10 High Calorie Vegetables

High Calorie Vegetables
If to lose weight, vegetables are to be put on the menu, you should know that some of them are more caloric than others.

10 High Calorie Vegetables


The avocado is a fruit, not a vegetable, packed with goodness.

It contains monounsaturated fatty acids that fight against bad cholesterol . In addition, its fiber content facilitates transit and promotes good digestion.

Its health benefits mean that it can be put on the menu as part of a diet provided that it is not accompanied by mayonnaise or vinaigrette and that it is consumed in reasonable quantities.

The peas

The 10 most caloric vegetables

Peas, because of their richness in carbohydrates, are among the most caloric vegetables. However, they are rich in protein, which promotes the feeling of satiety. It is therefore better to prefer to eat a plate of peas at noon rather than steamed zucchini to avoid being hungry at snack time and rushing on sweet snacks…

They are also low in fat and high in fiber , which makes them easily digestible.


The 10 most caloric vegetables

Beetroot , despite its richness in carbohydrates, promotes weight loss  thanks to its fiber content which causes a feeling of satiety by swelling in the stomach.

In addition, its richness in antioxidants promotes hepatic and renal elimination .

If it is not consumed from morning to evening, the beet does not make you fat but brings the necessary vitality to the body on a diet.

The corn

The 10 most caloric vegetables

Corn is excellent for health. It is  rich in vitamins, especially those of group B, and minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, iron and zinc). Its antioxidant content helps boost the immune system and promote the elimination of toxins.

Consumed as part of balanced meals , in a mixed salad for example, it does not make you fat. Considered a starchy food, it should not however be associated with other starchy foods such as bread or potatoes for example.

The artichoke

The 10 most caloric vegetables

The artichoke is a vegetable rich in carbohydrates , which makes it one of the most caloric vegetables. However, its low lipid content and high fiber and vitamin content make it easy to digest and promote elimination .

Consumed in reasonable quantities, it can therefore be integrated perfectly into a diet, provided that the vinaigrette which often accompanies it, is replaced by a sauce based on 0% fromage blanc, lemon juice and fine herbs .

Brussels sprouts

The 10 most caloric vegetables

Brussels sprouts are certainly one of the most calorie-rich vegetables with about forty calories per 100g, but they remain a dietary food par excellence. Good for health, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins .

Containing sulphur, it also helps to purify the liver and eliminate toxins.

To better  digest it and avoid bloating , it is advisable to blanch it before cooking.


The 10 most caloric vegetables

Eggplant , like apple, is rich in pectin , which promotes the feeling of satiety. Pectin contains soluble fibers that swell in water and therefore in the belly, which has the effect of reducing appetite .

This soluble fiber also has the property of locking up fats and eliminating toxins.

Steamed, or in foil , it can be served with a light yogurt and herb sauce for maximum indulgence without the calories that go with it.


The 10 most caloric vegetables

Broccoli , with 34 calories per 100g , is a higher calorie vegetable than its cousins, yet still low in fat and carbohydrates.

Rich in vitamins and minerals , especially calcium , it is recommended in low-fat diets that limit the consumption of dairy products (cheese, whole milk yogurt, fresh cream, etc.)

Consumed raw or cooked, it will however be preferred cooked for fragile intestines .


The 10 most caloric vegetables

The potato does not have a good press in weight loss diets. However, it is not uninteresting. Its high fiber content slows the digestion of carbohydrates and promotes the feeling of satiety .

In addition, if the cooking method is appropriate , it does not make you fat. For example, it is necessary to prefer steaming rather than reducing it to a puree , because the fact of being crushed (as in fries) increases its glycemic index .

The green bean

The 10 most caloric vegetables

Green beans are rich in fibre, minerals (iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, manganese, phosphorus…) and vitamins (A, B9 and C) .

Higher in calories than some other vegetables, they are however to be preferred during a weight loss diet provided they are cooked without fat. Oil or butter can be replaced by herbs and garlic to keep the taste pleasure.

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