Why do I get cramps after and during sex?

Cramps are prolonged , involuntary and painful contractions of a single muscle or group of muscles.

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Typically, these cramps last from a few seconds to minutes and most often occur after strenuous exercise and dehydration. Cramps also often occur during pregnancy.

Sometimes they can start during sex or after orgasm. In 80% of cases, the leg muscles cramp , but spasms also occur in other places. For example, it cramps the muscles of the hips and the area around them, feet, arms and abdomen.

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Why cramps may occur after sex

Scientists don’t yet know exactly what causes seizures in the first place. There are several possible reasons.


This is perhaps the only condition in which the spasm occurs precisely because of sex. Vaginismus is an uncontrollable, painful contraction of the pelvic floor muscles that occurs during penetrative sex and may also occur when attempting to insert a tampon or undergo a gynecological examination .

The cause of this condition may be a traumatic sexual experience in the past, as well as injuries and infections of the genital organs. Treatment for vaginismus depends on the cause and may include psychotherapy, lubricants, vaginal dilators, and botulinum toxin injections.

Excessive muscle tension

In pursuit of orgasm, it is difficult to regulate the load. If you move intensely during sex, your muscles may become overloaded and spasm.

It can also be assumed that cramps are caused by moving in unusual positions, since the body has to strain undeveloped muscle groups or do it in an unusual manner.

Pinched nerves

Pinched nerves in the neck and back can cause spasms . In addition to cramps, this condition is accompanied by pain, tingling, numbness and weakness in the affected area.

The cause of the pinching is unlikely to be sex, but if the problem already exists, intense movements may lead to aggravation in the future.

Dehydration and lack of electrolytes

This can cause cramps in athletes who train for long periods in hot conditions and don’t drink enough. Dehydration is unlikely to cause cramps in the bedroom. Unless you decide to have sex immediately after an intense workout or on a particularly hot day.

Taking certain medications

Convulsions can be caused by taking drugs to reduce cholesterol levels – statins, as well as diuretics . If you drink something like this, consult your doctor and tell him about your concerns. You should not stop taking medications on your own.


About half of pregnant women suffer from spasms in the leg muscles, especially at night in the last three months. Scientists suggest that this may occur from weight gain, compression of peripheral nerves, electrolyte deficiency, insufficient blood flow to the muscles and their overexertion. In general, for the same reasons as in non-pregnant women, but no one knows why exactly.

Pregnant women may also experience abdominal cramps and spotting during sex and after orgasm. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and the cramps are not severe, this is normal.

What to do if you experience cramps during or after sex

Typically, seizures go away on their own and do not require any special measures. You can alleviate your condition in the following ways:

  1. Gently stretch the cramped muscle or give it a light massage.
  2. When the muscle feels stiff, apply heat; when it hurts, apply cold.
  3. If you are in hot conditions and sweating profusely, drink enough water to prevent dehydration.

When to see a doctor

In rare cases, seizures may indicate a health problem. Contact your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • cramps are strong and painful;
  • spasms occur frequently;
  • you stretch and drink enough water , but it doesn’t get better;
  • convulsions last longer than 10 minutes;
  • in addition to spasms, swelling and redness appeared, the area felt warm;
  • muscle weakness appeared;
  • During pregnancy, after sex, severe cramps and bleeding similar to menstruation appeared .

It’s also worth seeing a gynecologist if you suffer from painful vaginal spasms during and after sex. This may indicate vaginismus and other causes of dyspareunia.

Is it possible to prevent cramps during and after sex?

There are no good ways to protect yourself from cramping during and after sex.

You can try pre- stretching the muscles that tend to cramp during sex, but there’s no guarantee that this will work.

In terms of medications, vitamins and medications that stimulate blood flow are sometimes prescribed for seizures, but the evidence for their effectiveness is weak.

In any case, you should not take any medications without a prescription. If cramps seriously impair the quality of your intimate life, consult a therapist to find out their real cause and choose treatment.


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