What is Water Birth? What are the advantages?

Today, the increase in the variety of birth methods directs expectant mothers to alternative birth methods. Water birth, which has become popular in recent years, is one of them. Water birth is a form of birth away from the delivery room environment, where the mother feels less pain and requires less medical intervention. When it is time to give birth, the mother gives birth in a sterile pool containing water at a certain temperature. Water birth takes place under the supervision of a doctor and nurse in hospitals or gynecology clinics that offer this opportunity. You can continue reading the article for more detailed information about “What is water birth?” and “How does water birth happen?”

What is Water Birth?

Water birth is a form of normal birth in which all or most of the labor takes place in water. After labor begins, the expectant mother is placed in a bathtub filled with 37 degree water, covering her belly. Since the normal body temperature is 37 degrees, the water temperature is adjusted accordingly to provide the ideal temperature. During birth, the temperature of the water may change with amniotic fluid, urine and similar substances. The water temperature is constantly kept under control to ensure that the water temperature does not change. While the entire birth can take place in the pool, the expectant mother can also be taken to the birthing table during labor. For water birth to occur, some procedures must be followed. The conditions required for water birth are as follows:

  • The expectant mother requests water birth
  • Doctor’s approval for water birth
  • Pregnancy is in the low risk group
  •  Pregnancy between 37-42  weeks
  • Normal estimated baby weight is 2500-4000 grams. to be
  • The baby’s heart rate is normal
  • The expectant mother should not be overweight to the point of being obese

How to Give Birth in Water?

The question “How to give birth in water?” is undoubtedly one of the most curious questions for expectant mothers who are planning to have a water birth. Water birth involves giving birth in a water-filled bathtub or inflatable pool. This type of bathtub birth can be preferred especially by expectant mothers who are afraid of normal birth. The water birth process begins with the person who is due to give birth applying to a pre-determined hospital or birth clinic that offers water birth conditions. Apart from these, water birth can also take place at home, optionally and provided that the necessary conditions are met. The conditions required for water birth are as follows:

  • Doctor, nurse, midwife, birth coach, etc. who will help the birth take place. presence of health professionals such as
  • The pool or bathtub where the birth will take place must be sterile and provide other necessary conditions.
  • Infection control measures have been taken
  • If necessary, a suitable environment is available for birth outside of water.
  • The temperature of the water should be at 37 degrees and the necessary preparations should be made to ensure that it does not change.

In addition, some materials are needed for water birth. The equipment required for water birth can be listed as follows:

  • Waterproof doppler or electronic fetal (baby in the womb) monitoring devices
  • Standard, filtered tap water
  • shoulder length gloves
  • Waterproof clothing and protective glasses used by healthcare professionals assisting with birth
  • Neonatal radiator (a device that keeps the baby at the temperature in the womb) and resuscitation (cardiac massage and respiratory support) tools for the baby
  • Towels, blankets, birth kits, etc. for the expectant mother.

What are the advantages of water birth?

Water birth is a method preferred by expectant mothers thanks to its many advantages. If the baby is born in water, this may also enable the mother and baby to establish a faster emotional bond after birth. In addition, the baby who is in water in the womb for 9 months and is born under similar conditions accelerates the adaptation process to the new world. One of the biggest advantages of water birth is the use of hot water. Hot water, which has been used since ancient times during normal births, has the effect of relaxing the vaginal muscles. Hot water used during water birth helps reduce labor pains by providing relief in the perineum, vagina, and cervix areas. Thanks to the buoyancy of the water, the mother can move easily and does not have much difficulty during pushing. Again, with the soothing and relaxing effect of hot water, endorphin hormone can be secreted into the body, and thus the mother can feel happier and more peaceful. Thanks to water birth, episiotomy (surgical incision in the vagina to facilitate birth) is less necessary. In general, the advantages of water birth can be listed as follows:

  • It can greatly suppress the pain experienced until the time of birth.
  • May eliminate the need for epidural  or spinal painkillers
  • It can shorten the duration of birth by allowing the mother to move quickly
  • It can reduce the effort and labor required during birth
  • It can prevent the baby’s heartbeat from slowing down by accelerating the blood flow to the uterus.
  • Rapid blood flow can increase the oxygen supply to the mother and baby.
  • Vaginal tears may be prevented
  • It can reduce the emergency cesarean section that can occur during normal birth.
  • Milk secretion can be accelerated as water stimulates the nipple.
  • Warm water can make the baby’s birth path looser
  • There may be a decrease in negative emotions such as fear, anxiety, and excitement felt during birth.
  • Postpartum depression may be less common in some mothers.
  • Can make labor a pleasant experience

What are the Risks of Water Birth?

Water birth is considered safe in most cases and may pose a risk in very rare cases. Any woman who is in a position to have a normal birth can easily choose water birth. Although the risks of water birth are low, some undesirable situations may still occur. Some of the risks of water birth are:

  • Mother or baby may get an infection
  • There may be excessive vaginal bleeding
  • There may be difficulty monitoring the baby’s heartbeat
  • The cord may break before the baby gets out of the water
  • The baby’s body temperature may be lower or higher than normal
  • Baby may swallow bathtub water
  • The baby may not be able to breathe or have a seizure
  • The baby may develop shoulder dystocia (the baby’s head getting stuck in the shoulders after passing through the vagina).

It is a rare possibility to experience these mentioned complications (side effects). What is important here is the health institution and health personnel where the water birth will take place. Choosing a doctor-nurse who is experienced and knowledgeable about water birth and the sterility of the materials used are very important for a healthy water birth. Thanks to experienced health professionals, the risks of water birth are minimized.

Who Cannot Have a Water Birth?

Although water birth is a safe and healthy birth method, it is not suitable for everyone. Some factors may prevent water birth. Some of the conditions that generally prevent water birth are as follows:

  • Those who are under 17 or over 35
  • Having diabetes, hypertension and heart disease
  • Being a carrier of HIV and Hepatitis virus
  • People with genital herpes
  • Those who have had a cesarean section before
  • Discharge of amniotic fluid before labor begins
  • The mother is experiencing menstruation (menstrual cycle) with excessive bleeding at normal times
  •  Presence of twin or  multiple pregnancy
  • If the baby will be born prematurely
  • If the baby enters the womb from the anal area rather than head down
  • If the baby is heavier than normal
  • If there is an existing infection
  • If you have preeclampsia (pregnancy poisoning)
  • Mother’s use of medication that may cause sedation (semi-asleep)
  • In general, expectant mothers who have reasons that prevent normal birth

If you are planning to have a water birth,   you can get detailed information by contacting your pregnancy follow- up doctor. It is very important for a healthy birth experience to choose a health institution that is experienced and trained in water birth.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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