minimal damage to the surrounding tissue.
Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy
During the procedure performed in the operating room, the doctor uses a thin needle and syringe for the biopsy. This technique, which allows taking samples from breast cells or fluid, is generally preferred in the presence of masses that can be felt during physical examination. Imaging systems such as ultrasound are used to determine the exact location of the mass felt during the biopsy procedure. This way, fluid or cell samples can be taken from the right place.
Core Needle Biopsy
In core needle biopsy, the pathologist performing the procedure prefers a larger, hollow needle to take a sample of breast tissue. A larger tissue sample may be taken during the procedure, which is performed under ultrasound, mammography or MRI imaging guidance. Since the procedure is performed under local anesthesia, the patient does not feel any pain or suffering during the procedure. In order to insert the biopsy needle into the breast tissue, a small incision is made in a suitable area to provide access to the relevant area. After the procedure is performed, this area is covered with sterile bandages. There is no need for any stitching after core needle biopsy.
Vacuum Assisted Core Biopsy
In this type of biopsy, the doctor makes a small incision in the skin. A special biopsy needle is inserted into the breast tissue through the incision. After placement, a special vacuum-operated device is used to collect many small samples of breast tissue in the biopsy needle. Compared to standard breast needle biopsy methods, much more tissue sample can be obtained thanks to vacuum-assisted core biopsy. Imaging guidance is also needed during this type of biopsy.
Excisional Breast Biopsy (Lumpectomy)
During an excisional biopsy, the surgeon performs surgery to remove the cancerous area of breast tissue. With this method, the entire mass and usually the surrounding tissues are removed. Excisional breast biopsy can be considered both a diagnostic and treatment method. This method, which involves open surgical procedures, is also called open holistic biopsy. The procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia and the recovery period is longer compared to other biopsy methods.
Incisional Breast Biopsy
In this biopsy method, also called open cross-sectional biopsy, only a part of the abnormal area in the breast is cut out. It is a method used when needle biopsy results are insufficient or the suspicious area is too large to be removed with a needle. Since it is a type of biopsy performed by making an incision on the skin, the healing process of this method takes longer than other methods. There may be scars left on the skin due to the incision made after the procedure. Different imaging techniques can be used to guide the biopsy procedures. Mammography can be used to determine the area that needs to be sampled. Ultrasound imaging techniques can be used to provide instant guidance during needle biopsy. In some cases, procedures can also be performed under magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance.
How is Surgical Biopsy Performed on the Breast?
The breast biopsy procedure consists of various steps depending on the method to be preferred. First of all, the appropriate imaging technique and biopsy type for the breast biopsy to be performed are determined. In procedures performed in the operating room, local anesthesia is applied to the patient if a fine needle aspiration biopsy or core needle biopsy is performed. Thus, pain or suffering can be prevented during the procedure. If surgical biopsy methods are used, general anesthesia is generally preferred. During procedures performed under ultrasound or MRI guidance, there is a chance to intervene in the right place. After determining the area of the breast to be treated, an incision is made. In surgical biopsy methods, a small incision of 1 to 2 inches is made. Then, all or a certain part of the suspicious tissue is removed. In some cases, the healthcare provider may place a small metal marker at the site where the biopsy sample was taken. Thus, in case a second intervention is required, the first biopsy area is known. After these steps are completed, the incision is closed. Surgical biopsy incisions are closed with stitches or adhesive tape and the procedure is terminated.
How Long Does Breast Biopsy Take?
The procedure time for breast biopsy varies depending on the method to be applied. If an ultrasound-guided core biopsy is performed, the procedure time is usually 20 minutes. However, for surgical biopsy options, this period may extend to 1 hour.
What are the Side Effects of Breast Biopsy?
Breast biopsy is based on minimally invasive procedures. Therefore, the healing process is usually effortless. However, it is possible to encounter some post-biopsy side effects during the procedures performed on breast tissue. The following side effects may occur in the treated area:
- bruising
- Swelling
- Pain or feeling of pain
- Bleeding
- Infection
If symptoms of infection such as redness, pus discharge, or fever occur in the breast tissue after the biopsy, it is recommended to consult a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Possible side effects come to mind: “Is breast biopsy dangerous?” It may bring up the question. Complications following biopsy procedures are rare. These complications include; Collapse of the lung (pneumothorax), hemothorax, which is defined as the accumulation of blood between the chest wall and the lung, and hemopneumothorax, which means the collection of blood between the lung collapse and the chest wall. If the procedures are performed by specialist physicians, the risk of developing such complications is quite low. Breast biopsy procedures performed within Florence Nightingale Hospitals are performed within the scope of multidisciplinary work of pathology and radiology units. Thanks to correct applications, the effective power of biopsy can be used in the fight against cancer.