What is ZMA and what does it do? When and How to Use?

What is ZMA

ZMA: Zinc, Magnesium, Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

ZMA is a type of nutritional supplement that has attracted attention among athletes, exercise routines and muscle builders in recent years. This supplement, consisting of a combination of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 , makes positive contributions to your health. You can discover the content of ZMA, its potential benefits and important information about its use by reviewing this content.

What is ACV?

ZMA  is the abbreviation of “Zinc Magnesium Aspartate”. This expression; It refers to a dietary supplement consisting of a combination of zinc monomethionine/aspartate, magnesium aspartate and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) .

ZMA is a supplement that helps athletes maintain muscle health, especially during intense training, with the synergistic effect of these three components. The 3 components have separate functions and when used together, they turn into an effective supplement form for athletes.

  • Zinc: May support immune system functions and regulate cell division and protein synthesis.
  • Magnesium: It is effective in improving muscle and nerve functions. It is a component that supports the production of needed energy and contributes to bone health.
  • Vitamin B6: It has the functions of strengthening energy metabolism, increasing neurotransmitter production, and helping immune system functions.
Nutrient Most Important Duties Daily Need (Women) Daily Need (Male) Most Common Foods
Zinc Immune system function, cell growth and division, wound healing, DNA and protein synthesis 8 mg 11 mg Red meat, shellfish, legumes, pumpkin seeds, dairy products
Magnesium Muscle and nerve functions, protein synthesis, blood sugar control, blood pressure regulation 310-320mg 400-420mg Green leafy vegetables (spinach), nuts and seeds, whole grains, avocados, dairy products
Vitamin B6 Protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism, nervous system health, production of red blood cells, neurotransmitter synthesis 1.3-1.5mg 1.3-1.7mg Fish, beef liver, potatoes and other starchy vegetables, bananas, chicken meat


  • Zinc : National Institutes of Health – Zinc
  • Magnesium : National Institutes of Health – Magnesium
  • Vitamin B6 : National Institutes of Health – Vitamin B6
What does zma do?

What is ZMA used for?

  • It supports muscle development.
  • It improves sleep quality.
  • It ensures balanced functioning of hormones.
  • It strengthens the immune system.
  • It reduces muscle and bone pain.
  • Increases energy level.
  • It controls blood sugar.
  • It improves mental health.
  • Supports sports nutrition.
  • It facilitates the increase in testosterone.
  • It provides zinc supplement to the body.
  • It accelerates metabolism.

Supports Muscle Development

ZMA, which contains zinc and magnesium that promote muscle development, can support the growth and repair of muscle tissue. In this respect, it can contribute to the body’s increase in strength and endurance.

Scientific work

Title: “Effects of a supplement designed to increase testosterone levels in resistance-trained athletes”
Authors: Lorrie Brilla and Victor Conte
Year: 2000
Source: Journal of Exercise Physiology
Abstract: This study showed that ZMA supplementation increased testosterone levels and muscle strength in male football players. showed that it has improved. Athletes who took ZMA for 8 weeks reportedly gained more muscle strength than those who took a placebo.

Improves Sleep Quality

Since magnesium has a soothing effect on the nervous system, improvement in sleep quality may be seen with ZMA intake.

Scientific work

Title: “The effects of magnesium supplementation on subjective anxiety and stress—a systematic review”
Authors: Matthew L. Boyle, Michael D. Lackner, et al.
Year: 2017
Source: Nutritional Neuroscience
Summary: This systematic review stated that magnesium improves sleep quality and reduces anxiety and stress. It is thought that the magnesium component in ZMA plays an important role in providing these effects.

Ensures Balanced Functioning of Hormones

ZMA, which contains zinc, which helps maintain hormonal balance in the body, can help people’s hormones function balancedly. It is effective in the balanced functioning of growth and happiness hormones.

Scientific work

Title: “Magnesium status and serum testosterone levels in the US population”
Authors: Wang W, Wu Z, Dai Z, Yang Y, Wang J, Wu G.
Year: 2012
Source: Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
Summary: Study, magnesium found that their levels were positively correlated with testosterone levels. The magnesium in ZMA may help regulate testosterone levels, especially in athletes.

Strengthens the Immune System

ZMA, which contains zinc and vitamin B6, can strengthen immune system functions. It can make the body more resistant to infections.

Scientific work

Title: “Effect of zinc supplementation on the incidence of infections and hospital admissions in sickle cell disease”
Authors: Prasad AS, Bao B, Beck FW, Kucuk O, Sarkar FH.
Year: 2002
Source: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Summary: This study showed that zinc supplementation strengthens the immune system and reduces the incidence of infections. The zinc component in ZMA is important for supporting immune functions.

Reduces Muscle and Bone Cramps

Because magnesium is a mineral that supports muscle and bone health, ZMA can improve muscle and bone pain. It helps reduce muscle pain after exercise.

