Effective Solution to Improve World Health: Ecovillages

Ecovillages; They are among the initiatives to improve world health as settlements that adopt ecological, economic and social sustainability as a principle and a lifestyle that is increasingly popular around the world. The concept of ecovillage, which was first used with the Solheimar Ecovillage established in Iceland in the 1930s, generally refers to villages established by those who want to live in harmony with nature against city life. These villages are founded by people who want to live away from the chaos, noise, pollution, consumerism and competition of city life and at the same time support sustainable living.

Although developing technology and inventions have brought incredible convenience to our lives, it is an undeniable fact that these things we have accelerated climate change with the increase in population and consumption. At this point, ecovillages come into play as a solution by offering an autonomous, productive and collective life in touch with nature, sustainable and instead of global economic dependence.

Although their number is still low in our country, there are ecovillages in many countries around the world. Although the worldview, lifestyle and functioning of each ecovillage are different, their common point stands out as sustainability. Established to support ecovillage initiatives, the Global Ecovillage Network GEN (Global Ecovillage Network), North and South America Ecovillage Network (ENA), Asia and Oceania Ecovillage Network (GENOA), Europe, Africa, Middle East Ecovillage Network (GEN Europe) make it easier to organize. Ecovillages in Turkey are also located within GENE Europe. So, let’s examine together what are the general features that make ecovillages an ecovillage.

What are the features that make ecovillages ecovillages?

Ecovillages; While they care about the welfare and peace of communities, they also care about the welfare and peace of individuals. For this reason, in ecovillages, individuals undertake jobs that suit their abilities and make them happy, and in this way they can earn a living. In these villages, a medium of exchange developed as an alternative to money is generally preferred, so it is possible to see the barter method in shopping.

Electrical devices are not found in every home, and items such as white goods are shared. Natural filtration methods and collection pools are used to meet water needs. Natural and alternative resources such as solar panels, wind turbines, biofuel; It meets needs such as lighting and heating. Chemical cleaning materials are being replaced by organic compounds and disposable materials are being avoided. Waste is converted into fertilizer, and organic waste is used to obtain biofuel.  

In ecovillages established on purchased or occupied lands, living spaces are made of natural materials such as stone, clay and straw, while public transportation or shared vehicles belonging to the community are preferred for transportation. Bicycles are an indispensable solution for short distances that cannot be covered on foot.

As for education in ecovillages, it also differs from conventional education methods. Learning from nature and lifelong learning form the basis of education. Trainings open to participants from all over the world are organized in ecovillages, and these trainings make ecovillages indispensable. Receiving training such as natural and sustainable life training and permaculture design training through visits to ecovillages; Contributing to natural life and gaining skills by volunteering to help with tasks such as preparing seedlings, harvesting fruit, and establishing greenhouses; It is possible to enjoy nature. This type of training also generates income for ecovillages. 

How to ensure the sustainability of ecovillages?

Ecovillage initiatives; He has master’s and doctoral theses in fields such as environmental engineering, landscape architecture, tourism and economics; While it was seen as promising by some, it was found utopian by others. Ecovillages are useful for like-minded people to gather together and fight for a common goal, but there are also many ecovillage projects that end in disappointment. One of the most important reasons for this is that people who come together with the intention of establishing an ecovillage disagree over time. For this reason, initiatives end before they can progress much.

To prevent this; Details about how the operation, management and responsibilities will be should be determined from the beginning. Living in a well-designed ecovillage is enjoyable, healthy and cost-effective. Thus, it will be possible to say hello to a sustainable and alternative lifestyle.

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