Pregnant Diet List: Nutrition Tips from a Dietitian

Pregnant Diet List

Healthy Diet & Nutrition Recommendations for Pregnant Women!

Did you know that for the health of your baby and yourself, you should start preparing for your baby at least 3 months before you get pregnant and pay attention to your diet?

In this article, I will share a list of pregnant diets and important advice that will answer your questions about pregnancy diet , support your baby’s development and provide you with the nutrients you need.

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This diet will not be about losing weight as in the general diet concept we know, of course, since the pregnant diet list is based on feeding the mother and the baby in the best way, the benefit should be at the forefront. When we say diet during pregnancy, what we really mean is to take care of a regular and balanced diet, as well as to take foods that are compatible with the needs of the baby and the mother for two.

Let’s examine together how you should eat in order to have a healthy pregnancy and give birth to healthy babies:

  • You should take care to consume from all food groups during the day .
  • Carbohydrates, which are your energy source for your body, fats that are essential for your hormones, and protein, which you should not forget for your muscle tissue, are more important than ever in this process.
  • You can find all the food sources in your personalized diet list .
  • Don’t forget to follow the diet that your dietitian has prepared for you during this period, instead of applying a single type of diet or the ‘fashionable’ diets of the last period !

Please consult a nutritionist for the most suitable pregnant diet list for you. In order for the pregnancy process to progress in a healthy way, do not apply the information you have obtained without the approval of a dietitian.

Healthy Eating Tips During Pregnancy

1) Which Carbs Should You Choose During This Period?

  • When starting out with the question of how the pregnant diet will be, first of all, the organization should be made to establish the carbohydrate-fat-protein balance in the most correct way.
  • Instead of white sugar, honey, jam, marmalade or sugar-containing foods, which we call simple carbohydrates, it is beneficial to choose whole-grain breads, oatmeal, dried legumes and fruits, which are complex carbohydrates .
  • If you ask why; Simple carbohydrates can cause spikes and falls in your blood sugar level . This will increase the risk of gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
  • Complex carbohydrates keep your blood sugar levels stable .
  • It prevents your insulin resistance from increasing.
  • In your weekly diet , you can start adding complex carbohydrates to your menu by consuming legumes (such as dry beans, chickpeas, green lentils) for lunch at least 1 day .
  • Since legumes are rich in iron and magnesium, they also protect you against anemia.
  • Iron deficiency; vaginal bleeding, low birth weight baby, pregnancy and postpartum fatigue.
  • Of course, vitamin C supplementation is also important. Vitamin C in the pregnancy diet is of great importance with its protective effect for the mother’s immunity to be strong and not to be sick during pregnancy.
  • If you add fruits to your snacks, you will also increase iron absorption.

2) What Sources of Fat Should You Consume?

  • Unfortunately, recently the attitude towards oil consumption has started to be negative.
  • When it comes to pregnancy diet , it is useful to approach the issue of fat carefully in this process, where weight gain will automatically increase.
  • However, there is a fact that should be known that your body also needs fat.
  • While providing the absorption of vitamins A, D, E, K, oils protect against blows by wrapping around the internal organs; It also plays an active role in the work of hormones.
  • It is the second source of energy in the body after carbohydrates.
  • If you choose healthy fats, there is no harm in consuming fat.
  • Fish containing Omega 3 fatty acids, salmon, flaxseed, walnuts, and Omega 9 containing olive oil and hazelnut oil should have a place in your life.
  • Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the portion size!

3) Don’t Forget to Measure Your Vitamin and Mineral Levels!

We have come to the most important point…

  • The most important topic when preparing a pregnant mother’s diet is actually vitamins and minerals.
  • 400 micrograms of folic acid should be used daily from at least 3 months before pregnancy until the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy .
  • Since folic acid is included in the B group vitamins, it is not stored and must be taken daily.
  • The role of folic acid contributes to the full functioning of the bone marrow with the development of the baby .
  • In its deficiency, neural tube defect may occur in the baby .
  • rich in folic acid in your diet; You can add green leafy vegetables (especially spinach), lentils, kidney beans, wheat germ .

4) Include Calcium in Your Life!

  • Calcium is a very important element in the pregnant diet list in terms of the strength of the body structure of both the mother and the baby.
  • You should consume at least 2 servings a day of calcium-rich milk, yogurt, ayran and kefir .
  • Especially if you consume kefir, which is a source of probiotics that you ferment yourself, in the evening, you can see its contribution to the digestive system and immunity.
  • You should always drink plenty of water and stay away from alcohol and cigarettes.
  • And remember: health always comes first…

5) How to Have a Healthy Weight Gain During Pregnancy?

  • 1.Trimester (in the first 3 months) between 1-4 kg,
  • 2.Trimester (2.3 months) between 4-6 kg,
  • 3.Trimester (3.3 months) 5-7 kg weight gain will be healthy.


  • A thin woman can gain between 12-15 kilos.
  • A normal weight woman can gain 9-12 kilograms.
  • But a woman who is overweight should try to complete the pregnancy with 8-9 kilos.
  • It is never recommended for overweight women to have a weight loss diet during pregnancy!!

How to Make a Pregnant Diet?

  • Pregnant diet program should be prepared by paying attention to the amount of calories to be taken, just like normal diets.
  • In the first 3 months of pregnancy, the energy requirement does not change much and increases by 150 calories.
  • However, after the 3rd month (between 4-9 months), an increase of 300-400 calories is required.
  • If you are a overweight pregnant woman, you can continue with the normal energy level without increasing the need.
  • It is definitely not recommended to lose weight by dieting in pregnant women who are overweight.

Pregnant Diet List Sample Menu

when you wake up

  • 1 glass of water


  • 1 boiled egg
  • 2 slices of low-fat feta cheese
  • 2 whole walnuts in season or 6 olives with little salt
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread
  • Cucumber, tomato


  • 1 portion of fruit + 1 glass of buttermilk + 6 raw hazelnuts


  • (4-6 meatballs) 120-180 gr grilled or oven-baked chicken, meatballs
  • Green Salad
  • 1 bowl of yogurt or 2 glasses of buttermilk or 1 bowl of tzatziki
  • 1 bowl of soup or 4-5 spoons of bulgur pilaf


  • 1 serving of fruit


  • 1 bowl of soup or 2 slices of whole wheat bread
  • 1 serving of vegetable or legumes meal
  • 1 bowl of yogurt or 2 glasses of buttermilk or 1 bowl of tzatziki
  • Green Salad


  • 1 portion of fruit + 1 bowl of yogurt

Please consult a nutritionist for the most suitable pregnant diet list for you. In order for the pregnancy process to progress in a healthy way, do not apply the information you have obtained without the approval of a dietitian.

Dietitian M. Büşra ARAL ÖZYURT

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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