Scientific work

Title: “Magnesium supplementation for the management of primary chronic leg cramps in adults”
Authors: Garrison SR, Allan GM, Sekhon RK, Musini VM.
Year: 2012
Source: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews
Summary: This review showed that magnesium supplementation is effective in reducing muscle cramps. The magnesium component in ZMA may be useful in this context.

Increases Energy Level

ZMA, which contains vitamin B6 and magnesium that support energy production, can increase energy levels before and after exercise.

Balances Blood Sugar

Magnesium contained in ZMA helps balance blood sugar as it can increase insulin sensitivity. With this effect, the effects of diabetes can be alleviated.

Improves Mental Health

Containing magnesium and vitamin B6, which have a calming effect on the nervous system, ZMA supports spiritual healing in men and women. It can ensure that happiness hormones such as serotonin and dopamine are produced more regularly.

Supports Sports Nutrition

ZMA contains high amounts of zinc. Zinc is an important component that supports the nutrition of athletes and provides resistance to athletes. With this effect, it helps athletes eat healthier.

Facilitates Testosterone Increase

Zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6, which are important for testosterone production and utilization, come together in ZMA. All three important ingredients help increase testosterone production. Thus, muscle mass gain is accelerated and testosterone levels are balanced.

Results: A 2000 study claimed that ZMA supplementation increased testosterone levels and improved exercise performance.

Source: Brilla LR, Conte V. Effects of a Novel Zinc-Magnesium Formulation on Hormones and Strength. Journal of Exercise Physiology. 2000;3(4):26-36.

Provides Zinc Supplement to the Body

Zinc can be lost through sweating and metabolism. Thanks to ZMA benefits, lost zinc can be replaced. Thus, zinc can be used more effectively in the body and cell damage can be healed.

Accelerates Metabolism

ZMA supplement has the ability to increase the metabolic rate thanks to the zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 it contains. Thanks to this feature, weight loss can be controlled. It is important in supporting fat burning.

Get support from a specialist doctor for the most accurate information and healthy results. The information contained in our content does not constitute a prescription. We wish you healthy days…

When to Use ACV?

According to the usage recommendations of companies producing ZMA supplements, ZMA intake should be 30 or 60 minutes before sleep . If you change your sleep hours and exercise hours depending on the day, you can take ZMA supplements at any time of the day.

  • ZMA can provide effective results when taken during and after exercise.
  • Since intense stress can increase the body’s need for zinc and magnesium, ZMA intake can occur on stressful days.
  • It is quite common to take it before sleep to help the body rest and recover .
  • It should be used at least 90 minutes after meals to avoid preventing the absorption of other vitamins and minerals .
What does zma do?

How to Use ZMA?

  • The recommended dose of ZMA for men is 3 scoops or 3 tablets.
  • The recommended amount of ZMA for women is 2 scoops or 2 tablets.

ZMA content may vary in dosage depending on the manufacturer. Therefore, before taking ZMA supplements, it is recommended that you review the usage recommendations and consult your doctor. So, what should you pay attention to when using ACV?

  • ZMA use begins after approval from a doctor who monitors your health and sports condition .
  • Before using ZMA, you should have your zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 levels analyzed with a blood test .
  • To get effective results from ZMA, regular use, exercise and healthy nutrition should be preferred.
  • ZMA should be used in amounts depending on age and gender , without exceeding the recommended daily dose .
  • Since magnesium and vitamin B6 are effective on sleep quality, it is recommended to take them before sleep .
  • In order to get effective results from ZMA nutritional supplements, it is recommended to use it for a certain period of time.
  • It is not recommended to use it simultaneously with medications containing iron, calcium and copper to avoid interactions with medications .
  • ZMA supplements produced in tablet, sachet and powder form can be used according to your preference.
  • It is recommended not to exceed the recommended daily dose and to consult a doctor in case of any health problem.

Get support from a specialist doctor for the most accurate information and healthy results. The information contained in our content does not constitute a prescription. We wish you healthy days…

How many milligrams is the daily need for ZMA?

The need for ZMA, which must be taken with the help of supplements during the day, is different for men and women. The values ​​expressed are the average of the ACV formulas.

  • Zinc: 30 mg for men, 20 mg for women.
  • Magnesium: 450 mg for men, 300 mg for women.
  • Vitamin B6: 10.5 mg for both men and women.
Nutrient Recommended Amount for Men Recommended Amount for Women
Zinc 30mg 20mg
Magnesium 450 mg 300 mg
Vitamin B6 10-11 mg (For both men and women)

What are the foods containing ZMA?

In order to obtain ZMA through food, foods rich in zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6 must be consumed. Including foods containing these minerals in meals helps with ZMA intake.

