Cannabis is famous for an appetite-increasing effect. We’ve all heard the stoner stereotype: calm and happy, heading for the fridge. But how does cannabis actually make you hungry? The impact of cannabis on appetite is legendary, and it can be a game changer in your wellness goals. This also explains why many stoner grow marijuana seeds at home for their supply of cannabis in managing their weights.

Here’s a primer on how cannabis impacts appetite. Read on to learn more about how cannabis affects appetite.

Cannabinoids increase appetite

Cannabinoids modulate the hypothalamic feeding circuitry and regulate hunger and appetite. They also inhibit glutamate neurotransmission. To understand how these two chemicals interact to regulate hunger and appetite, it is necessary to better understand how they work. The following sections will discuss a few key findings about cannabinoids and appetite. Let’s begin with a brief review of the mechanisms by which cannabinoids increase appetite.

In humans, cannabinoids increase the amount of food intake and suppress the occurrence of appetite-related diseases. They are produced by the hypothalamus, a part of the brain that regulates homeostatic behavior. Moreover, cannabinoid biomimetics increase appetite and reduce body wasting. In addition, cannabinoid CB1 receptor antagonists are commonly used to treat obesity and metabolic syndrome.

Cannabinoids stimulate olfactory bulb

In order to learn how cannabinoids affect appetite, we first need to know what they are. Cannabinoids are derived from the marijuana plant, which acts as an appetite-stimulating compound. Cannabinoids act on the brain’s olfactory bulb, where they stimulate the olfactory neurons. This is similar to the feedback circuit found in the retina. The CB1 receptors are located outside the glomeruli.

Studies have shown that cannabinoids can boost our sense of smell and increase our appetite. But there are also some studies showing that cannabinoids can affect the olfactory bulb, which collects smell signals from the nose and connects to the brain part responsible for processing smells. This is what makes cannabinoids so effective at making us hungry.

Cannabinoids increase the positive sensations from eating sweet and salty snacks

It’s unclear whether cannabis actually causes this, but the compounds in marijuana, especially THC, are known to increase the positive feelings associated with eating sweet and salty snacks. Researchers found that marijuana enhances the brain’s endocannabinoid system and mimic the sensations people experience when starving themselves. In one experiment, mice forced to fast tended to produce more naturally occurring cannabinoids in their olfactory lobe, and the animals showed increased sensitivity to smell.

The positive effects of cannabis are also seen in recreational users. Marijuana increases appetite in both recreational and chemotherapy patients. Researchers have struggled to determine the exact mechanism of how marijuana works in stimulating appetite. But it appears that cannabinoids are involved in the enhancement of taste responses, and it seems that cannabinoids may be a key factor. The next study is expected to find out if marijuana can increase the appetite of people with a chronic cannabis use disorder.

Cannabinoids enhance your ability to smell food

Cannabinoids are substances in marijuana that alter the way we smell and taste food. These compounds also appear to affect the brain’s circuitry that regulates the sense of smell. Studies show that marijuana may have a similar effect on the smell circuit than THC does. The effects of THC on the smell circuit may explain why marijuana users experience the munchies. Scientists have yet to find the exact mechanism, but it is plausible that THC increases the olfactory system’s sensitivity to smell food.

The receptors in the olfactory bulb of mice respond to THC, a cannabinoid. These mice have higher levels of the cannabinoid agonists CBD and CBN. The mice that have these cannabinoid agonists have better olfactory memories and greater appetites. Researchers believe this is a result of cannabinoids’ smell enhancing properties.

Cannabinoids increase weight gain

Cannabinoids increase appetite, so can they also help with weight gain? Researchers have looked at both smoked marijuana and oral medications containing cannabinoids. One such medication, dronabinol, has the same active ingredients as marijuana. A study at the University of California examined the effects of the active medication against the placebo in HIV patients. The researchers found that the active treatment increased appetite and increased body weight more than placebo. Participants in the active group gained an average of 3.51kg, while placebo-treated patients gained only 1.3kg.


Both CBD and THC are important for weight loss, but researchers have found that THC is more effective. The modern American diet is too high in omega-6 fatty acids, which stimulate the CB1R receptor in the brain. These fatty acids cause inflammation in the body, increase appetite, and promote fat storage. THC, on the other hand, helps restore homeostasis and reduces appetite. The researchers believe that the two compounds are complementary and can help in weight loss.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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