Xanthan Gum

Xanthan or xanthan gum is a complex carbohydrate , a polysaccharide with high molecular weight obtained by bacterial fermentation of a simple carbon hydrate, such as glucose or sucrose .

Xanthan production

To produce xanthan gum, natural strains of Xanthomonas campestris are used , from which its name derives.
The product obtained from this microbial fermentation is purified by extraction with ethanol, or with propan-2-ol, then dried and ground to obtain xanthan gum . The latter comes in the form of a cream-colored powder, particularly soluble in water or brine , but insoluble in alcohol .

Composition of Xanthan Gum

As anticipated, we are talking about a complex carbohydrate , a polysaccharide made up of monomers of simple sugars . Among these, the main hexoses (six-carbon sugars) are D-glucose and D- mannose , while the concentration of D-glucuronic and pyruvic acids is also noteworthy.

Applications of Xanthan

Xanthan gum is used:

  • In the field of diet and food supplementation(which we will talk about in more detail in the next chapters)
  • In the pharmaceutical sector
  • As a food additive
  • In cosmetics.

Xanthan gum as a food additive

Xanthan gum has numerous applications in the food sector, where it is used as a thickener and stabilizer additive , marked with the acronym E415. A minimal addition of this additive (0.5-1% or less) allows you to greatly increase the viscosity of a drink or the texture (consistency) of a food.
Xanthan gum is for example used for the formulation of sauces , gravies , desserts and gluten-free foods , since – thanks to the thixotropic properties of its dispersions – these products can be heated or refrigerated without losing thickness.

Example of Recipe with Xanthan

Homemade Margarine


Homemade Margarine – Vegetable Butter

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See all Recipes with xanthan gum

Let us briefly remember that thixotropism is the phenomenon by which a colloidal system can pass from the state of sol to that of gel, passing from mechanical agitation to rest, and vice versa. From a rheological point of view, xanthan gum therefore presents intermediate properties between those of a solution and those of a gel. At rest (for example when the ketchup is inside the container or spread on the chips), the xanthan increases in consistency, and then decreases when subjected to mechanical shear forces (for example when we shake the ketchup bottle before use).

Xanthan gum in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields

For further information, read: Xanthan gum in cosmetics »


In the cosmetic and pharmaceutical fields, xanthan gum proves to be an excellent stabilizer for suspensions and emulsions (essentially it prevents the separation of the various ingredients).


When to use Xanthan Gum?

Xanthan or xanthan gum is used as a dietary supplement in order to increase:

  • palatability
  • satiating power
  • consistency

of some types of food, in particular:

  • low in fatand calories ( light or low fat)
  • gluten-free baked goods (for celiacs )
  • powdered meal replacements.

Properties and Effectiveness

What benefits has Xanthan shown in studies?

Since xanthan gum efficiently absorbs water, it facilitates the transit of stool, counteracting constipation .

According to a study, which involved the administration of xanthan gum for 10 days to 18 healthy volunteers, this product proved to be a highly effective laxative.
Xanthan is also able to modulate the absorption of carbohydrates by decreasing the glycemic and insulin index of meals; therefore, it is a valid ally against hyperglycemia , hypertriglyceridemia and type 2 diabetes mellitus .

Doses and Directions for Use

How to use Xanthan

Information on the dosage of xanthan or xanthan gum as a dietary supplement is limited and undefined. However, there are several indications on its use as an additive, but these are applications with totally different purposes.


The dose of xanthan gum aimed at combating constipation is approximately 15 g/day with plenty of water. Note : This dosage cannot usually be achieved with normal consumption of supplements and foods containing it.
As a food supplement to combat hyperglycemia, approximately 12/g of xanthan gum per day is recommended, to be taken after meals with plenty of water.

Side effects

Some people react sensitively to lower-than-average amounts of xanthan, developing symptoms of intestinal bloating and diarrhea.
It is good to remember that xanthan gum can be obtained from products containing common allergens, such as corn, wheat , milk and soy . Therefore, sensitive people should refrain from consumption or inform themselves about the origin of the product.

Allergic or food intolerance reactions mainly concern the protein components of corn , soy and wheat. For example, gluten was detected in notable quantities but less than 20 ppm gluten, which is the EU limit for “gluten-free” labeling.


Note : Taking xanthan or xanthan gum without drinking the right amount of water can lead to intestinal constipation .


When should Xanthan not be used?

Xanthan or xanthan gum is a fairly safe product, but there are still contraindications:

  • It is first of all contraindicated in the presence of certain pharmacological therapies (generally, it should never be taken together with a drug or other supplements), allergic sensitivity, intolerancesand intestinal pathologies ( chronic inflammatory diseases , diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome , intestinal resections , etc. .)
  • It is good to remember that in certain situations, or with the presence of some symptoms, it is not recommended to take any laxative that could worsen the clinical picture or hide a serious illness. These symptoms are: nausea, vomiting , appendicitis , stools that are hard and difficult to pass ( fecal constipation ), narrowing or blockage of the intestine, or idiopathic stomach pain .
  • It is responsible for a specific occupational risk: the evaluation of workers exposed to this dust highlighted a link between the product and some respiratory symptoms.
  • It can be harmful to newborns: on May 20, 2011 the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) issued a press release referring to “SimplyThick”, a food thickener containing xanthan or xanthan gum. The warning, given to parents, operators and suppliers of healthcare items, was not to feed children with this product, due to the lack of data regarding the possible impact on the health of the little ones. The concern was that the product could cause necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) in premature infants.

Pharmacological interactions

Which drugs or foods can modify the effect of Xanthan?

Xanthan or xanthan gum should be avoided in case of ongoing drug therapy or concomitant use of food supplements with laxative purposes. This last contraindication does not depend on a possible chemical reaction, but on the risk of synergistic activity between laxatives, with the appearance of severe diarrhea and malnutrition .

Xanthan or xanthan gum can also interact with drug therapy against diabetes . By reducing the absorption of sugars, this product may promote hypoglycemia . Some medications used for diabetes include:

  • Glimepiride
  • Glyburide
  • Insulin
  • Pioglitazone
  • Rosiglitazone
  • Chlorpropamide
  • Glipizide

Precautions for Use

What do you need to know before taking Xanthan?

Except as mentioned in the Side Effects, Contraindications and Drug Interactions paragraphs, no other precautions are recommended for the use of xanthan or xanthan gum.
It is advisable to stop using it at least two weeks before any surgery, as there is the possibility that it could modify the glycemic structure in some way even in the medium term.


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