What to do when your child has a chronic cough

  • Child has chronic cough It can occur either as a result of infection or as a result of respiratory disease. and the effects of various polluted environments Symptoms include dry cough, coughing with a rumbling sound, and coughing up phlegm.
  • Washing your nose is a good way to control symptoms and prevent them from reoccurring. Because there is no mucus remaining in the nasal cavity. It will not stimulate coughing. In addition, you should use the medicine prescribed by your doctor regularly. And know how to avoid triggers that will prevent the cough from reoccurring.

Chronic cough in children It may cause disturbances to sleep. Disturbing people around you and daily life Coughing continuously all day Even when sleeping, I still cough. It creates concern for parents as to whether the cough is an abnormality in the lungs or not.

Causes of chronic cough

The causes of chronic cough can be divided into two main categories:

  1. caused by infection Can spread germs to people close to them, such as contracting a virus. bacteria Or tuberculosis germs in the nose, trachea, sinus cavity, lungs, causing coughing.
  2. Chronic cough that is not caused by infection It can be caused by many factors, such as a child with nasal allergies,   asthma,acid reflux, foreign objects remaining in the airways, certain types of heart disease , or the side effects of medications. Including the bronchial tubes being sensitive to Environment both inside and outside the home, such as cigarette smoke, various fumes, chemicals, and can also be caused by many other factors. There are 2 types of cough symptoms: a dry cough, a rumbling cough, and a cough with mucus.

What to do when your child has a chronic cough

Normally when there is an infection in the respiratory system. Children can develop a cough that follows an infection for several weeks. After that, when it is completely healed, the cough will stop within a month. But if you cough chronically for more than a month Parents should take their child to see a doctor to find out the cause and receive proper treatment. For example, if a pediatrician detects sinusitis, he or she will prescribe antibiotics, nasal decongestants, and medicines to reduce nasal swelling. And have the child regularly rinse their nose with saline. For children with asthma The pediatrician will give you an inhaler to control inflammation of the bronchi and an inhaler to expand the bronchi.

Diagnosis of chronic cough in children

Diagnosis of chronic cough in children It is absolutely necessary. Parents must carefully observe their child’s symptoms. to tell the doctor When did the child start coughing? How long has this cough been going on? The nature of the cough is dry or wet. Especially the time, place, or environment that causes coughing.

Including telling the history of various respiratory diseases, such as having a history of allergies, asthma, infectious diseases such as tuberculosis in the family. There are people in the house smoking. or live in a factory Or any source of chemicals or not? The doctor will use the information to support the physical examination of both the upper and lower respiratory tract.

If the history and physical examination are inconclusive, It is necessary to send for additional laboratory tests, such as blood tests and mucus/phlegm tests. Check the heart and blood vessels Respiratory system x-ray Lung function test Check for respiratory allergens

Treating chronic cough in children

Treating chronic cough It is necessary to know the cause of the cough. which after taking a detailed history and examination The doctor will know the cause and factors that cause the cough. Providing targeted and effective treatment It will make the chronic cough disappear. Palliative care It usually resolves within 1 to 3 weeks (depending on symptoms and severity).

Caring for children with chronic cough

  • Let children eat nutritious and appropriate food. Avoid dry, crunchy, fried or baked foods.
  • Drink warm water or normal temperature water. Avoid drinking cold water. because of temperature changes It will stimulate the bronchi to contract. and coughing In children with sensitive bronchioles
  • Let children exercise regularly. At least 30 minutes a day
  • Give children adequate rest, at least 8 hours.
  • Choose to live in a good environment. There is ventilation. Avoid places with chemicals, fumes, and pollution.

Preventing Child has chronic cough

The flow of mucus and mucus into the windpipe is the main factor causing children to cough. Therefore, you should wash your nose so that there is no mucus remaining in the nasal cavity, so that it does not stimulate coughing. In addition, medication should be used to control symptoms regularly. Know how to avoid stimulants In order to prevent symptoms from reoccurring again

Nasal irrigation to prevent chronic coughing

  • Washing the nose of young children Use 1-2 drops of saline and drip it into each nostril while lying on your side. Hold your face still. The saline water will flow, making the mucus not sticky and flowing down on its own. If there is a lot of mucus, you may use a red rubber ball, size 0-1, to help suck out the mucus by inserting it into the nostril about 1-1.5 cm deep. Some people may need to insert it as deep as 3-4 cm, but this must be done with caution.
  • Rinsing the nose of older children If the mucus is not much, do it while sitting, looking up slightly. Use 3-4 drops of saline solution into each nostril, leave it for a moment, then bend your head, open your mouth, and gently blow the mucus in your nose. Repeat several times until clean. Then do the other side, but if there is a large amount of mucus, it is recommended to use a 10 cc syringe (without a needle) to suck in 5-10 cc of saline at a time, slowly injecting it into the nostril while looking down and with a container to support it. There is no need to inject forcefully. You will find mucus coming out. Then open your mouth. Blow your nose gently. Then repeat several times on each side until clean. It should be done at least when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed. During the day, if your nose is congested or there is a lot of mucus, you can rinse your nose. You can add more when your stomach is empty.

Frequent nasal washing Is it dangerous?

Most of the time, parents and children will agree that they feel more comfortable and clear their noses, sleep better, don’t cough, can eat milk and food. For young children Sucking the nose must be done gently and holding the face still. Older children do not need to blow their nose violently, but rather open their mouth and blow their nose gently. This can be done several times until the nose is washed and no mucus comes out. The saline used has a similar proportion to the substances in the body. Therefore there is no danger. If some are swallowed, there is no danger as well.

If the child has a continuous cough Cough even while sleeping Disturbing daily life You should immediately take the child to the doctor for a thorough examination of the cause. Don’t let it linger for a long time. Children will learn and rest fully.


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