What’s in a Banana? Really a lot!!

How to store bananas
How to store bananas

Banana is one of the popular types of fruit in the Netherlands. They are available with a number of quality marks such as Fairtrade Okay, Organic, and Max Havelaar. What’s in a banana? 

What’s in a banana? Below an overview:

  • A banana contains vitamin C, Vitamin E, Iron, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium and Fiber.
  • It contains 5 out of 8 vitamins B and polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Phosphorus is also abundantly present, just like Potassium and contains 1 gram of vegetable protein.
  • Banana consists of 75% water.

In addition, there is much more in bananas that you do not know exists. You can read it all in the following table. Below the table, there is an explanation about these substances. 

Do you want to know how to ripen bananas and how to store bananas? Then read our blog ‘ How to store bananas? ‘.


The nutritional value of a banana per 100 grams:

Nutritional Values ​​

Energy value in kJ  401 kJ 
Energy value in kcal  95 kcal 
Fat total  0.3 g 
Fatty acid
Fatty acids saturated  0.1 g 
fatty acids trans  0.0 g 
Fatty acids monounsaturated 0.0 g 
Fatty acids polyunsaturated  0.1 g 
Fatty acids n-3 polyunsaturated 0.0 g 
Fatty acids n-6 polyunsaturated 0.0 g 
linoleic acid  0.0 g 
ala  0.04 g 
EPA  0.00 g 
DHA  0.00 g 
Dietary fiber  1.9 g 
Protein vegetable  1 g 
Protein total  1 g 
alpha carotene  39 µg 
beta-carotene  40 µg 
Beta-cryptoxanthin  0 µg 
Folate Equivalents  8.6 µg 
Folic acid added  0.0 µg 
lutein  29 µg 
Lycopene  0 µg 
Nicotinic acid  0.8mg 
retinol act equivalent  5 µg 
Vitamin B1  0.04mg 
Vitamin B12  0.00 µg 
Vitamin B2  0.03mg 
Vitamin B6  0.291mg 
Vitamin C  8mg 
Vitamin D  0.0 µg 
Vitamin E  0.2mg 
Zeaxanthin  1 µg 
Alcohol  0 g 
Ash  1 g 
cholesterol  0.0 mg 
Water  75g 
Carbohydrates  20.6g 
Polyols  0.00 g 
Mono- and disaccharides  15.5g 
polysaccharides  5.1 g 
Sodium  0.000 g 
salt  0.000 g 
Calcium  6mg 
Phosphorus  28mg 
Iron  0.3mg 
Iodine  2 µg 
Potassium  374mg 
Copper  0.09mg 
Magnesium  28mg 
Selenium  4 µg 
Zinc  0.25mg 


How Many Calories Are In Banana? 

A calorie is a measure of the amount of energy in food. (1 kilocalorie is 1000 calories). There are 95 kcal in a banana (so 95,000 calories). If you want to eat healthily and not too much, you can write down the kcal of each piece of food you eat. This way you know how many kilocalories you ‘may’ or ‘should’ eat that day. What do calories in bananas do? It indicates how much energy a banana adds to the body to move, exercise, think, act and everything you do in a day.

What Is Banana Good For?

All the substances in a banana do ‘something for the body. A banana gives you energy, contributes to good digestion and ensures muscle building. Below is a brief description of what some substances do for the body, which are in a banana. 

Is There Fiber in Banana?

Bananas contain 1.9 mg of dietary fiber per 100 grams. Dietary fiber contributes to good digestion. This means that they ensure that the intestines can continue to function properly.

Fiber also ensures that the waste from our food remains flexible in the intestines so that it can leave our body without any problems. Adults need 30 to 40 grams of dietary fiber per day. These fibers reduce the risk of heart and blood vessels. 

Are There Proteins in Banana?

Banana contains 1 gram of protein. Proteins are the building blocks (or building blocks) of our body. They take care of our muscle building and the repair of cells. For example, muscle pain occurs after many sports. Proteins ensure that these muscles are restored. Your immune system also needs proteins to make antibodies. 

Is There Vitamin B1 In Banana

There is 0.04 mg of Vitamin B1 in banana. It’s a little bit. You need vitamin B1 to get energy from bananas. It also ensures that your heart muscle works properly and that the nervous system can do its job.  

Is There Vitamin C in Banana

There is 8 mg of vitamin C in bananas. Vitamin C ensures healthy bones, teeth, skin and blood vessels  Vitamin C is also an antioxidant. That is, it protects our body from cells in our body that are harmful and can make us sick.

It also offers resistance to fungi, bacteria and viruses. Vitamin C also ensures that the iron in our blood is absorbed into our cells. Vitamin C also contributes to the energy supply.  

Is There Vitamin E in Bananas?

Yes, there is a little bit of vitamin E in bananas. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant. A protector of our body. It protects our cells and blood vessels, eyes and organs. It also plays an important role in metabolism (the conversion of food into stool). 

How Many Carbohydrates Are In Banana?

There are 20.6 grams of carbohydrates in bananas. Carbohydrates give the body, among other things, energy. They ensure that we can walk, move, talk and think, among other things. The brain needs carbohydrates. They cannot live without carbohydrates. It is important to eat the right carbohydrates from healthy food. 

Is There Potassium in Banana?

Yes, there is 374 mg in banana. Potassium is, among other things, beneficially involved in regulating blood pressure and ensures that nerve impulses are properly conducted. As a result, there are good muscle contractions  

Is There Magnesium in Banana?

Bananas also contain magnesium, namely 28 mg. Magnesium builds bones and muscles. Magnesium has a role in nerve transmission to muscles. Without magnesium, the body has no energy. The resistance in the body is also increased by magnesium.

What Does Banana Do To Your Stool?

Bananas are fiber-rich fruit. When combined with adequate fluids, bananas counteract intestinal clogging, according to the Stomach, Liver and Intestine Foundation. Bananas are good for bowel movements!

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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