Why Do Boils Occur? What is good for boils?

A boil, also called a furuncle in the medical literature, is a painful skin infection that occurs as a result of the infection of the hair follicle under the skin by bacteria. Although boils on the body usually manifest as a single boil, sometimes more than one boil can be seen in groups in the same area. These types of skin infections are often painful and may appear red, swollen and tender in the area where they occur. Most boils can be treated at home, but some cases may require medical attention. Not squeezing inflamed acne, protecting wounds and cuts on the skin, and eating a healthy diet to strengthen the immune system can help prevent boils and prevent them from recurring.

What is a boil?

Boil is one of the skin infections and occurs in hair follicles or sebaceous glands. Symptoms of boil infection begin to manifest themselves with reddening of the skin in the infected area. As the infection progresses, pus accumulates under the skin and turns into a white lump in this area. Boils, especially on the neck, shoulders, armpits and hips, are the most common areas where such lumps are seen. In addition, eye boils are similar infections that occur on the eyelid and are called “styes”. Additionally, multiple boils may appear in different parts of the body. This may be a sign of a more serious type of infection called carbuncle, which occurs when many furuncles become infected with each other.
Situations in which three or more boils recur per year are called “recurrent furunculosis” and this health problem can spread more easily, especially among family members or people who are in the same environment frequently. These types of boils can often appear in a recurring pattern in areas where the skin folds. These areas are under the breast, under the abdomen, under the armpit and the groin area. When recurrent furunculosis occurs, its treatment should be done under the supervision of a doctor.

Why Do Boils Occur?

Boils are infections that occur when a bacteria called Staphylococcus Aureus infects the hair follicle under the skin. This bacteria is normally found on the surface of the skin and can enter the skin when the integrity of the skin is compromised, such as a cut or scratch. When bacteria enter the body, the immune system responds by sending infection-fighting white blood cells to the infected area. White blood cells begin to accumulate along with the damaged skin to form pus. This causes boils to form. Carbuncles occur when many infected hair follicles infect each other. In case of carbuncles, the infection is more painful and severe.
Some diseases or people being more sensitive to skin infections may cause boils to form. Causes of boils:
• Diabetes
• Obesity
• Skin diseases that can cause cracks, such as eczema
• Cancer
• Some autoimmune diseases such as HIV
• Malnutrition of people
• Close contact with someone who has a boil
• Cutting the skin
• Exposure to chemicals that can irritate the skin
• Poor hygiene conditions

What are the symptoms of boils?

Boils are conditions that usually present as a hard, red and painful lump. This lump may progress over time and become larger and more painful. While they may initially be as small as a pencil eraser, they can grow to the size of a golf ball. At the same time, this sensitive area may itch and a feeling of warmth may be felt when touched around the boil. If yellow or white pus forms at the tip of the boil, this may be a sign of a more serious infection. The most common symptoms of boils:
• Redness
• Swelling
• Sensibility
• Pain
• Inflammation
• Whiteness on the head of the boil

What are the Types of Boils?

Although there are different types of boils, the most common types of boils are:
• Oriental Boil: This type of boil, also known as Aleppo boil, is an infection that occurs as a result of the parasite called Cutaneous Leishmaniasis being transmitted to humans by sand flies. It usually starts with acne-like bumps on the hands, feet and face area and can turn into wounds of 1-2 cm in diameter over time. If left untreated, they can cause permanent scars.
• Black Boil: Black boil, also known as anthrax, is known by different names among the public, such as shepherd’s boil. This disease is an infection caused by the bacteria called Bacillus Anthracis. It can be transmitted to humans from animals such as cows, sheep and goats or from objects containing this bacteria. Black boils begin with fluid-filled blisters that cause swelling and itching on the skin. Over time, the middle of these blisters darken and become a painless wound.
• Şirpençe Boil: This type of boil, also known as the lion’s claw, is called “carbuncle” in medicine. This bacterium (Staphylococcus Aureus), which causes symptoms to be more severe than other types of boils, can cause symptoms such as fever, chills and chills in people.
Each type of boil can occur for different reasons. Treatments and management may vary depending on the underlying cause of the boil.

What is the Treatment of Boil?

Boils can usually be treated at home, but depending on the condition or recurrence of the infection, medical attention may be required. In most cases, the infection can heal on its own. Paying attention to hand hygiene and applying an antiseptic dressing to the boil may be sufficient for home treatment. When treating boils, it is important not to touch the boil. Irritating the boil by touching or other methods can spread the infection further under the skin. Applying a warm compress to a boil can speed healing and relieve pain by increasing blood flow to the inflamed area. Using antibacterial ointment before the boil hardens and grows can contribute to the treatment.
For boils that recur, occur more than once, or are large or severely painful, antibiotics taken under the supervision of a doctor may help treat the infection.
Boils may become large and severe, or when they recur frequently, the underlying cause may be a secondary condition. In these cases, medical intervention is important. The doctor may surgically drain the boil if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions About Boils

Boils are painful skin infections. They usually present as red, swollen and tender. While they can be treated at home, medical intervention may be required in some cases. Personal hygiene, skin care and wound protection measures can help prevent boils from forming.
How to Prevent Boils?
Some precautions can be taken by people to prevent boils from occurring. These measures:
• Personal hygiene
• Shaving techniques
• Not squeezing inflamed acne
• Healthy eating
• Protection of wounds and cuts
Is Boil Contagious?
Boil is a contagious infection and patients should always pay attention to personal hygiene. Staphylococcus bacteria can be transmitted not only from person to person, but also through objects. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to personal hygiene rules to prevent the spread of the boil. Toiletries and personal items should not be shared. The infected area should be kept clean and disinfected. Hands must be washed after treating the boil. The infected area should be covered with a sterile bandage or clean cloth.
Is Boil Bored?
Boils should not be squeezed or pierced. The inflammation inside the boil contains Staphylococcus Aureus bacteria. Squeezing the boil may cause the bacteria to spread to surrounding tissues.
Does the boil recur?
If a person has more than one boil and the boil comes back, it is usually caused by an underlying disease. If the underlying factors that cause the boil are not detected or personal hygiene rules are not followed, it may recur.
What is good for boils?
Not squeezing inflamed acne, protecting wounds and cuts on the skin, and eating a healthy diet to strengthen the immune system can help prevent boils and prevent them from recurring.
Personal hygiene, skin care and wound protection measures can help prevent boils from forming. It is important for people to start treatment by making an appointment with the dermatology department of the hospital if they have painful and recurring boils.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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