What You Need To Know About Ritalin Side Effects

Ritalin  is prescribed for conditions such as attention deficit, hyperactivity disorder , concentration problems, impulsivity, impulse disorder, chronic fatigue, narcolepsy (feeling sleepless even if the necessary sleep is taken daily). Although it is also given to adults and teenagers, it is mostly recommended for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and families may be worried about using this medication.

If recommended by the doctor in case of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, recovery is achieved. Doctors check the medicine every few months to see its effect. As with many other drugs, side effects occur when using Ritalin. However, it should be known that these side effects do not occur in everyone. It is a safer drug with fewer side effects than many drugs. Side effects that may occur due to Ritalin use are listed below.

What are the Side Effects of Ritalin?

The side effects of Ritalin use on the central nervous system, circulatory system, digestive, reproductive, muscular and skeletal systems are listed below.

Click for our article titled Important Information for Fluoxetine Users .

1. Central Nervous System

Common side effects of Ritalin use on the central nervous system:

  1. Vision problems,
  2. Headache,
  3. High pulse,
  4. High blood pressure,
  5. Sleep problems,
  6. Irritability,
  7. Restlessness,
  8. Irritability,
  9. Negative response to growth,
  10. Addiction.

If you are anxious or have a psychotic disorder, using Ritalin may increase your symptoms.

Since Ritalin causes a negative response to growth and a slowdown in growth in children, your doctor should pay attention to your child’s growth and development. Your doctor may prescribe a “medication holiday” where you temporarily stop taking the medication. During this period, the aim is to overcome growth problems and understand how the child will behave when he is not using medication.

Sudden discontinuation of Ritalin use may cause withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms include sleep problems, fatigue, and depression. It would be healthier to stop taking the drug under doctor’s supervision by reducing its dose.

In case of overdose, side effects such as tremors and severe twitching, mood changes, confusion, delusions, hallucinations, and seizures may occur. If these side effects occur, consult a healthcare provider as soon as possible.

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2. Circulatory System

Using stimulants such as Ritalin can cause problems with the circulatory system. Side effects that Ritalin use may cause in the circulatory system:

  1. Bruising on hands and feet,
  2. Raynoud disease symptoms,
  3. High blood pressure and pulse (may cause restlessness and irritability),
  4. Heart rhythm disorder,
  5. It increases the risk of heart attack and stroke in those with blood pressure and heart disease.
  6. It may cause sudden death in those with structural heart abnormalities.
  7. Crushing the pills or taking them intravenously may cause vascular occlusion.
  8. In overdose, heart failure, stroke, and increase in body temperature may occur.

3. Digestive System

Ritalin use may cause loss of appetite and weight loss. That’s why you should pay attention to your nutrition while using Ritalin. You should be careful to consume nutritious foods and not skip meals. You can consult a doctor to make sure that the food you consume has the nutritional values ​​you need. Otherwise, Ritalin use may cause malnutrition (a clinical condition resulting from the body not receiving the nutrients and energy it needs) and related disorders.

4. Reproductive System

Ritalin can cause painful and prolonged erections in users. This condition is called “priapism”. If left untreated, permanent damage may occur. If such a side effect occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

5. Musculoskeletal System

Those who are new to using Ritalin may experience a feeling of good mood, euphoria (a state of extreme contentment with a pathological meaning). This makes it easier to carry out daily activities. Long-term use of Ritalin may cause muscle problems, contractions, and cramps. If the drug is taken in very high doses, joint, muscle pain and muscle complications may occur.

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Things Those Who Use Stimulant Drugs Like Ritalin Should Be Careful About

Ritalin increases the function of the prefrontal cortex when used upon doctor’s advice when necessary. The prefrontal cortex manages areas such as attention, focus, decision-making and memory. Since Ritalin is a drug that targets this area, it helps solve the problems originating from this area. However, the use of this drug, which is sold with a red prescription, only in cases such as attention, focus, hyperactivity and control disorders, increases the function of the prefrontal cortex. Additionally, it has serious side effects if the required dose is not adjusted. Students may be tempted to use these or other stimulant drugs during busy exam weeks. However, if there is no disorder that causes the use of Ritalin, there is no condition that the drug can treat and only Ritalin side effects are seen.

In these cases, the drug must be used in high doses to increase attention and focus. This high dose, where the stimulant properties of the drug can be seen, is also the dose that will cause addiction. Students who use high doses to activate the stimulant feature of the drug also cause addiction and serious side effects of the active ingredients of the drug. Those who use Ritalin without the supervision of a doctor will experience damage to cognitive functions, disruption of the balance of chemicals in the brain and related disorders in the long term – and perhaps even during the first us


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