Food Zinc (mg/100g) Magnesium (mg/100g) Vitamin B6 (mg/100g)
Oyster 60.0
Red meat 4.8
Crab 6.5
Prawn 1.34
Pumpkin seeds 9.7 (2.9/30g) 500 (150/30g)
Cashew Nuts 5.3 (1.6/30g) 267 (80/30g)
Almond 3.0 (0.9/30g) 267 (80/30g)
Yogurt 0.9
Cheese (Cheddar) 3.1
Chickpeas 1.5
Lentil 1.3 36
Spinach 79
Chard 81
Chia Seed 317 (95/30g)
Brown Rice 43
Rolled oats 177
Black Beans 70
Salmon 29 0.8
Mackerel 97


Tuna 1.04
Potatoes 0.4
Sweet potato 0.3
Banana 0.4
Avocado 0.2
Chicken 0.5
Turkey 0.81
Beef Liver 0.7
Sunflower seeds 1.0 (0.3/30g)
Hazelnut 0.3 (0.1/30g)
when to use zma

Frequently Asked Questions About ACV

What are the Harms and Side Effects of ZMA?

Using ZMA without consulting a doctor and reviewing your general health status may cause various side effects and harms. To avoid being affected by potential harms, you need to get a doctor’s opinion and approval .

Possible side effects and harms can be observed as follows:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea may occur due to high doses of magnesium intake .
  • Copper deficiency may occur because excessive zinc intake may prevent copper absorption .
  • Taking high doses of magnesium may cause blood pressure to drop too much , which may cause blood pressure problems.
  • Drug interactions may occur because magnesium and zinc may inhibit the absorption of some antibiotics and osteoporosis medications .
  • Allergic reactions to the components contained in ZMA may occur in people prone to allergies.
  • It is recommended to use it during pregnancy , in doubt, and during breastfeeding , after consulting a doctor.

Does ZMA Make You Lose Weight?

ZMA is a dietary supplement whose ingredients indirectly help the weight loss process. Like any food or supplement, ZMA does not have a weight loss effect on its own.

Is ZMA a steroid?

ZMA is not a type of steroid. Because steroids mimic hormones and have a chemical structure that increases hormone production. ZMA is a natural component and mineral group.

What are the effects of ZMA on sports performance?

ZMA nutritional supplements and foods containing ZMA help athletes perform better during exercise.

  • The zinc and magnesium it contains help increase muscle strength and endurance during sports as they support protein synthesis and muscle contractions .
  • Magnesium and vitamin B6 help to be more energetic and concentrated in sports performance as they have the effect of improving sleep patterns .
  • Magnesium found in ZMA acts to prevent muscle cramps, making you feel less tired during and after exercise.
  • Vitamin B6 in ZMA supports energy metabolism , allowing athletes to have higher energy levels during training.

Does ZMA Increase Sexual Power?

ZMA may indirectly have positive effects on sexual health due to the beneficial minerals and components it contains. It can help balance hormones. Zinc helps improve testosterone levels and sperm quality . Vitamin B6 is effective in maintaining hormone balance. These ingredients may support sexual health in men and women.

Does ZMA Increase Testosterone?

ZMA plays a supportive role on hormone health with its zinc and vitamin B6 content . It naturally has an enhancing effect on testosterone and growth hormones.

Does ZMA Make You Sleepy?

ZMA contains magnesium . Magnesium can improve sleep quality; Thus, it is possible for you to feel more fit as ZMA will increase sleep efficiency.

Why Drink ZMA on an Empty Stomach?

ZMA nutritional supplement is a type of supplement that is recommended to be taken on an empty stomach. Calcium taken from foods prevents the absorption of zinc. Therefore, it is recommended to take it approximately 90 minutes after meals to effectively meet zinc .

Who is ZMA Use Suitable for?

Athletes and bodybuilders can use ZMA nutritional supplement after receiving doctor’s approval. Those who want to improve their sleep quality can also take supplements with ZMA. It is used for high performance by people interested in gymnastics and sports .

What is ZMA Deficiency?

ZMA deficiency refers to a deficiency in any of the components found in ZMA. Athletes may experience zinc deficiency because they sweat a lot with frequent exercise and training programs. Additionally, alcohol, unhealthy diet, processed sugar and white flour consumption may lead to ZMA deficiency.

ZMA deficiency may occur in magnesium, zinc and vitamin B6 deficiency. It is a disorder that occurs due to the absence of beneficial vitamins and minerals in the human body. Those who are interested in sports, the elderly and people living under stress are in the risk group for ZMA deficiency.

Abbas Jahangir

I am a researcher and writer with a background in food and nutritional science. I am the founder of Foodstrend.com, our reputable online platform offering scientifically-backed articles on health, food, nutrition, kitchen tips, recipes, diet, and fitness. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, we strive to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their health and lifestyle choices. Join us on Foodstrend.com's journey toward a healthier and happier lifestyle.

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