Which Vegetable In Vegetable Soup? Lots of choice!

Vegetable Soup
Vegetable Soup

A soup is tasty, prepared in this way and with lots of vegetables also very nutritious. Every soup contains vegetables, from a carrot to a leek, but of course, there are much more vegetables in vegetable soup. Which vegetables can actually go in the vegetable soup?

A lot of vegetables can go in the vegetable soup. Celery, leek, celery leaf, carrots, cauliflower, broccoli, bean sprouts, onion, bell pepper, tomatoes, green beans, garden peas, celeriacspring onions and beansIt depends on what vegetable soup you are going to make.

It is important that you use the right combinations of vegetables. Beans and bean sprouts, for example, are a bad combination. The right combinations make the vegetable soup extra tasty. The bags of soup vegetables on the supermarket shelf contain about 35% leeks, 30% carrots, 18% cauliflower florets, 10% garden peas and 7% celery leaves. Of course, you can add broccoli and other vegetables yourself, make your own vegetable mix.

Cutting Vegetables For The Soup

Before you even start cutting, I advise you to thoroughly clean the vegetables under the tap. You can clean the vegetable beforehand and afterward when it has been cut; Place the vegetables in a colander and rinse well under the tap. Be sure to remove all sand and soil.

You can cut the vegetables in different ways. You can cut it very finely or coarsely. With coarse pieces of vegetables you get a farmer’s vegetable soup.

You can cut the vegetables into strips or into cubes or both. By cutting the vegetables you can give your own signature to your vegetable soup.

How Much Vegetables In The Vegetable Soup?

We only make our vegetable soup from vegetables and other vegetable ingredients. For a well-filled vegetable soup you need about 400 to 500 grams of vegetables. Heat 1.5 liters of water and add 2 cubes of vegetable or garden herb stock and bring the water to the boil.

If you add onions and peppers to your vegetable soup, I recommend that you first fry them in olive oil for about 5 minutes. This will release the flavors and give your soup a fuller taste.

Add your own selection of soup vegetables and cook them. The cooking time depends on the size of the vegetables you put in the soup. With finely chopped vegetables, cook them for 10 minutes.

If you have coarsely chopped vegetables, the cooking time is approximately 20 minutes. Taste while cooking your soup to see if the vegetables are cooked. That way you know for sure!

You can also add vermicelli to your vegetable soup. Then cook it according to the instructions on the package.

Add salt and pepper if needed to season the soup. You can also season the soup with paprika, Italian or Provencal herbs. There are several options for flavoring vegetable soup. You can read all about it in our blog ‘ How to Season Vegetable Soup? Many possibilities ‘.

Tomato-vegetable soup

A variation on the traditional vegetable soup is the tomato vegetable soup. This soup is an addition to the vegetable soup above.

You use the same ingredients, the only thing you add extra is a can of 400 grams of diced tomatoes. This goes into the pan with the chopped vegetables at the same time.

Beans In The Vegetable Soup

If you put beans in the vegetable soup, use firm beans that won’t fall apart during cooking. The traditional white and brown bean are not afraid of a vegetable soup. You can use these beans when you puree the soup.

Kidney and black beans hold their shape and do not fall apart. These are excellent to use in your vegetable soup.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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