11 floating aquarium plants
Floating aquarium plants in the plant kingdom, one that we always pay attention to when we have fish. However, there are many who, even when the fish are not there, they keep the aquarium due to the beauty that the plants offer.
So, this time we want to talk to you about some aquarium floating plants that you can have alone or with some species of fish (not all, because there are some that the animals do not tolerate) Do you want to know which ones we recommend?
- 1 Ceratophyllum submersum
- 2 Limnobium laevigatum
- 3 Hygroryza aristata
- 4 Ceratopteris cornuta
- 5 Mimosa amphibium
- 6 Trapa natans
- 7 Ceratophyllum demersum
- 8 Phyllanthus fluitans
- 9 Salvia knights
- 10 Riccia fluitans
- 11 Nuphar lutea
Ceratophyllum submersum
The aquarium plant is one of the most prominent, even for ponds. It is ideal for raising fish because help to clean the aquarium of organic debris and, incidentally, they will avoid the dreaded algae.
Obviously, it prefers cold water as hot, so if you have a hot water aquarium (26-27 degrees), the safest thing is that the plant goes away.
Limnobium laevigatum
It is also known as «Amazon duck» and the striking thing about this floating aquarium plant is that it has floating rosette shapes and some practical underwater roots for fish because they help them to build nests.
As for your needs, you like more or less heavy water and is ideal for herbivorous fish.
Hygroryza aristata
In floating aquarium plants, the Hygroryza aristata is one that will catch your eye without hesitation. To begin with, it really is not a plant, but rather an herb. This is the only used in aquariums and yes, it is very difficult to find, but not impossible.
The beauty of this is that you will have floating roots due to the twigs it has, as well as some small white stalks which, at some moments, can easily simulate that they are small flowers.
Ceratopteris cornuta
This plant is like a fern. They are the most recommended floating aquarium plants for beginners, both in aquariums and in aquatic plants. It is fast growing, so do not be surprised that in a short time you need to cut it so that it could not take over the entire aquarium.
Yes, those shoots that you cut can be replanted, so the plant is much wider.
Two negative aspects: it is a consumer of nitrates, and in addition, it is necessary to leave free spaces on the surface so that it can develop well. If the water and the lid are too close together, the plant will suffer.
Mimosa amphibium
This is one of those floating aquarium plants that will surprise you. And it is that when you plant it, you may notice it strange, perhaps dull and lifeless. But actually, when a few days go by, you start to open the pages and you find a beauty.
Now we also warn you that it is quite difficult to maintain, so not recommended for beginners. And it is that it can not tolerate low temperatures and not like places where there is running water. In return, you will have a plant with curiosity: if you touch it, the leaves will close. The same will happen at night. Only the flower they put out will be opened (that is, by the way, yellow).
Trapa natans
Also known as water chestnut or water kaltrop, the plant native to Eurasia and Africa tolerates temperatures between 18 and 28 degrees, with a pH between 6 and 8 degrees. There is not much maintenance, although difficulty is medium, which makes it not suitable for beginners.
Aesthetically, you will have a plant that brings to the surface their characteristic leaves with serrations and medium size.
Ceratophyllum demersum
The plant is also called “foxtail”, and is one of the fastest growing plants (to give an idea, it can grow up to 4 cm per day). It is perfect for beginners because the maintenance is minimal.
Also, you have to know that it has no roots, and you can plant it or let it behave in a floating way . The good thing with this plant for the aquarium is that it oxygenates the water, in addition to helping you avoid the appearance of algae.
Phyllanthus fluitans
This is one of the floating aquarium plants that attracts attention to its pale green color. But do not be fooled because it can go from green to garnet red. How do you get it? Well with a medium light intensity.
It requires a little care, but it may still be appropriate for people with an average knowledge of aquariums and floating plants.
Salvinia nightmares
The plant is characterized by dark green scraped leaf with a slit that you can see in the center of the leaf. This is for people with a medium or professional level in aquariums (and especially in floating aquarium plants).
The growth is medium / slow and it needs good lighting. In fact, the more light you give it, the smaller its leaves come out.
Among the benefits you get with it is absorbing excess nutrients, avoiding the appearance of algae and serving as a breeding ground for viviparous fish, or as protection, for example for beta fish.
Riccia fluitans
As we told you, this is one of the ideal aquarium floating plants for beginners. It does not have to be planted, but just to tie it to a log, rock or slab is more than enough. You should also know that it is always told if the plant is okay. It will if you see that oxygen bubbles form on the leaves. If this happens, you give him all the needs he needs, which is ideal to realize if something is wrong.
Nuphar lutea
If you like floating aquarium plants, which in addition to leaves also give a flower from time to time, this may be one of them. It is a plant known as yellow water lily or yellow nymph.
If it adapts well to its environment and it is the space it needs, it will sprout a very beautiful yellow flower that will stay on the surface (higher than the leaves themselves), which you have to control the space between the lid of the aquarium And the water.
Did you like it? Do you recommend a more floating plant for the aquarium?