Is the front or back pork leg better?

Is the front or back pork leg better?

The front and hind legs of pigs have differences in texture and flavor, so which is better when cooking?

1. Is the front leg or back leg of the pig better?
Characteristics of the front leg
Characteristics of the hind leg
2. Some notes when choosing to buy pork trotters
Check meat quality
Check for freshness
Check the foundation
Check for smell

Pork trotters can be processed into many delicious dishes such as stewed, braised, cooked in soup… Many people wonder whether front or hind leg is better because they notice a clear difference between the two. .

Is the front or back pork leg better?

To make the dish delicious and flavorful, when buying pork feet, you should pay attention to distinguish between the front and back feet. Not only are they different in location, they are also different in taste.

However, whether the front leg of pork leg or the back leg of pork leg is better depends on the dish you intend to prepare as well as personal preferences. Each part of the pork leg has its own characteristics in terms of structure and flavor

Characteristics of the front leg

When pigs move, the front legs play a more important role and bear more force, so the hooves on the front legs are often larger in size than the hind hooves. The front legs are also sturdy, have many tendons, and the flesh is thinner. The shape of the front leg is also usually smaller and more beautiful.

Pork leg meat is usually sweeter and more flavorful, suitable for stewed, mock-civet or boiled dishes (when cooked, it becomes softer and more flavorful).

Characteristics of the hind leg

The hind legs mainly support movement and help the animal maintain balance, so the meat will not be as firm and rich as the front legs. They also have a loose texture and contain a lot of fat. Therefore, hind leg is often used for stir-fried dishes, porridge or braised dishes…

In short, whether the front leg or the back leg of pork is better depends mainly on personal preferences and how to prepare it. If you want rich flavor and sweet, crispy meat, you can choose the pork leg first. Meanwhile, if you want a dish that is nutritious and has a gentle flavor, suitable for stir-fried and grilled dishes, you can choose pork leg.

Some notes when choosing to buy pork sausage

Here are some important notes when you choose to buy pork trotters, whether front or back:

Check meat quality

Choose a block of pork that feels firm and has an even color; The cut is dry, with no signs of water or oil. If the meat has a natural bright pink color and is not fishy, ​​it is a delicious piece of pork leg meat. 

Avoid pieces of meat that are unevenly colored, have black spots or are fuzzy, these can be signs of oxidation and the food is no longer fresh.

Check for freshness

When gently pressing on the meat, the meat should have elasticity, meaning that when you press down and release it, it will return to its original shape. The meat should not be too soft, this characteristic shows that the meat is spoiled or no longer fresh.

Check the foundation

The hoof of the pig’s leg needs to be intact, not loose or broken. This shows that the pork trotters are still new and of good quality. Damaged nails can be a sign of old meat or poor storage conditions.

Check for smell

You should buy pork trotters that do not have an unpleasant odor, the smell of the meat should be natural and pleasant. Avoid those with unpleasant or unusual odors.

The quality of the pork leg will affect the final flavor of the dish, so choose carefully to ensure you buy the most suitable, delicious and fresh pork leg.

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