Discover the 7 benefits of the apricot

Apricots are delicious sweet fruits. Moreover, they are also very healthy. In this article you will discover the seven health benefits of the apricot.

Dried apricots are known for their high iron content. Fresh apricots contain especially a lot of vitamin A. Read on to find out more about this fruit.

In this article you will also discover whether apricots are suitable if you want to lose weight healthily .


  • Facts about apricots
  • Health benefits
  • Nutritional value
  • Are dried apricots healthy?
  • Apricots and weight loss
  • Conclusion and tips

Facts about apricots

  • Apricots belong to the Rosaceaefamily, just like apples, raspberries and strawberries.
  • The apricot has probably existed in China since 3000 BC.
  • You can recognize a ripe apricot by simply squeezing it gently. When the apricot is soft, it is ripe.
  • Apricots can be eaten fresh, dried, added to dishes or processed into jam.

The health benefits of apricots

It is not only the juicy character and sweet taste that is a reason to eat apricots. The fruits can also provide benefits for your health.

  1. Can contribute to a healthy heart

Apricots can support heart health because they contain a high amount of fiber . Fibers have a beneficial effect on cholesterol [1-3].

The mineral potassium in apricots can also contribute to the health of our heart. Potassium can help lower blood pressure and promote heart muscle function [2,4].

Other substances also help to keep the heart healthy. These are the so-called polyphenols [5]. These powerful antioxidants protect the heart against harmful free radicals.

Summary: Apricots are beneficial for the heart by contributing to healthy blood pressure and healthy cholesterol.

  1. Help keep eyes healthy

Apricots can contribute to maintaining healthy eyes. The fruits contain various substances that are good for your eyesight [6]. Think of vitamins A and E.

Vitamin A helps you see better at night. Vitamin E protects your eyes against harmful free radicals.

Apricots contain even more substances that protect your eyes. Think of vitamin C, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and in particular the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. The latter two protect the eyes and help to maintain sharp vision [6].

Summary: Apricots protect the eyes and thus help maintain vision.

  1. Aid for anemia

Apricots can have a beneficial effect on anemia, or a deficiency of iron in the blood. The fruits contribute to maintaining iron levels because they contain vitamin C. This vitamin promotes the absorption of iron from food [2]. Other fruits that contain vitamin C are kiwis and strawberries.

Apricots also contain beta-carotene : this substance also promotes the absorption of iron [7]. In addition, apricots themselves also contain iron. You can even call dried apricots rich in iron.

Dried apricots contain no less than 4 mg iron per 100 grams. That is 25% of the amount you need daily as an adult woman before menopause. After menopause , you will even get 36% of the recommended daily amount of iron.

Summary: The vitamin C and beta-carotene in apricots aid in iron absorption. Dried apricots also contain a lot of iron.

  1. Protect your cells

Apricots are packed with antioxidants , which are important for healthy cells. Antioxidants capture free radicals. Free radicals are substances that can cause damage to cells and tissues.

Apricots contain several powerful antioxidants, such as vitamins A and C.

The antioxidants in apricots can also help reduce free radical damage. In this way, eating apricots can help keep your cells healthy [2,8].

Summary: The antioxidants in apricots protect your body cells from free radical damage.

  1. Contribute to better skin

Apricots can contribute to beautiful and healthy skin in various ways. The large amounts of vitamins A and C ensure that the skin looks healthy. Both vitamins support the formation of collagen in the skin, which ensures a healthy skin structure.

The antioxidants in apricots help protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals. In this way, the fruits can help prevent your skin from aging quickly.

Vitamin A can also have a beneficial effect on acne, so apricots can be used to get calm, smooth skin [2,9]. Mango also contains a lot of vitamin A and can therefore help you with this.

Summary: The vitamins in apricots promote healthy skin structure and protect the skin.

  1. Ensure strong bones

Eating apricots can contribute to strong bones. The fruit contains calcium . Since calcium is necessary for building bones, eating apricots can contribute to healthy bones and cartilage [2,10].

Apricots also contain substances that facilitate the absorption of calcium. These are vitamins C, E and K. The mineral magnesium also contributes to the absorption of calcium, and this can also be found in apricots [11] – as well as in bananas and melon .

By eating apricots you are effectively working on getting enough calcium.

Summary: Apricots contribute to healthy bones by both containing calcium and promoting calcium absorption.

  1. Beneficial effect on the lungs

It is possible that apricots can contribute to the prevention and reduction of asthma complaints. The fruits contain vitamins that help the lungs stay healthy. For example, vitamins A, C and E fight bacteria, viruses and toxins in the lungs.

The same vitamins in apricots, also known as antioxidants , also fight harmful free radicals. These substances play a role in the development of asthma.

By putting apricots on the menu, you can contribute to the proper functioning of the lungs and the health of this important organ [12]. Blackberries and oranges also contain these vitamins, so you can also add them to your diet for healthy lungs.

Summary: Apricots contain substances that counteract pathogens in the lungs.

The nutritional value of apricots

A fresh apricot of 35 grams contains the following nutritional values ​​[13]:

  • Energy: 17 kcal ( calories)
  • Carbohydrates: 3 grams
    – Sugars: 3 grams
  • Proteins: 0 grams
  • Fats: 0 grams
  • Fiber: 1 gram

Vitamins and minerals:

  • Vitamin A: 13% RDI
  • Vitamin C: 6% RDA
  • Vitamin E: 2% RDA
  • Vitamin K: 1% RDA
  • Folic acid: 1% RDA
  • Magnesium: 1% RDA
  • Potassium: 3% RDA
  • Copper: 1% RDA
  • Manganese: 1% RDA

In addition, an apricot also contains other healthy nutrients, such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, B6, phosphorus and iron.

Are dried apricots healthy?

To extend the shelf life of dried fruit, sulphites are sometimes added. If you have asthma or are allergic to sulfite, this can cause complaints. It is better to choose fresh apricots.

Apricots and weight loss

In addition to the many health benefits, there is another major benefit that you can gain from eating apricots. Apricots can help you lose weight .

Apricots contain relatively few calories, but still have a high nutritional value. This means that eating it can make you feel full without consuming many calories. In addition, this type of fruit contains a lot of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on digestion [2].

It is important to know that apricots contain fruit sugars that can hinder weight loss if you consume too many. Therefore, try to take a maximum of two portions of fruit per day into account.

Conclusion and tips

You have read that apricots are healthy and can provide you with many benefits: better skin, healthy eyes, strong bones and a healthy heart. This article has also shown that it is an excellent type of fruit for people who want to lose weight.

If you take the tips below into account, you will get the most benefits from eating apricots:

  • Eat a maximum of two apricots per day.
    This way you will not consume too muchfruit sugar , but you will still benefit from the healthy nutrients in apricots.
  • Extra attention when eating dried apricots
    Be careful if you have asthma or a sulfite allergy: dried apricots sometimes contain sulfites.

Since a varied diet is the basis for a healthy and slim body, it takes more than just eating apricots to achieve this. The fruit is a good addition to your diet and, when combined with other healthy foods, can lead to weight loss and better health.


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